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Search results

  1. FuLLBLeeD

    MAXOUT - Kansas City Regional Featuring Skullgirls

    https://www.start.gg/tournament/maxout-8-31-24-kansas-city-regionals/details Skullgirls has a 250 dollar pot bonus! If we get 15 pre-reg, ill put in another 50. 25 pre reg means ill put in another hundred :)
  2. FuLLBLeeD

    Skullgirls Current Meta, Annie Team Compositions and Balance Suggestions for the Future

    Currently, the state of SG is in a less than ideal state balance wise. Annie has becoming a staple of most teams, and for good reason. Her explosive damage and DHC synergy with pillar of creation make her a staple of most teams. Before Annie, the three anchor characters were generally Double...
  3. FuLLBLeeD

    Suggested Eliza changes for next balancing cycle

    Hi everyone! Eliza got a lot better during the Annie update for sure, Sehkmet is useful and the risk is balanced by the MASSIVE reward on hit. Despite this, Eliza is still considered on the weaker end of the cast (bottom 2 if you love memes), and I feel like she could get better, but not game...
  4. FuLLBLeeD

    The Official "Fuck Mike Zaimont" Solidarity Thread

    We have returned to reclaim what is rightfully ours
  5. FuLLBLeeD

    [Jul 7, 2018] MAXOUT 7-7-2018 (Kansas City, Kansas)

    MAXOUT, Kansas City's long running fighting game monthly tournament returns with a brand new venue! Featuring Dragonball Fighter Z, Tekken 7, Street Fighter 5 Arcade Edition, Injustice 2, BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle UNIST, Skullgirls 2nd Encore and Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2! Event page...
  6. FuLLBLeeD

    Stream.Me Sends the World to Combobreaker 2017!

    Hello Skullgirls community! I'm very happy to announce that Stream.me in partnership with the Skullgirls Tour and Stream.me will be holding a fundraiser drive to bring international players to Combobreaker 2017! StreamMe has graciously provided our organization with $2000 to bring international...
  7. FuLLBLeeD

    [Nov 18, 2017] MAXOUT [Kansas City][November 18th] (Kansas City, Kansas)

    MAXOUT, Kansas City's long running fighting game monthly tournament returns with a brand new venue! Featuring Tekken 7, Street Fighter 5, Injustice 2, Skullgirls 2nd Encore and Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator 2! Also featuring brackets for Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, Pokken, Killer Instinct, and...
  8. FuLLBLeeD

    [Aug 20, 2016] Kansas City Onslaught! (Kansas City, Missouri)

    REGISTRATION: tinyurl.com/KO82016REG KO is coming back at ya! Fresh off the heels of EVO 2016, KansasCity Onslaught has evolved to run stronger and longer- sporting a new game lineup and extended hours for maxium fighting game potential. Come out to prove you skills and attempt leave your mark...
  9. FuLLBLeeD

    Fortune Oki, Incoming Mixups andAnti-Reversal Setups

    I wanted to use this thread to talk about Fortune's oki, incoming mixups, anti-reversal setups, and in general anything related to S E T P L A Y. Fortune has many reliable (at least in my opinion) ways to land hard knockdowns. This thread is to discuss Fortune's (both head on and head off)...
  10. FuLLBLeeD

    Headless vs Head On Matchup Discussion

    I've wanted to make this thread for a while, but I am just now getting around to it. What matchups do you prefer to play head on versus headless in, and why? I personally prefer playing head off, but certain matchups you really shouldn't be playing head off in. On the flip side, there are...
  11. FuLLBLeeD

    [Apr 1, 2016] First 2 Burst 3: Retrowave Edition. What's Old is New is... (Kansas City, Kansas)

    Facebook event page Your boy FuLLBLeeD and Novastar proudly present Kansas City's local anime games tournament: FIRST 2 BURST, featuring Skullgirls: 2nd Encore, Guilty Gear Xrd, and now featuring Street Fighter 3: Third Strike! PLEASE BRING SETUPS! We did not have enough setups last time. A...
  12. FuLLBLeeD

