If someone is improving faster than you and not playing significantly more, it means that there's either something wrong with what you're doing, or something wrong with you in terms of raw talent.
There's something wrong with what you're doing, I guarantee you. Unless you somehow believe that you have PERFECT LEARNING SKILLS that are COMPLETELY FLAWLESS and that the only reason you are not learning is because you are fundamentally shit on a genetic level, there is no reason to believe that your lack of raw talent is the reason you are not improving as fast as you would like.
I can't get something THAT simple, and you think I can play with held items? Yeah, right.
The statement is, rather, a simple "I'm awful". There's no way you can watch THIS shit (and I do mean shit)
http://www.twitch.tv/pbacque/b/544036358 and say that I'm not fucking awful, even after six months and 500 hours.
My continued ability to lose horribly to people with less than half of my experience is one hell of a counterexample.
I used to be exactly this bad at SF4 in 2009
Watch, and laugh.
And this was after a few years of playing 3S/KoF/Garou once they were available to play online with emulators. I sure had those "years" of experience... I certainly was playing... But I didn't know shit, and I didn't know how to properly improve, therefore I wasn't improving.
And I did not improve significantly for years, until I started going to my local fgc meetups starting late 2011-early 2012.
If you looked at that footage, and I told you that I had been playing fighting games for years beforehand, then some might say that I was just naturally shit at fighting games, and I should just stop because other people have had similar amounts of experience and were way better.
One very fateful day, I was talking to a friend of mine who played 3S, and said that I would probably stick to Alex in 3S because I wanted to play Makoto but my execution is not good enough. He said "The only thing holding you back is what you're telling yourself in your head. You won't get better execution if you believe that you can't get better execution." Paraphrasing heavily, but that was the jist of it. I stopped playing 3S because lolno scene, but that's beside the point.
The lesson still stayed with me, and when I was met with an execution challenge, I put in the work. I can do combos that I thought were physically impossible for me to do, simply by putting in a lot of practise, like K's HD combo in KoF13, which required literal weeks of grinding for me. Magneto's fake ROM in UMVC3, quite difficult, required several weeks grinding. I grinded. I can now do it.
Your claims of "I'm awful" being a fact are not held up by the vast majority of people I've seen go from "complete shitcunt scrub" to "Competent FG player", including heaps of people in the Aus SG Community, and myself.
Suck it up princess, acknowledge that you are the only one holding yourself back with your defeatist attitude, and re-evaluate your whole learning process. There's a lot of resources out there that can help you outside of fighting game stuff, and if you'd like I can point you towards some of them.
You want consistent dashes without a macro? Fucking spend half an hour EVERY NIGHT grinding that shit until you get it down. That's what I do with shit I can't do. Eventually you'll start getting more consistent with it.