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Project Annie of the Stars fangame

@DDB how does it feel knowing that a Minette fanboy is writing the music for the Annie fangame? :P

In all seriousness, I hope you and all the other Annie fans will like what Lumen Fortuna and I create for the game.
It feels fine, I'm over the Minette thing now.

My turn for an update! I haven't had time for much but I've done a few things (one of which will make a big impact on my future updates). The first thing I did was think a lot about how to make attacks and combos and all that jazz in C++, I had time to make a little demonstration of one of my ideas although it became apparent that there is a better method than the one I chose, but I'll go into that on my blog. Anyway here's a small video of the shoddy demonstration/test thing:

The second - and considerably more significant - thing that I did was experiment with Unity. The reasons for this change will be on my blog. For now here's just a video of the coolest transition between an orthographic and perspective view that I've ever seen (take that, Numpad-5!) and a little menu thing that I made with what I've learned so far. I've only spent a couple of days with it but I am very inclined towards using it at the moment:

More (verbose) info on my blog:
Hey everyone! I'll be posting this week’s update, which is pretty big! I finished Annie’s basic chain combos! Whooooooo!!!! As well as two special moves, Crescent Cut and Galaxy Cutter! Yeah!

Standing Chain

Jumping Chain

Crescent Cut/Cosmic Crescent Cut

Galaxy Cutter

As stated before, Annie will be able to chain her attacks, similar to Zero from Mega Man X. DxE's above post shows it off in action.

You may be thinking, what’s with the second version of Crescent Cut? The answer is simple: Annie has EX Moves!

"EX Moves? What in the hell are those?"

Annie’s version of EX Moves are dubbed “Cosmic Moves” they enhance Annie’s special moves in various different ways, as seen from above, Cosmic Crescent Cut fires out two projectiles rather than just one. Cosmic Moves are done by pressing Attack + Special, and the special move command.

As shown before, Annie's slash effects will be given a space-y effect. Here's a preview!

Fight, Annie! For everlasting peace!
Hey everyone! I'll be posting this week’s update, which is pretty big! I finished Annie’s basic chain combos! Whooooooo!!!! As well as two special moves, Crescent Cut and Galaxy Cutter! Yeah!

Standing Chain

Jumping Chain

Crescent Cut/Cosmic Crescent Cut

Galaxy Cutter

As stated before, Annie will be able to chain her attacks, similar to Zero from Mega Man X. DxE's above post shows it off in action.

You may be thinking, what’s with the second version of Crescent Cut? The answer is simple: Annie has EX Moves!

"EX Moves? What in the hell are those?"

Annie’s version of EX Moves are dubbed “Cosmic Moves” they enhance Annie’s special moves in various different ways, as seen from above, Cosmic Crescent Cut fires out two projectiles rather than just one. Cosmic Moves are done by pressing Attack + Special, and the special move command.

As shown before, Annie's slash effects will be given a space-y effect. Here's a preview!

Fight, Annie! For everlasting peace!
I BOW AT YOUR PIXLE SKILLS! seriously though, good job!
Wow, those are some lovely animatons. I'm really digging the starry sky effects in those slashes, definitely adds pizzazz. I love seeing your work, guys! Keep it up!
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Reactions: Lumen Fortuna
Hello! I am currently the head writer of a planned to be three book graphic novel series, and I was wondering if I would be able to help in this struggle.
I just wanted you to know. Yesterday I was screwing around with the maps and made some new maps. If you want to take a look at them/use them, They'll be in the in this post


  • map1.bmp
    6.5 KB · Views: 544
  • map2.bmp
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  • map3.bmp
    8.7 KB · Views: 517
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Hello! I am currently the head writer of a planned to be three book graphic novel series, and I was wondering if I would be able to help in this struggle.

Your offer is appreciated, but we're already equiped with creative writers. However, we may ask you in future should we feel they are struggling with their part if you are still willing to help at the time.

