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Wasn't really sure whether to open a new thread for this or post it in 'General Gameplay Discussion' / 'SG Game Design Discussion', but
a) I think it's too big of a topic for that
b) People don't look at those threads
c) I hate bloated threads
d) Midiman gave me a "go ahead"
So here we go, another foxy Bookthread that nobody will read!
Blabla Vuples you suck wow why do you even play SG just bait it lol l2p is there anything you don't hate git gud fukua you neutral would suck without dp assist but i'm not gonna tell u why cus your dumb
We got that outta the way? Cool!
Assists are a rather defining part of SG in all its facets:
They're a crucial tool in the neutral game, on offence and on defence - assisting (ha-ha!) pressure, mixups, defence, keepaway, rushdown, combo damage, in countering other assists.. name something? There's an assist that will help you out.
All SG is under assist control - despite there being one small village of indomitable Solo-players that still hold out against the superiority of a team - and that is *GOOD*! It ensures that characters are able to cover their shortcomings, adds a lot to the neutral game as a whole and makes proper teambuilding that much more important, adding a fun layer of complexity to the game.
Now, that is true as long as Assists do what they sound like doing. Assisting. Hear that word? It means you have a Point character, and there's an assist helping him out.
It does *not* mean there's an air traffic controller at the apex of your team, and its entire job is to make sure the Updo and Bomber Expresses land safely on the runway that is the opponent's face.
So what is the problem with defensive Assists in particular (- if there is any)?
Let me call it.. "Versatility" (I'm trying really hard here not to write 'Stupidity', someone give me credit for that please!), and take a quick detour to other assists.
Basic Projectile assists [Peacock s.HP, Peacock Bombs, Parasoul Tearshot, Painwheel M.Nail, etc]:
- Are great assists in neutral; putting a pretty safe hitbox on the screen that helps you get in against keepaway, helps you keep rushdown out if you so desire, but usually pay the price of their space control in a lack of net reward for hitting - ie Peacock H.George covers airspace excellently, but even if the opponent jumps into it, you will usually not get a conversion out of it.
- Are meh offensive tools. While there are a bunch of setups to create mixup situations with them and/or make your resets safeish (opponent tries to punch you, gets hit out of their punish from your waddling George), and for example Peacock s.HP and Parasoul Tearshot have a sort-of lockdown component added to them, overall their offensive capabilities are on the lower side - especially if you take into consideration that even if they hit, you often have a hard time picking up a combo (see first point)
- Are terrible defensive tools. This is pretty clear; you take an immense risk for calling a projectile when pressured - a risk that usually goes unrewarded. The main way of using these here is to make your point's reversal safeish (eg Bella can Run>Headbutt + MP.Nail assist to be safe if the Headbutt got blocked)
Basic Lockdown assists [Cerebella Cerecopter, Painwheel c.MP, Squigly DnB, etc]:
- Are average in neutral. The usually high startup coupled with lack of invincibility, the assist staying out for a long time, and the assist appearing in front of you is a risky call to make. When out, they are nice way for your point to create some space to the opponent and have a little breathing room - time to think, as eg an active Cerecopter is not something the opponent wants to run into, and the high amount of active frames shuts down counter assist calls, so they will either take a telegraphed approach (jumping over the Copter) or wait around / land longrange pokes which usually do not net a lot of reward. If you get an opponent to block one of these, your offence just begun
- Are astonishingly great on offence. They make tons of otherwise shaky resets safe, are really easy to convert from - which opens up a lot of new mixup opportunities (eg Parasoul j.d.MK + Lockdown assist call gives her access to a really fast high - usually she would not be able to convert off the stomp, but the lockdown assist keeps them in hitstun for a pickup), allow seemingly endless, 'safe' pressure (keep PBGC in mind! But there are ways around it), stop the opponent from calling assist, .. just .. *terrifying* to face.
- Are pretty bad defensive tools. Again, usually long startups, all of which are non-invinc - calling that when under pressure is just asking for your assist to bleed (which may or may not be useful for Eliza, but she ain't in yet so it's no good). Why pretty bad rather than terrible, despite them usually coming out in a worse spot than projectile assists (in front of the point rather than behind it)? Because they are a *lot* better at the "Reversal + Assistcall to make Reversals safe" business. Point BigBand doing Beat Extend + DnB, Fortune doing Fiber + Copter, whatever. Those are safe - or safeish - reversal options, which you gain by running lockdown assists. By themselves bad on defence, they become sort-of-useful when it comes to helping your point characters DP go unpunished.
