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Search results

  1. Pali

    Street Fighter 4

    If anyone wants matches let me know.
  2. Pali

    Street Fighter 4

    The game isn't bad you're probably just garbage. Also anyone else waiting on the USF4 download?
  3. Pali

    Street Fighter 4

    I'm loving poisons alt.
  4. Pali

    Street Fighter 4

    Its not, mash in sf4 you are not going to be rewarded.
  5. Pali

    Don't BS me, how HARD is this game?

    It's easy just mash, you'll get some wins.
  6. Pali

    Street Fighter 4

    Anyone down for some games tonight? PSN ofc.
  7. Pali

    Street Fighter 4

    I'm hype for decapre, she's high offense and i'm always down for that.
  8. Pali

    Street Fighter 4

    It should be tournament legal that gives this game WAYY more hype and appeal. Also for the people complaining stfu or pick a better character, Vanilla sagat is back baby.
  9. Pali

    The thread where I complain about Filia's bs

    I respect this post.
  10. Pali

    PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

    That was charity -__- no one learns from just getting beat down.
  11. Pali

    PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

  12. Pali

    PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

    snooze ya lose.
  13. Pali

    PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

  14. Pali

    PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

    can only play 1 set friend wants to hop on The Last of Us.
  15. Pali

    PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

    aight logging on
  16. Pali

    PS3 PSN Matchmaking Thread

    Anyone wanna play some games :3
  17. Pali

    Mashing Supers

    I mean a 100% combo, meaning if they burst anywhere in it they will still die. Unburstable 100%.
  18. Pali

    Mashing Supers

    It's not my game to make those decisions, i enjoyed the game how it was when it came out. Others complained, i didn't even mind after the 1st patch making HK bomber worse still people complain. And then when combos got watered down a bit i started doing dhc kill combos... yet again complaints. I...
  19. Pali

    Mashing Supers

    For me to be intrigued i'd like to see a ips bait string that leads to a kill on a character.
  20. Pali

    Mashing Supers

    I agree/disagree since most people didn't have the execution to actually complete it, most people would drop it. As cool as that is... everyone who's smart knows not to burst in the air. Not trying to shit on the video or anything but i don't see that working more than once, i always burst on...