    [Mar 5, 2016] Kansas City Onslaught Competitive Gaming Tournament (Kansas City, Missouri)

    Facebook event page Event Details: KansasCity Onslaught : Competitive Gaming Tournament tinyurl.com/ko20160305 tinyurl.com/ko35signup tinyurl.com/ko35RULES tinyurl.com/ko35TIMES KO is back and bigger than ever, literally. An all new venue and all new game means an all new day for KO, and we...
  13. FuLLBLeeD

    USA [January 9th, 2016] MAXOUT Results

    1st place: Fuzzy_Snugs 2nd place: #bajaboys BOL PD FuLLBLeeD 3rd Place: Dallas 4th place: BOL | PD | Dhoppler 5th place tie: Rising Crust Pizza EvilBen 7th place: AlexPi BOL Dr. Chipper 9th place tie: Zephyrel Squid RydenOnKars YungKatyParry 13th Place Tie: Ellen Degenerate Monzey TLOU...
  14. FuLLBLeeD

    [November 7th, 2015] MAXOUT! [Kansas City, Missouri]

    1st: Fuzzy_Snugs 2nd: #bajaboys #EMP CoL.FuLLBLeeD 3rd: RadiantGilgamesh (Dhoppler) 4th place: AlexPi 5th place tie: HologramGilgamesh (Klone) Dallas 7th place tie: AlexPiIsFat Bad Time Sans 9th place tie: KC | ElusiveGilgamesh (RydenOnKars) Baiken Strips Watson TLOU #RoarBacon 13th place...
  15. FuLLBLeeD

    [Oct 23, 2015] [October 23rd] First 2 Burst! Skullgirls... (Independence, Missouri)

    First 2 Burst is a local tournament for Guilty Gear and Skullgirls held at GameKatz in Independence, Missouri. This is a local tournament that I hope to make a recurring series. This event will be the "test run" to see what kind of numbers we can get, and from there hopefully I'll be able to...
  16. FuLLBLeeD

    [October 3rd, 2015] MAXOUT

    FULL RESULTS: (copy pasted from Challonge results, both because I am lazy and because it gives player region) First Place: KC | FuLLBLeeD Second Place: KC| Dhoppler Third Place: KC | Hologram Roblox 4th place: KC | AlexPI 5th place tie: STL | BoL Dr. Chipper KC | Papyrus' Spaghetti 7th...
  17. FuLLBLeeD

    [September 5th, 2015] MAXOUT

    FULL RESULTS: Total entrants: 16 1st: KC | Dhlopper 2nd Lawrence | Alex P.I. 3rd: KC | FuLLBLeeD 4th place: STL | DR Chipper 5th place tie: KC | Hologram Robl0x KC | Ryden Onkars 7th place tie: KC | Squid STL l EvilBen 9th place tie: Topeka | Dallas KC l My Girlfriend says it's Alright...
  18. FuLLBLeeD

    USA MAXOUT [August 1st, 2015] (Kansas City, Missouri)

    MAXOUT had a whopping 16 man Skullgirls bracket this month, shattering any and all records we've had for previous attendance. This is FANTASTIC. Although I can't go into details, if we can continue to bring this many people in every month we might have some really good things in store for...
  19. FuLLBLeeD

    [Jun 27, 2015] Megacake Meltdown: Third Strike! (Topeka, Kansas)

    Megacake Meltdown is an upcoming tournament in Topeka, Kansas! The TO and my good friend Brail has added Skullgirls as a main game after speaking to me. He wants us to bring numbers, and I KNOW we can bring numbers. Let's show him what we've got Skullgirls community! Apparently last time they...
  20. FuLLBLeeD

    Steam - Windows Artifacting in Skullgirls?

    edit: I HAD ANTI-ALIASING FORCED ON IN MY VIDEO CARD DRIVERS. I TURNED IT OFF AND IT FIXED IT. MODS PLEASE DELETE/CLOSE THIS THREAD @Flotilla and whoever else can do that for me, thanks I'm not sure this is a bug, but it was not happening before and now it is and I don't know why. I'm getting...