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  1. mpgame99

    Valentine Safe Jump Question(s)

    Oh hey that's my video. To answer your question you this video is REALLY old and was made when I was much more ignorant about the game. In a real match you should always try and load a vial, then run up and do a mix-up when you get a knockdown. I wouldn't really waste my time learning a safe...
  2. mpgame99

    Robo-Fortune Combo Thread

    The best robo combos are the ones posted by catfish a few post above yours. They're pretty tough for a beginner though so I would recommend the doing the ones in the OP. They aren't super optimal but they are pretty easy and they do decent damage.
  3. mpgame99

    Why do people say Skullgirls is easy?

    I don't think you should call a game difficult just because you struggled with a combo day 1. SG, Tekken, and SF play VERY differently from each other so you're probably just not used to the game yet but I'll try to help you out as much as possible From what I can tell from reading your other...
  4. mpgame99

    Skullgirls Beta Aug 5th Patch Discussion

    Yeah, I can't think of any situations aside from combos where I would want bypass to come out instead of dead cross. I would vastly prefer P > K for special move priority.
  5. mpgame99

    Robo-Fortune Combo Thread

    I know about this, but since most of my confirms in neutral are from beam > bypass I never get the chance to use it. I will start using that combo though. I'm really bad at optimizing combos so I really needed that.
  6. mpgame99

    Skullgirls Beta Aug 5th Patch Discussion

    Sorry for changing the topic suddenly, but I was talking with some people and we thought that it would be cool if Beowulf's 2j.hk caused him to double jump. As of now, Beo's 2j.hk is Beo's least used normal and is only used for sub optimal combos. This move can also be used to remove your chair...
  7. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows WHO YALL LIKE?! (November TBA)

    I should be able to play unless something major comes up
  8. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows Bi Monthly NFC Beta Tournament (Sometime In Nov)

    I want in and would like to play in beta because robo is super good now.
  9. mpgame99

    Skullgirls Beta Aug 5th Patch Discussion

    Robo feels super fun in the beta, I love all the buffs she got and the nerfs to her damage feel fair since her zoning is so much better now. I would be okay if robo lost her DJC but I can understand why some people might be against it.
  10. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows Skullbats Encore! (NA/SA)

    If I remember correctly, each week you get points based on how you place and the people with the 8 highest points are chosen for top 8. So a person who wins once would have less points then a person who got 2nd or 3rd twice.
  11. mpgame99

    My CPU is a Neural-Net Processor, a Learning Computer: Matchup Thread

    That match up is really weird. Squigly's double jump let's her jump over zoning and j.hp can hit you out of beams if you're not careful. Fortunately for robo, beams make getting a charge without an assist very difficult for squigly and your superior mobility lets you run away if you read a jump...
  12. mpgame99

    Who Ya'll Like: Encore (& Knuckles) [Bimonthly, Tuesdays, 5pm PST]

    I can still play tonight if you can find anyone willing to play me.
  13. mpgame99

    Who Ya'll Like: Encore (& Knuckles) [Bimonthly, Tuesdays, 5pm PST]

    I mean the last time I played was around summertime so it could be different. Plus it wasn't like he beat me 25-0. If we played now it would probably be like 7-2 or 3. Also when I play people they either beat me convincingly or I beat them convincingly and I can't remember anyone off the top of...
  14. mpgame99

    Who Ya'll Like: Encore (& Knuckles) [Bimonthly, Tuesdays, 5pm PST]

    Me vs Taluda is a lot less closer than you think (he destroyed me last time we played ) but I would love to play him if people wanted to watch it.
  15. mpgame99

    Who Ya'll Like: Encore (& Knuckles) [Bimonthly, Tuesdays, 5pm PST]

    I would love to play in one of these, but I wouldn't want to fight against Dawn.
  16. mpgame99

    Deciding on a team composition

    I think my team is just an exception to that rule. Robo is probably the only character who gets a huge benefit from any of Valentine's assist. The only way I can see Val viable as not point is if people use the pushback from bypass to make resets safe.
  17. mpgame99

    Indivisible PROTOTYPE Speedrunning & Secrets Discussion

    The 14:16 run was the last one I did and I can't get close to it again, but I will be playing (and maybe streaming) when I get home at 6:00 est so I might catch up to you .
  18. mpgame99

    Indivisible PROTOTYPE Speedrunning & Secrets Discussion

    17:36.26 clearest run. I think you might be able to get it in 16 minutes if you optimize it a bit more. Also does anyone how much longer the deadline was extended by?