Basic DP assists [Filia Updo, Parasoul Pillar, etc]:
- Are good in neutral. DPs completely shut down usually not just a certain approach angle but actually almost all of the vertical space, making them difficult to avoid. Due to not moving forward, they will not help you much when trying to get in against zoning / start an offense, but are an even better way of gaining space than projectile assists - at the cost of being less safe, but with the bonus of easy conversions into full combos due to tremendous amounts of hitstun.
- Are good offensive tools. While clearly no actual lockdown, they are effective in shutting down the opponent's defensive options due to invincibly powering through ie mashed reversals. The easy combo conversions mean a plethora of assist based resets, and due to being single & relatively high damage hits, you actually get a much better reward for landing one than you'd do with a Lockdown assist.
- Are you-know-how-good-they-are on defence. 2frames of vulnerability followed by a lot of frames of NOPE; the reward for landing one being a full combo and when it's blocked the whole power of the assist shines through - blocking the reversal of a point character usually means that you can rip their throat out; blocking a DP assist means that your offence got reversed and you are suddenly in the opponent's face on 15f+ disadvantage. An assist protecting your point's reversal means you are roughly neutral on block, an assist reversal being blocked means you gain immense frame advantage.
{ All of this applies to a certain extend (not invinc but beatable with eg sweeps, moving forward + eating up projectiles so they actually help going in, controlling horizontal rather than vertical space, whatever) to armored punches (eg Bella LnL) as well, which is why I will call this group "Defensive Assists" from now on. They are part of the problem. If there is one. Etc. }
Basic WTF assist [Butt]:
- Someone thought it would be a good idea to take a lockdown assist, make it move forward so it controls space nicely, and then let it be invincible.
So we ended up with an assist where you can take a picture of a stage - midscreen, either corner doesn't matter -, draw any two characters, at any distance from each other, in any team composition, on any height, and it will always be a good idea *for both of them* to call Butt at that very moment.
- Why.
I think my last point makes pretty clear where I am going with this.
- Projectile assist = Are a great help in neutral to control space, be it for getting in or keeping the opponent out. The assist alone is not gonna keep anyone out, you still have to move in properly, once in you are 'left on your own' (lots of Point Character game!), and if things don't go your way you're pretty screwed.
- Lockdown assist = Are not of much help in neutral, but if you get in with your Point, you get rewarded with droplets of yellow liquid running down your enemy's thighs. On defence they can help, but are still reliant on your 'main' character doing its job properly.
- Defensive assists = Are strong in neutral due to absurd space control - will mostly help you keep away, but can also help you get in (most notably done by armored assists ie Bella H.LnL); Are very useful on offence and *killing* on defence, all the while rewarding any hit with full conversions.
Or, to make it even simpler:
- Projectiles get called in neutral, help on offence, don't do anything on defence
- Lockdown helps in neutral, gets called on offence, doesn't do anything on defence
- Defensive assists get called in neutral, get called on offence, get called on defence
I mean, I'd call it 'likely' that they are, but quite frankly I'm not good enough at the game, nor do I have sufficient amounts of experience in 'Marvel-type Fighters' to give any sort of definitive statement on a topic like that.
What I definitely think though is that they are *TOO BRAINDEAD*. Other assists have a clearcut role in what they do, while DP assists just do *everything*. Armored assists at least have a distinct weakness in being susceptible to armor breakers and tanking damage and being locked out for a short while when doing so (though I don't feel this is enough), invincibility just powers through everything.
Now, assuming this is an issue (I will suspect the entire community to cry in outrage that it's not, but whatever), the question would be how to fix it.
"Nerf them to the ground" doesn't even sound tempting - SG offence is strong enough as-is; flat removing one of the main defensive tools seems out of place to me. In addition, I like having DP assists as a way to gain space, as a way to cover the air for characters who have difficulties doing so, as a reversal option for the ones who can't just shoot their fiber lasers.
My 'first take' would be to do something akin to:
"Remove Invinc from Butt as an assist, Slightly increase damage on Pillar/BeatExtend/Updo/etc but make the opponent invuln after getting hit by them if they were assists, find someone better than me who has an idea for the armor punches";
- Fukua is allowed to have invincibilities differ from point to assist so we got a precedent here, and butt would *STILL* be an exceptionally good lockdown assist;
- DP assists would keep their 'You can call them anywhere' property, but the reward for landing one is lowered so drastically that you can't just win games anymore via jumpblock assistcall - getting a similar treatment to how eg Parasoul j.HP causes a techable blue bounce when not chained into: It's a great neutral tool still that the opponent has to be aware of (or will be painfully made aware of), you can press it in most places and it will usually smack the opponent's face in, but the reward for doing so is not very great and thus to win games you have to do more than just jumparound j.HP.
