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  1. mpgame99

    My diary where I try to git gud

    So I'm just going straight to the point and say I suck and need people to help me get better at this game. These are the things I noticed from watching some of my matches General -Learn to actually block and not mash assist the second I'm hit -Stop auto-piloting and adapt to what other people...
  2. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows PC Danisen League

    2nd Dan match mpgame vs Dawn111 2-0 already reported above me
  3. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows PC Danisen League

    2nd dan match mpgame 2-0 Dawn111
  4. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows PC Danisen League

    First Dan Match mpgame 2-0 FuLLBLeeD
  5. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows PC Danisen League

    First Dan match mpgame vs Yummy bubbles 2-0 mpgame vs Fakeangle 2-1
  6. mpgame99

    Steam - Windows PC Danisen League

    mpgame Val/Eliza/Filia
  7. mpgame99

    Valentine Tech Thread: Small/Big Tips & Strategy YOU Notice?

    I tested it against some of those and with a specific timing you can beat updo fenrir, para's level 3, and mp bang. I was in the air when did daisy pusher so I could probably air dash. I specifically rember bb and fukua being able to get out easy though.
  8. mpgame99

    Valentine Tech Thread: Small/Big Tips & Strategy YOU Notice?

    A safejump I found for Val
  9. mpgame99

    Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

    7.6k midscreen. works on everyone but the heavies and can do 8.3k if you do arm super before the cr.mk if you're far enough from the conrner.
  10. mpgame99

    Valentine Combo Thread

    aside from making j.mp hit twice you have to dashjump before the j.lp for it to combo on everyone
  11. mpgame99

    Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

    7k meterless and midscreen. Works on everyone but the heavies
  12. mpgame99

    Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

    6.6k corner to corner that works on lights and mids. It can work on heavies if you do j.lk then j.mp instead of hop j.mp but it's like a 1-3 frame link so I wouldn't recommend doing it.
  13. mpgame99

    Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

    A universal combo that does 6k. Against lights you can make the j.mp not otg and do cr.mk into a grab mode finisher for a little extra damage.
  14. mpgame99

    Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

    A corner to corner with the new special. lights only
  15. mpgame99

    Betawulf Reigns Supreme! More like Alphawolf! check CaioLugon's thread which will be more updated!

    An easier and more damaging combo than the one I posted earlier works on everyone but the heavies cr.lk, cr.mp, s.hk, L chair toss cr.mp ,cr.hp, j.lk, j.mk, s.mk, j.hk, chair grab s.lk, cr.mp, s.hk, L chair toss dash j.lp, s.lk, cr.mp, cr.hp cr.mk forward+lp finisher on bella j.lk,j.mk...
  16. mpgame99

    Beta Wulf Discussion

    You get used to the timing with enough practice. Kinda like naplam shot links
  17. mpgame99

    Beta Wulf Discussion

    Here's the best beo combo I could come up with. It works on lightweights and middleweights with some adjustments. cr.lk,cr.mp,s.hp, L chair toss cr.mp, cr.hp j.mk,(j.lp,lk on mid weights) j.hk dash j.mp, s.hk walk back, s.mk, s.hk chair grab dash j.lp (omit this on mid weight) s.lp, cr.mp...
  18. mpgame99

    Under Night In-Birth

    everything's in English except for the training mode options and most of online. here are the menu translations http://www.dustloop.com/forums/index.php?/topic/8897-uniel-menu-translations/
  19. mpgame99

    Valentine Beta Combo and Tech Thread

    Universal 8k corner combo
  20. mpgame99

    Eliza Setups and Tech Thread!

    A nice reset I found with Eliza. The timing on the initial c.HP cross-under thing is kinda hard but at least it works on everyone.