I just wanted you to know. Yesterday I was screwing around with the maps and made some new maps. If you want to take a look at them/use them, They'll be in the in this post

Thanks for the interesting map/levels, I'd like to note that it was a early alpha build that DxE put together as a proof of concept, and to show how easy level building can be. Once again, thanks for the new maps!
Thanks for the interesting map/levels, I'd like to note that it was a early alpha build that DxE put together as a proof of concept, and to show how easy level building can be. Once again, thanks for the new maps!

The Ironic thing is, I made the levels because I thought that they were kinda boring (no offense). I actully like them and I have a bigger extra one that I made when I was bored... again.


  • map1.1.bmp
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I like how Annie has different animations upon taking damage, especially when she was electrocuted.
Im just realizing there is a demo after following this thread since page 2..... I feel pathetic .... BUT ANNIE IS GREAT!
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Reactions: Lavama and DDB
Ok weekly update day! I have bad news, good news and gooder news.

Let's start with the bad: Lumen's laptop fan is pooped. Fortunately, by some divine act, they got enough money to purchase a replacement which should arrive in 2 weeks or so. Juju and Lumen have already made plenty of music though, so they won't be falling behind because of this mild hindrance.

The good news is that since the move to Unity, I have figured out how to do stuff in it properly. In addition to that, Unity actually lets me embed stuff on the internet, which means you no longer have to download a .zip on Mediafire, unzip, run the game and such to play a shoddy demo thing. I have made a very professional website (hosted for free because I live in poverty) where you can go and play the game in its current state!

Here's the site:

And here's the page where you can play the game (Enter to start, mouse to pick menu things, arrows to move, Z to jump):
http://dixie.x10.mx/Unity Games/Annie Collision/Web Version.html

As you can see in the game, collision and movement is sorted out (still gotta add wall jumps). If you find any bugs or it's running slowly for you then make sure to tell me about it here!

I've also posted some stuff about Unity and my work on the game on my blog (http://dixies-domain.blogspot.co.uk/) and in the news section of my website (http://dixie.x10.mx/news.html). Be sure to read those if you're interested in the details of what I do.

Now for the bestest news: Tomorrow is the day of my final exam! That means that after tomorrow I can turn my full attention to the Annie Game. I'm going to try and set the goal of adding 1 'thing' every other day, or 1 big thing each week. I will post updates on what I've done every weekend so there won't be a 2 - 3 week pause between my updates anymore! Of course, I'll put all of my updates on the website so you can play the latest build of the game leading you right up to the release of the full demo!
It's time for the shift into...

okay but when am I getting compensated for the "Annie having EX moves" thing that was 10000% my idea
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Reactions: Immaevilspacewhale
You'll be compensated 50% of the profits.

Get it because the game's being made free of cost
Project Waifu - Annie Edition ................ :PUN:
You'll be compensated 50% of the profits.

Get it because the game's being made free of cost
but what if we charge for the game and use that money to make Lab Zero put annie in the actual game
Beep beep make way because it's that time again where I tell ya what's up. So I did less this week than I would of liked (partly because Unity has this whacky mechanim thing that I'm going to try and make minimal use of now I know what it's like but also because I've been enjoying my freedom a fair bit like actually spending time with my brothers on video games and other such personal luxuries), but we are now basically where we were back when we released the Alpha, but this time the code isn't a written sin and it actually works (as far as I know).

You can play the latest version of the game here, feedback on the feel of things or any bugs you notice will be appreciated:
http://dixie.x10.mx/Unity Games/AOTS/Web Version.html

I've also started posting check-lists on my website's news page which show what I aim to do and check off tasks as I go through them http://dixie.x10.mx/news.html

I intended to get enemies and hazards done this week but I guess that'll be next week. I'm post-poning attacks until I figure out a way to make them the same as I had them set up in C++ because I liked that way and it was easy to manage. I'll probably also add some different tiles and Whale's more recent animations to make everything prettier. Also that title menu needs to go ahahaha damn ._.
still no music bcus laptop ded still no fan either ty based china
I found good credits music for the game
Thanks for the suggestion. We'll see if we can capture a similar vibe to that with what we already have in mind for the credits music :)
Oh yeah guys I didn't update this/last week and I'm too dead to type anything coherently right now but I'll fill y'all in on it in this weekend's update~
Read this if you don't like reading long posts:
Bad Stuff:
  • No more Unity, bug I can't fix
  • No more web version of the game
  • Taking a 3-5 day break on Annie Game to understand a little more about making games in general
Good Stuff:
  • Not losing much time despite switching back to C++
  • You still get to see what's up every week, just like before with the videos
  • EVO was cool