Okay almost done, you can cock your guns and shoot the "Blabla Vuples you suck go play King of Vampire Killer Street if you don't like LPMK" bullets soon!
If you don't want to do just that, anything that goes against my points, reinforces them, tells me that I'm right but it's good the way it is because X, ideas how to change things, whatever, are wholly appreciated!
~~~ ♠♠♠ ~~~
Ending point, bear with me I'm no Marvel expert -much less an MvC2 one- so I'm just attempting a cross to a game I have rather limited knowledge of:
- There are God Tiers in the game which are much better than everyone else
- There are DP assists, who sit on characters who are not the God Tiers
- There are ways of really fucking hurting an assist that was called at a bad spot / properly baited (ie Storm Hailstorm DHC Sentinel)
- Snaps are an excellent way of screwing up team orders etc due to clear difference in assist strength and decently clearcut roles on who does what on a team
Despite all of this, Psylocke is picked very frequently as her assist is viewed as one of the best
Compared to SG:
- Cast is roughly equal
- If anything, the chars who have access to the defensive assists are considered the strongest (most notably Filia)
- ?? You can jab them which locks them out for a bunch of frames.. sometimes. Best counter to invinc assists is to call your own invinc assist a bit later.
- Snapping Filia/DP-Assist turns the enemy team into Parasoul/DP-Assist and there's really no fucking difference
An often voiced notion is "OBVIOUSLY boomboom invinc is seen as strong right now; the game is *still* in kiddie shoes, and the community is overall not very good, and we haven't found out all the magic on how to deal with shit yet, they are a first-order-optimal-strategy and things are gonna change, etc."
But MvC2 has had a shitton of time to evolve, with a good bunch of really damn strong players putting in honest work, and DP assists are still viewed as the prime thing to pick.
While there *are* weaknesses in SG assists that the MvC2 ones didn't have (2f vuln startup!), I do think that this hints strongly to them not moving from the top of the chart anytime soon.
a) I think it's too big of a topic for that
b) People don't look at those threads
c) I hate bloated threads
d) Midiman gave me a "go ahead"
So here we go, another foxy Bookthread that nobody will read!
Blabla Vuples you suck wow why do you even play SG just bait it lol l2p is there anything you don't hate git gud fukua you neutral would suck without dp assist but i'm not gonna tell u why cus your dumb
We got that outta the way? Cool!
Assists are a rather defining part of SG in all its facets:
They're a crucial tool in the neutral game, on offence and on defence - assisting (ha-ha!) pressure, mixups, defence, keepaway, rushdown, combo damage, in countering other assists.. name something? There's an assist that will help you out.
All SG is under assist control - despite there being one small village of indomitable Solo-players that still hold out against the superiority of a team - and that is *GOOD*! It ensures that characters are able to cover their shortcomings, adds a lot to the neutral game as a whole and makes proper teambuilding that much more important, adding a fun layer of complexity to the game.
Now, that is true as long as Assists do what they sound like doing. Assisting. Hear that word? It means you have a Point character, and there's an assist helping him out.
It does *not* mean there's an air traffic controller at the apex of your team, and its entire job is to make sure the Updo and Bomber Expresses land safely on the runway that is the opponent's face.
So what is the problem with defensive Assists in particular (- if there is any)?
Let me call it.. "Versatility" (I'm trying really hard here not to write 'Stupidity', someone give me credit for that please!), and take a quick detour to other assists.
Basic Projectile assists [Peacock s.HP, Peacock Bombs, Parasoul Tearshot, Painwheel M.Nail, etc]:
- Are great assists in neutral; putting a pretty safe hitbox on the screen that helps you get in against keepaway, helps you keep rushdown out if you so desire, but usually pay the price of their space control in a lack of net reward for hitting - ie Peacock H.George covers airspace excellently, but even if the opponent jumps into it, you will usually not get a conversion out of it.
