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  • Heeeeeeeeey

    sent you an invite on steam. I'm busy right now, but I had some ideas for table toppin we might discuss in steam chat later.
    Squire Grooktook
    Squire Grooktook
    Sweet. Catch me when you're online, so we can talk in person.
    Squire Grooktook
    Squire Grooktook
    Looks like we're both pretty busy during the week, I'll try to catch you on the weekend, if you'll be online then.
    I also don't have the habit of logging onto steam during the weekdays. But I'm usually at my computer during the evenings and I'll start keeping it open.
    you up for some league sometime?
    I don't have a good enough connection to play at the moment. When I get back online I'll let you know but I'm praying that it happens this week.
    that's cool. take your time man. :) no rush.
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