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A diary


Active Member
Jul 6, 2014
Reaction score
Valentine Parasoul Eliza
  • General issues:
React better to mixups
Learn good resets and how to avoid them
Actually air throw
Play more online
Play a bit of other characters/study them to get a better feel of what they can do
Play solo matches to learn my characters better
Learn how to use team mechanics better
Try out more assists
Learn PBGC
  • Valentine
Learn how to approach and guard with her
Use counter more often
Practice beta bypass links
Learn how to use crosses better
Actually use vials in combos
Don't Bypass L in blockstrings if pushblocked

  • Parasoul
Napalm Pillar doesn't solve every problem in the world
Use Egrets more often
Superjump more
Actually use toss
Quake and detonate exist
Remember make stuff safe with L Shot
Practice charging down during sHP
  • Eliza
Use servants better in neutral.
Remember sMP is a good anti air.
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So some comments on what you have said about your valentine:
Instead of going to lk bypass try cross as a go to blockstring move (I believe its safer on block)
I would highly suggest the use of vials but before that I would try to learn some setups for vial loads (3 X s.hk into knock down cancel into vial load in some cases you can get 2 loads on one knockdown)
For cross use I would not suggest you use it on the ground (the recovery kind of sucks) but definitely use them in the air
For your problem with guarding and blocking I would suggest you find a competent Peacock player and have them run the maze on you and try to get through it (have them throw stuff at you and try to react to it)
And for your problem with grab depending on what type of grab your attempting its not the worst option vals air grab can combo into scalpels which allows you to go into a full combo (so this is good). Also her ground grab is wicked fast so don't be discouraged about using it (just learn when and where to use it)

Now for your general issues I would HIGHLY suggest the solo route.
Soloing serves two purposes it makes you realize why assists are useful and it develops your neutral game for every character that you solo :)

other then this the way I learned how to deal with resets and stuff was to play matches over and over and over again with people (it's best to play long sets with people that will beat you over and over again and in some cases they can be very helpful and encouraging)

So keep your head up and keep on skullgirling and you'll be good in no time :)

E: also if you ever want any help with stuff add me on steam and I can try to help out
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Fun Fact: Cross is -9 lk bypass is -4

just cause no one punishes it doesn't mean its safe
It pushes you back which is why its slightly "more safe" especially off a canceled s.hk chain. You could use lk bypass but then you can easily get scooped which is why the later is preferred. But thanks for that one honestly did not realize that one 0.0
Hey ryin, what system do you play on? You literally run the exact same team i do in the exact same order and i could show you some really fun stuff
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It pushes you back which is why its slightly "more safe" especially off a canceled s.hk chain. You could use lk bypass but then you can easily get scooped which is why the later is preferred. But thanks for that one honestly did not realize that one 0.0
Bypass is a true blockstring. cross is not, you can get mashed out by dynamo,360,gregor,fenrir,sbo,daisy pusher, bff,twice over shy, lady of slaughter, kapri sun, diamonds,cat scratch fever and so on. and it loses even more to PBGC reflector.

like i said just cause no one apparently punishes it. doesn't mean it should be depended on though at this level i guess its better than nothing.
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Fun Fact: Cross is -9 lk bypass is -4

just cause no one punishes it doesn't mean its safe
Double's M Gun is the same way (at least in retail). People end blockstrings with it all the time and no one punishes it.
@joshb911 Thanks for the tips. On the specific point of the grab, my problem is that I tend to spam grab with Val so I end up eating obvious hits. That's what I want to stop doing.
@Dreamepitaph I know using Dead Cross after a blcockstring is a bad idea. But if you get pushblocked it's a good move, right?
@agent13 I play on Steam.
If you use eliza, use throne of isis as an assist because it actually does wonders with val and parasoul. If you have to deal with peacock throne will go through her projectiles and make it easier for you to get in, you can also have eliza send out throne just to create more room in neutral and do vials full screen.
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I had Osiris Spiral H as my Eliza assist and ended up not using it much. Yesterday I tried throne and it seemed great. Good to know its is~
Parasoul's assist is Napalm Pillar to cover Val's lack of DP.
Yep this is how i run my team and it actually works very well

