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New Member
I consider myself pretty okay at most other fighting games but stepping a toe into a quick match and getting locked into a corner because I failed to block one mix up ain't wassup, is the only thing to do just NOT suck enough to ever miss a block?
If you get knocked down make sure you tech away from the corner and if they keep doing resets mash super until they respect you
Blocking is an important part of fundamentals in fighting games, but if you're getting whomped it's hard to learn anything.

Quick match on PC doesn't sort by skill, so you're likely to face someone decent who at least knows how to pressure and convert off a hit. Try checking out the beginner matchmaking thread for some more even matches.

And don't forget to go through the tutorials and check out the beginner resources thread for more info.
avoid being put in situations where you have to block in the first place, when you do have to block then learn to pushblock well, get a defensive assist to make life easier, and above all else, git gud
Even Chris G and Justin Wong get beat at this game because they don't practice it. Take the time to learn the game and that won't happen to you....much.
An important thing to learn in games like SG and fighting games in general is pressure and presence.

If your opponent ALWAYS backs YOU into the corner and you never push them back, you do not have enough presence in the match for them to be scared of what you could/will do to them.

It's tough to do that in quick match since quick match is a very disrespectful place =D
when it comes to push block, remember there are a LOT of normals in the game that aren't affected, or are barely affected by pushblock, learn to memorize those.
when it comes to push block, remember there are a LOT of normals in the game that aren't affected, or are barely affected by pushblock, learn to memorize those.

All normals are effected by pushblock. However, if you pushblock the earlier hits of a multi-hitting normal, the character will not get pushed out.