- Are meh offensive tools. While there are a bunch of setups to create mixup situations with them and/or make your resets safeish (opponent tries to punch you, gets hit out of their punish from your waddling George), and for example Peacock s.HP and Parasoul Tearshot have a sort-of lockdown component added to them, overall their offensive capabilities are on the lower side - especially if you take into consideration that even if they hit, you often have a hard time picking up a combo (see first point)
- Are terrible defensive tools. This is pretty clear; you take an immense risk for calling a projectile when pressured - a risk that usually goes unrewarded. The main way of using these here is to make your point's reversal safeish (eg Bella can Run>Headbutt + MP.Nail assist to be safe if the Headbutt got blocked)
Basic Lockdown assists [Cerebella Cerecopter, Painwheel c.MP, Squigly DnB, etc]:
- Are average in neutral. The usually high startup coupled with lack of invincibility, the assist staying out for a long time, and the assist appearing in front of you is a risky call to make. When out, they are nice way for your point to create some space to the opponent and have a little breathing room - time to think, as eg an active Cerecopter is not something the opponent wants to run into, and the high amount of active frames shuts down counter assist calls, so they will either take a telegraphed approach (jumping over the Copter) or wait around / land longrange pokes which usually do not net a lot of reward. If you get an opponent to block one of these, your offence just begun
- Are astonishingly great on offence. They make tons of otherwise shaky resets safe, are really easy to convert from - which opens up a lot of new mixup opportunities (eg Parasoul j.d.MK + Lockdown assist call gives her access to a really fast high - usually she would not be able to convert off the stomp, but the lockdown assist keeps them in hitstun for a pickup), allow seemingly endless, 'safe' pressure (keep PBGC in mind! But there are ways around it), stop the opponent from calling assist, .. just .. *terrifying* to face.
- Are pretty bad defensive tools. Again, usually long startups, all of which are non-invinc - calling that when under pressure is just asking for your assist to bleed (which may or may not be useful for Eliza, but she ain't in yet so it's no good). Why pretty bad rather than terrible, despite them usually coming out in a worse spot than projectile assists (in front of the point rather than behind it)? Because they are a *lot* better at the "Reversal + Assistcall to make Reversals safe" business. Point BigBand doing Beat Extend + DnB, Fortune doing Fiber + Copter, whatever. Those are safe - or safeish - reversal options, which you gain by running lockdown assists. By themselves bad on defence, they become sort-of-useful when it comes to helping your point characters DP go unpunished.
Basic DP assists [Filia Updo, Parasoul Pillar, etc]:
- Are good in neutral. DPs completely shut down usually not just a certain approach angle but actually almost all of the vertical space, making them difficult to avoid. Due to not moving forward, they will not help you much when trying to get in against zoning / start an offense, but are an even better way of gaining space than projectile assists - at the cost of being less safe, but with the bonus of easy conversions into full combos due to tremendous amounts of hitstun.
- Are good offensive tools. While clearly no actual lockdown, they are effective in shutting down the opponent's defensive options due to invincibly powering through ie mashed reversals. The easy combo conversions mean a plethora of assist based resets, and due to being single & relatively high damage hits, you actually get a much better reward for landing one than you'd do with a Lockdown assist.
- Are you-know-how-good-they-are on defence. 2frames of vulnerability followed by a lot of frames of NOPE; the reward for landing one being a full combo and when it's blocked the whole power of the assist shines through - blocking the reversal of a point character usually means that you can rip their throat out; blocking a DP assist means that your offence got reversed and you are suddenly in the opponent's face on 15f+ disadvantage. An assist protecting your point's reversal means you are roughly neutral on block, an assist reversal being blocked means you gain immense frame advantage.
{ All of this applies to a certain extend (not invinc but beatable with eg sweeps, moving forward + eating up projectiles so they actually help going in, controlling horizontal rather than vertical space, whatever) to armored punches (eg Bella LnL) as well, which is why I will call this group "Defensive Assists" from now on. They are part of the problem. If there is one. Etc. }
Basic WTF assist [Butt]:
- Someone thought it would be a good idea to take a lockdown assist, make it move forward so it controls space nicely, and then let it be invincible.
So we ended up with an assist where you can take a picture of a stage - midscreen, either corner doesn't matter -, draw any two characters, at any distance from each other, in any team composition, on any height, and it will always be a good idea *for both of them* to call Butt at that very moment.
- Why.
I think my last point makes pretty clear where I am going with this.
- Projectile assist = Are a great help in neutral to control space, be it for getting in or keeping the opponent out. The assist alone is not gonna keep anyone out, you still have to move in properly, once in you are 'left on your own' (lots of Point Character game!), and if things don't go your way you're pretty screwed.
