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Eliza A Song of Blood and Beauty - Eliza Lore & Speculation

Oh look. The Disappearing Staff of Ra in her time out doesn't disappear anymore.

Can you fall in love with a voice? Because I think I just did.
*Eliza VO 20-08-2014*

(I knew it was a good idea to keep this gif handy)

Sekhmet said:
Look on ye mighty and despair! But I remain!
Had a feeling this famous quote would be added...though I was hoping it would be delivered by BOSS!Eliza's third form. >:3

Albus' voice gets the 4Kids Seal of Approval. d(^_^)b

(Don't make any jokes about "featuring DP lines". Don't make any jokes about "featuring DP lines". Don't make any jokes about "featuring DP lines".) *whimper*
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You are the real MVP my friend
For a split second, I thought Sekhemt sounded like Bill Cipher. I'm not sure to be amused or worried.
Wow, I missed a lot today. Everybody's voices sound amazing, although I expected Sekhmet to have some sort of beastly filter added to hers. One of the lines she says to Parasoul really interested me.

"Don't worry, your kingdom will be in good hands."

I knew it, Eliza's goal is world domination.
Sorry about the lateness, guys. I had class but I will do a video as ASAP.
That 'forbidden fruit' line creeps me out. I suppose it's a reference to Fortune being a theif, but it also sort of sounds like Eliza wants to have sex with her.
The line against Valentine is the one that jumps more to the eye, though.
Tawaret is the goddess of fertility. Which means Eliza is complimenting Val's tits
Blessed by Tawaret or a scalpel...
Basically Eliza's asking if Valentines boobs are real or fake.
she got burned, makes sense because sekhmet is a god of fire
I am not sure that even water could ease the burn.
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The line against Valentine is the one that jumps more to the eye, though.
Tawaret is the goddess of fertility. Which means Eliza is complimenting Val's tits
A thing I noticed is that Eliza pretty much ignores Squigly and Filia, concentrating only the parasites and treating the hosts like air. While that would be understandable from a parasite, one would think Eliza would notice the hosts a bit more, given how in the end she is a host herself. And then she goes "join me, Samson", not "join us". Of course, all of this is likely because Eliza and Sekhmet consider themselves a single being at this point.
She's got history with Sam and Levi while Filia and Squigly mean nothing to her. Wouldn't surprise me if she yanked them off and place them in more agreeable hosts. (Albus with Samson and Horace with Leviathan? Heck! They probably have the same personalities.)
It makes sense. And not just because I hit the headcanon jackpot on that one.
Water pls

mine too
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Blessed by Tawaret or a Scalpel...
Basically Eliza's asking if Valentine's boobs are real or fake.
(Random tidbit)
Just to clear the air about Val's breasts...
They are real. Notice the natural sag and how they respond to gravity and such.
For example: Mai from KOF (Which Val has a palette reference to)
See? Fluidly moving with her body./

Fake breasts remain relative stationary and lack the natural sag and tend to be like cliffs. (Sorry cant find a gif of fake breasts to show the movement.)

Here's Valentine's idle
Notice how freely they move? So Val should take Eliza's words as a compliment because her breasts are, in fact, real.

If my explanation confused you or perhaps are curious about how to distinguish between real and fake breasts, check out this video.
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Here you go, guys. Recorded (what I think is) all the VO added in today's update. Featuring DP lines, L Sekhmet attack, Sekhmet winquotes, openings against specific characters and general openings with Albus and Horace. Enjoy!

I know I'm not into women but damn. This sums me up right now^
That Urien quote...YES the only thing else Sekhmet needed was the crush kill destroy lines from Urien and my Urien Eliza is complete
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More like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMIIIIIIDAAAAAAMARUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU because that's the voice he's using for Horace. (Seriously check out the old 4Kids dub to Shaman King and tell me that's not the same voice)

I was not expecting Albus to sound like a one to one copy of Rufus though.

And MY GOD is that supposed to be Wendee Lee voicing Sekhmet? I hate to add another anime analogy hear but she sounds like what Shura from Blue Exorcist would sound like if she were the one possessed by Satan.
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Sekhmet said:
Look on, ye mighty, and despair, for I remain!
That's a pretty cool line! The original is "Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains." which was talking about the Egyptian Empire fell and all that remained was its art, which outlasts everything. It's neat how Sekh has twisted it to say that she will outlive everyone else.
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The two are so different from each other but they seem to get along well. Skullgirls is awesome for things like this, Albus and Horace are characters just as much as Eliza is, the latter just happens to be playable.
In this game, everyone is important.
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Just want to know what ever happned to this. I need more Albus and Horace in my life
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(Eliza too peacock) Eliza: Your a childish parody of the devine.
hmmmmmm, Cant wait to see the story mode
love the dialouge though
Wow, the voice work came faster than I expected. Happy with everything but I especially love Albus's voice!
Here you go, guys. Recorded (what I think is) all the VO added in today's update. Featuring DP lines, L Sekhmet attack, Sekhmet winquotes, openings against specific characters and general openings with Albus and Horace. Enjoy!
Thanks Mistah J, youse good people!

Man, I don't know what to add. This is so freakin' fantastic. If I wasn't broke, this would have made me run out to by a new video card ASAP so I could finally play. I love the voices and the sheer amount of personality in them. Amazing work with the casting, direction and script. I'm soo going to steal lines from Sekh for future villainous use hehe.
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A thing I noticed is that Eliza pretty much ignores Squigly and Filia, concentrating only the parasites and treating the hosts like air. While that would be understandable from a parasite, one would think Eliza would notice the hosts a bit more, given how in the end she is a host herself. And then she goes "join me, Samson", not "join us". Of course, all of this is likely because Eliza and Sekhmet consider themselves a single being at this point.
Good points, and sorry to quote myself but:
Between them talking in unison and the fact that Eliza teases Samson and Leviathan (as apposed to Sekhmet taunting them) I'm starting wonder where Eliza ends and Sekhmet begins...
Leviathin and Samson's rivalry is between each other, as Parasites. Sure Eliza is familiar with the two of them, but I figured Sekhmet would be the one giving the trash talk.
If it weren't for Eliza talking like a normal person while Sekhmet shouts nihilistic gibberish I'd be certain they were the same person. It doesn't help that they haven't ever spoken to EACH OTHER yet, like Sam/Fil and Lev/Squig do during combat, but it seems unlikely that they won't talk to one another in Eliza's story mode.

But perhaps Eliza is meant to represent the apex of the Parasite/host relationship. The team liked topint out how Samson and Filia aren't completely in sync and he pushes and pulls her around, whilst Squigly and Lev have a nice dynamic and work together like a pair of dance partners.

One last lore musing: Leviathin was present when Eliza & Sekhmet fought Samson & Delilah, but who was his host at the time?
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One last lore musing: Leviathin was present when Eliza & Sekhmet fought Samson & Delilah, but who was his host at the time?

Leviathan is passed down through Squiglypuff's family. So one of them probably.
Her father, who had Lev in the right shoulder.
Not unless Lorenzo shared the life gem with him, he ain't that old
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Not unless Lorenzo shared the life gem with him, he ain't that old

Mmh. Well the only two Levi hosts we know are Squig and her father, which at the death should be something like 50? I theorized. I'm terrible with dates
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