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Search results

  1. The Dave

    SG2 Ideas/Speculation (Lab Zero Please Ignore)

    So, Skullgirls 2: The Quest for More Money There's no guarantee it'll happen. There's no guarantee who will or won't be in it. There's no guarantee of anything. But when did that ever stop the internet from talking? (Lab Zero, please ignore to avoid bad Juju and general aggravation.) I...
  2. The Dave

    Paladins- Overborn Fortress 2

    Started playing Paladins, figured I'd make a thread. It's like Overwatch, but free! And on Steam. And with more fantasy elements. I ground a few hours to unlock BOMB KING, who is just utterly delightful. I haven't had a large ham this scrumptious since last Christmas. And Fernando is...
  3. The Dave

    Doomy Thread of Doom

    Couldn't find an already existing thread, so I made this one. The first level of Doom 4's available to download as a free demo on Steam. I played it last night, and enjoyed it so much I jumped right back in on a harder difficulty. With just the weak starter energy pistol. Which I love...
  4. The Dave

    Curiosity: What If There Weren't Corners?

    Hi! I had an idea, and was wondering what the ramifications of that idea could be. Specifically: A 2D fighting game without corners. Instead of backing into an invisible wall, as characters advance in a particular direction, the background would scroll and both characters would be dragged...
  5. The Dave

    Fly, You Fool! (Training Stuff)

    Hi! My name's Dave. I've been playing Skullgirls off and on since Squigly came out. Started playing more seriously after Eliza was finished. I was initially attracted to the game for Peacock, Ms. Fortune, Lovecraft references, fanservice, and the art deco aesthetic. I have about 340 hours...
  6. The Dave

    Impractical Ideas and Silly Suggestions

    So, the other day I was fighting Double, and I was thinking about how I have trouble understanding her lines. I thought it might be funny if Double's opponent had a random chance to respond "Mumbler!" a la Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. However, development's coming to a close, new lines...
  7. The Dave

    IAD! IA! FHTAGN!!!

    So, I've heard of this "Instant Air Dash" technique. Something about jumping and dashing at the same time to quickly close distance and get juicy overheads on the opponent. It sounds nifty, but unfortunately I don't see a lot of tips on how to get it to work. Does anybody know a good way to...
  8. The Dave

    Betaliza vs. Marie?

    Hi! I wasn't sure if this should go here, in the Beginner's threads, or in the Beta changes, so I went with here. Basically, I was wondering if anybody had advice on how to tackle Bloody Marie with Solo Eliza under the current Beta changes? Last time I pulled this off, I was able to...
  9. The Dave

    Idea: Noise Notification on Reset

    Something occurred to me after reading a thread about people having trouble with near-infinites and resets. New players seem to have trouble noticing when a combo's dropped or there's an opportunity for movement. (See also: "There's a spark?") I know for myself, there's a lot of things going...
  10. The Dave

    Speculation: Cerebella vs Story Mode

    So, I was thinking about 'Bella in other people's stories: Ms. Fortune beats her up in her story mode. Obviously necessary for her to do so (Life Gem and all), and this probably has less than pleasant consequences with the Medicis. Is barely a cameo in Peacock's epilogue, and not a very...
  11. The Dave

    Idea: Healing Pushblocks

    'Cause sometimes, even blocking hurts. I was fighting Marie last night and, somewhere, in between twentieth and twenty-first skull of pain, I had an idea: "Gee, I finally figured out blocking this stage of the fight, and being able to push Marie back is nifty, but even defense is hurty. If...
  12. The Dave

    Marie Ideas

    Marideas? Hi, newbie here! Had a couple ideas about Marie. If anyone even slightly capable of implementing anything sees this, thanks for making an awesome, awesome game! I get that Marie's hard. I figure a lot of that can be attributed to me just sucking. (I can do the first couple...