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Report 1/30 Salty - Robo-Fortune Lives!

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That's a great sense of humor Mike!
As for Robo Fortune, wouldn't it be cool to have a story mode where r.fortune dons a paint job which looks like fortune and fortune gets blamed for what ever r.fortune does? Then again, it wouldn't make sense for r.fortune to be the villain of her own story mode.
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No villains of their own story mode please
The last time that happened

Everyone fucking died
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Muh Squigly
Muh Double
Muh Fortune
Cere and Fils aren't that bad come on mang

Anyway I'm sure whether R. Kitty's story is a joke story or not it'll be cool

Muh Squigly
Muh Double
Muh Fortune
Cere and Fils aren't that bad come on mang

Anyway I'm sure whether R. Kitty's story is a joke story or not it'll be cool

squigly is still alive, she's just used as an alarm clock and fortune is now some sexy slave so things worked out for them. Double is just, eh i mean she dies in most of the stories anyways. You're right tho, cerebella isn't that bad but god damn she's stupid. Filia deserves bad things to happen to her.
Block/Push Block:
I love the Neon Genesis Evangelion reference. The A.T. Field. Or as Personasama punned during the stream, the "C.A.T. Field".
Filia deserves bad things to happen to her.

I mean as much as I disagree I can kinda get the hate for Cerebella, she killed a fan favorite character and all that.
Filia hasn't really done anything but be a somewhat bland protagonist so like

Jesus, SG fans are fucking weird.
Filia is bland because she got amnesia. Just wait until Skullgirls 2, when she finally regain her lost memories and becomes the most badass character of all time...

...after Squigly, of course

I wonder if Robo will be some sort of Metal Sonic, that thinks he's the real deal.
I mean as much as I disagree I can kinda get the hate for Cerebella, she killed a fan favorite character and all that.
Filia hasn't really done anything but be a somewhat bland protagonist so like

Jesus, SG fans are fucking weird.

I think it's speculated/hinted that she's responsible for Carol getting kidnapped and turned into Painwheel, which could explain it.

Or it's leftover rage at getting cornered by rushdown pain. So many dirty, hairy balls right in my face...

Or having to fight her so many times in pre-patch Arcade Mode.
People hate Cerebella because she represents the pretty, outgoing girl that cast a shadow over them in high school. They see bad things happen to her and say, "that'll show you for being so popular and talented!" before crying softly to their anime figurines.

"You understand me. You do. I know you do. Cerebella, though... she's just a jock. She couldn't understand the deep, intellectual bond that we share. She never said a word to us in school, even though we were nice to her. We smiled at her." You exhale gently, your breath wafting over the small, unmoving miniature. "I'm glad she died in Eliza's story mode... she deserved it. She never noticed us."

You scroll over to Eliza's square on the character select screen once again, initiating her story.

"But she will now."

Your concentration is unbroken by the sobs of your mother on the floor above you.
I find Filia darling, Christine's voice acting really makes her for me; not too smart, very friendly and just trying her best.
I agree she seemed bland at first, but she improves with more content they put out of her. Her new lines show her personality more than before, plus Eliza's story mode also finally got me viewing her as "the Hero of Skullgirls." And also "Unlimited HatWorks" is amazing.

But this is not the thread to sit and defend Filia and Cerebella from undeserved hate. Or even the thread to complain that everybody should pay more attention to Parasoul and less attention to Squigly and Fortune...

No, this is the thread where we say: "Wow that Robo Fortune looks swell!"
I was thinking a cool DLC stage that would introduce her could be Lab 0, and there would be 3 spectators: Brain Drain, Valentine, and Painwheel, but strapped into the "cross" she was in in the beginning of her story mode. Of course, the characters won't be there if they're fighting such as Big Band in Lab 8
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I totally love the Beowulf's stage theme, but one thing, why it wasn't by Michiru Yamane?

I answered this in detail on GAF, so figured I'd do the same here.

Yamane was working on it, but after a few shots she just didn't seem to be getting it.

It was turning into a good song, but still was not tonally what we wanted to for this stage. It basically got to the point where the music was going to be the only thing delaying Beowulf, so we made the tough decision to move on. Brenton and Blaine seemed to get what we wanted, and were able to turn that around pretty quickly.

We're still going to finish that other track and use it somewhere else in the game, so you'll be getting the same amount of Yamane music you were promised.

Technically you're getting more, actually! Because you got the Rooftop Assault track which was never really planned in the original campaign and budget.

Fun Fact: Under the Bridge stage was intended for the game's original release, and we did the music for it way back when, before the stage itself was cut. It then became the Class Notes theme, which I think fits very well.
Fun Fact: Under the Bridge stage was intended for the game's original release, and we did the music for it way back when, before the stage itself was cut. It then became the Class Notes theme, which I think fits very well.
I'm really happy things worked out the way they did, all things considered.
If you could change your own mass*, wouldn't you ake yourself light when juping and heavy when hit?

* don't even THINK about quoting this and removing the .

This joke is sure to be a iss but I had to
Yes. Yes I have. Sorry. To be fair it was a pretty big room.
Would be funny for her taunt if one of her arms falls off durring her idle stance. I dono.. Want to see her arm fall off for no reason and be funny to watch.

It actually would be pretty cool. And for taunt functionality it would decrease her weight, increase her mobility, and make her completely unable to throw or use punch buttons. THAT would be interesting in a hypothetical world...
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It actually would be pretty cool. And for taunt functionality it would decrease her weight, increase her mobility, and make her completely unable to throw or use punch buttons. THAT I would be interesting in a hypothetical world...
While interesting, it'd be too much work, as everything's drawn, not pieced together like a Sprite XD
This is off topic but I don't get on SH like I used to, so I don't know:

Does Beowulf have a VA yet?
This is off topic but I don't get on SH like I used to, so I don't know:

Does Beowulf have a VA yet?
Yes, Mike said on the last SALTY! stream that the VA is scheduled to record soon.
Wonder who it is. All the other chars had some lines by now, while Beo's been pretty tight lipped, even who was going to do it. Either way, excite.
Well they've had them planned as the voice for a year now, so it's been someone that's been busy the past year. Maybe say the past 4-6 months because they probably didn't write all of Beo's lines that long ago. Now we just have to sort through all those possibilities...
good update aside the obvious DLC spiel.. I can only hope she be able to kick big bands ass, because that guys done nothing but kick mine in MP.I can tell already Beowulfs supers will kick ass

Will the inclusion of these two maybe inspire a/more balance patches? Make robofortune Op as hell off the bat
It basically got to the point where the music was going to be the only thing delaying Beowulf
So you're saying the fact he still has nothing recorded voice-wise is no big cause for delay?
So you're saying the fact he still has nothing recorded voice-wise is no big cause for delay?

The way I read it, "was going to be the only thing delaying" means it would have taken longer than scheduling and recording the voice lines. Voice, then, was a delay, but not as long a delay. Now that they worked around it, voice (and story mode and balance testing/polishing) are the delays.

Wait a second, story-mode delays... I don't even want to think about Beo vs Marie 300. I barely managed Squigly after days of cheesing Typing of the Skullgirls and using the enhanced defense and regenerating meter to my advantage. I'll take the delay instead! :)
So you're saying the fact he still has nothing recorded voice-wise is no big cause for delay?

No, he said "will going to be BUT" not " its going to be delayed"
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