- Lockdown assist = Are not of much help in neutral, but if you get in with your Point, you get rewarded with droplets of yellow liquid running down your enemy's thighs. On defence they can help, but are still reliant on your 'main' character doing its job properly.
- Defensive assists = Are strong in neutral due to absurd space control - will mostly help you keep away, but can also help you get in (most notably done by armored assists ie Bella H.LnL); Are very useful on offence and *killing* on defence, all the while rewarding any hit with full conversions.
Or, to make it even simpler:
- Projectiles get called in neutral, help on offence, don't do anything on defence
- Lockdown helps in neutral, gets called on offence, doesn't do anything on defence
- Defensive assists get called in neutral, get called on offence, get called on defence
I mean, I'd call it 'likely' that they are, but quite frankly I'm not good enough at the game, nor do I have sufficient amounts of experience in 'Marvel-type Fighters' to give any sort of definitive statement on a topic like that.
What I definitely think though is that they are *TOO BRAINDEAD*. Other assists have a clearcut role in what they do, while DP assists just do *everything*. Armored assists at least have a distinct weakness in being susceptible to armor breakers and tanking damage and being locked out for a short while when doing so (though I don't feel this is enough), invincibility just powers through everything.
Now, assuming this is an issue (I will suspect the entire community to cry in outrage that it's not, but whatever), the question would be how to fix it.
"Nerf them to the ground" doesn't even sound tempting - SG offence is strong enough as-is; flat removing one of the main defensive tools seems out of place to me. In addition, I like having DP assists as a way to gain space, as a way to cover the air for characters who have difficulties doing so, as a reversal option for the ones who can't just shoot their fiber lasers.
My 'first take' would be to do something akin to:
"Remove Invinc from Butt as an assist, Slightly increase damage on Pillar/BeatExtend/Updo/etc but make the opponent invuln after getting hit by them if they were assists, find someone better than me who has an idea for the armor punches";
- Fukua is allowed to have invincibilities differ from point to assist so we got a precedent here, and butt would *STILL* be an exceptionally good lockdown assist;
- DP assists would keep their 'You can call them anywhere' property, but the reward for landing one is lowered so drastically that you can't just win games anymore via jumpblock assistcall - getting a similar treatment to how eg Parasoul j.HP causes a techable blue bounce when not chained into: It's a great neutral tool still that the opponent has to be aware of (or will be painfully made aware of), you can press it in most places and it will usually smack the opponent's face in, but the reward for doing so is not very great and thus to win games you have to do more than just jumparound j.HP.
Okay almost done, you can cock your guns and shoot the "Blabla Vuples you suck go play King of Vampire Killer Street if you don't like LPMK" bullets soon!
If you don't want to do just that, anything that goes against my points, reinforces them, tells me that I'm right but it's good the way it is because X, ideas how to change things, whatever, are wholly appreciated!
~~~ ♠♠♠ ~~~
Ending point, bear with me I'm no Marvel expert -much less an MvC2 one- so I'm just attempting a cross to a game I have rather limited knowledge of:
- There are God Tiers in the game which are much better than everyone else
- There are DP assists, who sit on characters who are not the God Tiers
- There are ways of really fucking hurting an assist that was called at a bad spot / properly baited (ie Storm Hailstorm DHC Sentinel)
- Snaps are an excellent way of screwing up team orders etc due to clear difference in assist strength and decently clearcut roles on who does what on a team
Despite all of this, Psylocke is picked very frequently as her assist is viewed as one of the best
Compared to SG:
- Cast is roughly equal
- If anything, the chars who have access to the defensive assists are considered the strongest (most notably Filia)
- ?? You can jab them which locks them out for a bunch of frames.. sometimes. Best counter to invinc assists is to call your own invinc assist a bit later.
- Snapping Filia/DP-Assist turns the enemy team into Parasoul/DP-Assist and there's really no fucking difference
An often voiced notion is "OBVIOUSLY boomboom invinc is seen as strong right now; the game is *still* in kiddie shoes, and the community is overall not very good, and we haven't found out all the magic on how to deal with shit yet, they are a first-order-optimal-strategy and things are gonna change, etc."
But MvC2 has had a shitton of time to evolve, with a good bunch of really damn strong players putting in honest work, and DP assists are still viewed as the prime thing to pick.
While there *are* weaknesses in SG assists that the MvC2 ones didn't have (2f vuln startup!), I do think that this hints strongly to them not moving from the top of the chart anytime soon.
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