Ok so update time. A big(ger) long(er) explanation can be found here:

Basically, a certain thingy in Unity is causing this to happen:

When that thingy is turned off, this still happens but under different circumstances. Either way, it doesn't look nice at all when playing the game. I looked around for a sustainable solution but couldn't find any that would work in the long term (I'm not the only one with this issue). After a little while, someone told me there is one thing I could do, but that either costs money which I don't have, or involves me pirating premium software which, after some discussion with Spacewhale, we decided was not something we should do, especially since we're actually going to be releasing this to people.

Thus, I am back to work in C++, kinda. I overcame the seemingly biggest hurdle of making collision detection (currently it's set up exactly as it was in Unity), but I've reached a slump in which I don't know what the next thing I need to do is. To get past this and also to avoid setting something up, only to find that it's all wrong and needs to be fixed, I'm working on a tiny (we're talking 3-5 days of work) practise project so I can familiarise myself with what goes into setting up a game's engine to a higher standard than I've done in the past. I started this on Friday so I will be back with Annie by Thursday at the latest.

Anyway, how this affects you is that you will no longer be able to play the current version of the game online. I'll probably go back to making big posts about specific topics on my blogspot as I did before, as well as giving you videos to show you what's up. While the idea of switching back to C++ may seem like a setback and a waste of time, it's not too bad because, while in Unity I had physics, collision and movement sorted out, I didn't have palettes or combat up to scratch which is something that I've already got sorted (or almost sorted, in the case of the combat system) in C++, I'd say it's only going to take as long as it did in Unity and I'm pretty certain that I'll be able to get you something that'll fully reflect the final quality of the game in little more than a month.

As usual, I'll update my website's news page as I progress with stuff so if you're really desparate to stay up to scratch on my latest struggles then be sure to check it out. Also if anyone knows a free solution to the Unity issue, I'm all ears (or eyes, I guess).
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Reactions: Lumen Fortuna
Annie game needs uguu spiders.
Annie is Love, Annie is Life
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Reactions: DDB
Saw this and reminded me of this annie thing.
Absolutely love games like this. Momodora 3 (by the same dev as what you posted) is really good and I highly recommend it (only $5/£3.99 on Steam!). The previous 2 games in the series are also available for free (!!!!!) on the developers' website so if you have time, definitely check them out. These kinds of indie projects give me fuel to learn more and get less scrubby at what I do.

Also I am aware that I haven't updated here in like 2 weeks or something (check out the post on the game's blog though) but I have been doing a little bit of Annie work (mostly just nice interface luxuries), although I've mostly just been on a gaming binge. UNiB is good and you should play it if you like fighting games.

I also started reading a few C++/programming books; a fairly highly praised book called Effective C++ which is a very chewable guide to being less bad at doing things well and the OpenGL Programming Guide (8th edition) which is like 1'000 pages long which I was going to have to start at some point. Other than some potentially pretty visual effects - courtesy of shaders and SFML's god-like integration of OpenGL features - I don't know what this will really offer towards the Annie Game project. If I pray to all the gods including the ones I don't believe in hard enough maybe it'll result in more stable code or something like that.

Anywho, when I do something really nice that's worth showing you all I'll make a nice video and write 452'970'245'813 times as much text as I have done now in a blog post so if I don't post again for a few weeks just pretend you can't see me online on PSN remember that I am working hard on the Annie Game in the comfort of my own underwear.
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I was completely oblivious about the scale of the proyect...
I hope the proyect is still alive..
It is, just it'll probably be done even after robo-fortune is out, unfortunatly...
Unfortunately things are just like this...our project over the Annie in motion thread is just on its infancy and nowhere near of being finished.