Val - H.bypass
Parasoul - Pillar
Eliza - Throne of isis

the only bad thing about this team is that there are no nice colors for them
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At least one of our palettes is different
I also use this one:
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Stuff I got better on:
Pushblock more often
Stop mashing during Parasoul's combos
Divekick isn't the only servant summon

Stuff added to OP:
Learn how to PBGC

I'm also slightly better at remembering air throws exist and playing mostly solo. The few times I played with assists I felt like I was better at using them.
Still dropping my combos a lot, though.
I've been playing varied team sizes these days and testing other assists. Butcher's Blade is pretty good to punish people who are obsessively calling assists and to lockdown. Osiris Spiral H is great to stop some approaches.
I need to work a lot on my Val's neutral game. She's the first character I picked up and still my worst character.
I'm choking less when I launch people and that's nice. I need to learn better midscreen combos for Eliza and Parasoul.
Doing some progress on using Napalm Toss. Still iffy on triggers.
I'm actually remembering to air throw, but I still have to work on knowing when to use them.
Trying Painwheel a bit because I seriously can't understand how to fight against her and I've always been kind of interested in learning her (not taking her seriously for now. Just trying to get a better idea of her options).
Being less reckless with Valentine, which is great.
Now my Eliza feels worse than the rest. Gotta study her a bit more and play some more solos.

Added to the list:
-Remember make stuff safe with L Shot
Been playing a lot of Eliza and neglecting the other two.
I really gotta work on resetting more often (or at all).
Seriously, stop ending blockstrings in launcher and not make them safe with Parasoul.
Pushblock more, actually practice PBGC instead of getting a few of them sometimes.
I'm getting less stupid with Valentine and my Parasoul is looking bad now.

Added to the OP:
Practice charging down during sHP
Use servants better in neutral.
Remember sMP is a good anti air.

Stop trying to throw when it's clearly not a good choice
Practice shot links
Learn when to use and practice following up her DP
Incorporate Sekhmet to combos, she's worth the meter
Practice Osiris Spiral links
This week a practiced with Parasoul, mostly.
Reacting better in blockstrings and using 4HK sometimes, TK tosses, changing the stupid combos I came up with during my first 20 hours of game and doing stuff that is actually useful.
I think I'm also finally actually understanding reseting. So far I was only trying to read resets and react to people who reset predictably. But now I'm finally understanding when and how to reset, instead of only depending on information I read from others and never actually used in battle.
I'm not very confident that I practiced enough to use the things I did this week in battle efficiently, but those were definitely the training sessions I made the most of.
Practically neglected practicing last week. Working on reversing that this week.
First thing I noticed is the reason I drop so many combos when I'm tense. I get bad at delaying stuff so I miss using boat as an OTG and the second jHP when doing jMP jHP toss jHP with Parasoul.
I also need to actually practice an alternate combo for when I start things with assists. I saw I did but ended up going with the combo that triggers IPS multiple times because I was only practicing that one because the other is easier.
I'm practically only resetting after a LP shot and that's not really good. So time to do some research, get a good feel for more reset points and use them.
I'm getting rid of my terrible habit of waiting too long to pushblock the hit I wanted to pushblock.
I'm raw tagging less in stupid situations, even though I still try to bait something to punish with raw tags.
Doing good with IADing with Eliza. Except I have trouble seeing when to do it in matches. Same thing with TK tossing.
Been wanting to work Val back into my team. Not sure if it's a good idea because I still have a ton to train with the other two.
I'm also a bit calmer and more attentive to reset points when I'm being combo'd. Doesn't mean I'm good at reacting, but I'm actually seeing things and not being reset every time.