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ArcheBlade thread

Cezanne and Sewon are pretty tricky to deal with if they know what they're doing.

Especially Sewon. You're practically forced to trade blows with him, because if things are going your way in a 1v1...things turn around really, really quickly.

And I mean really quickly.

Also, while I'm aware of how to deal with Renoah alone, I'm talking more teamfight scenarios. You can't just ignore everyone else while chasing down Renoah or you get burned down hard by anyone who can think teamfights, and if you do split your attention, she gets to pick away at your team from a safe distance, builds RP and then eventually ruins your day.

Speaking of which, bullet rain still not cool.
I'm wondering if I should buy a new character or just save up to buy more stuff for my current character when I unlock more gear to purchase.

Renny looks like a very fun and solid character.
See, I can either buy a new character or buy a new weapon for Cezanne.

And it doesn't look like you come by Meceta very easily.
I'd say save up for Lv 16 items. To be more specific, Lv 16 health and damage items.

Sounds weird at first, but apparently optimal gearing is all about buffing your health (since there's no way to heal armor outside of Dic's repair beacon) and damage.
Absolute shame that the vast majority of those gear can't be bought with Meceta.
I'll probably stop caring about it a little ways down the line.
So I just did a little reading around on how to deal with Renoah's bullet rain.

...I didn't know Purification Potions completely removed the mark on you when she uses it. Instant buy!

EDIT: Okay, so Engrish has made buying potions a little intimidating because it says recipe on the shop screen. It's not a recipe. You do, in fact, buy the potion itself, and each potion has its own cooldown.

You put down an initial Meceta cost depending on how many potions you decide to use in the game. Using one will cost 5, and using two will cost 12. Unless you play horrendously, you can easily recoup those costs in a single match.
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So I just did a little reading around on how to deal with Renoah's bullet rain.

...I didn't know Purification Potions completely removed the mark on you when she uses it. Instant buy!

EDIT: Okay, so Engrish has made buying potions a little intimidating because it says recipe on the shop screen. It's not a recipe. You do, in fact, buy the potion itself, and each potion has its own cooldown.

You put down an initial Meceta cost depending on how many potions you decide to use in the game. Using one will cost 5, and using two will cost 12. Unless you play horrendously, you can easily recoup those costs in a single match.

Good to know. I hate getting Bullet Rained on by other Renoahs. And Frost Renny never lets me conduct a tactical retreat.^^

For those potions though, do you have access to them forever after you buy them in the store? I thought they cost like over 1000 meceta? Do you only pay that 1000 once for the ability to use them and then you pay 5 or more per use after that?

I'd say save up for Lv 16 items. To be more specific, Lv 16 health and damage items.

Sounds weird at first, but apparently optimal gearing is all about buffing your health (since there's no way to heal armor outside of Dic's repair beacon) and damage.
Absolute shame that the vast majority of those gear can't be bought with Meceta.

I actually prefer speed-increasing gear, or gear that gives extra RP gain or faster SP regen. I think it depends on your character and playstyle though. Renoah is too squishy to even bother with boosting health, so I just boost stats that will help her do what she does best. Same with Ridika, I wish that Succubus could fly forever.
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Good to know. I hate getting Bullet Rained on by other Renoahs. And Frost Renny never lets me conduct a tactical retreat.^^

For those potions though, do you have access to them forever after you buy them in the store? I thought they cost like over 1000 meceta? Do you only pay that 1000 once for the ability to use them and then you pay 5 or more per use after that?
You buy once, and you keep them forever. They're purely cooldown-based after you pay for it.

I actually prefer speed-increasing gear, or gear that gives extra RP gain or faster SP regen. I think it depends on your character and playstyle though. Renoah is too squishy to even bother with boosting health, so I just boost stats that will help her do what she does best. Same with Ridika, I wish that Succubus could fly forever.
I'm honestly not too sure about that. The speed bonuses you get from a single piece of equipment is around like...4. Health bonuses can balloon up to a over 150 health per piece of equipment.

The health bonuses all add up in the long run, eh. Everyone plays how they like, and it doesn't help that Renoah's health gear are hidden behind a gem paywall :P
You buy once, and you keep them forever. They're purely cooldown-based after you pay for it.

SWEET JESUS my Renoah is about to become invincible...

I'm honestly not too sure about that. The speed bonuses you get from a single piece of equipment is around like...4. Health bonuses can balloon up to a over 150 health per piece of equipment.

The health bonuses all add up in the long run, eh. Everyone plays how they like, and it doesn't help that Renoah's health gear are hidden behind a gem paywall :P

Heh, with all the items added up I have almost +50 bonus to speed for Renoah. it's useful for flanking or rushing to a point first, or when I'm trying to fall back and regroup.
Oh, here's my first youtube video ever. It's some HIGH LEVEL TOP TIER MLG PRO gameplay of Schoolgril Renoah on Nagas Pit:


Just finished reading it. Terrible news. :/

I really like this game and it's sad all the fun was over so quickly. I'm trying to purchase some gems right now but it looks like the update already went through. :/ I was really looking forward to new content from these guys too.

I hope the devs that got let go find work soon. This really sucks. :(

And I guess that means no summer swimsuit for my Renoah... D,:
And I guess that means no summer swimsuit for my Renoah... D,:

That's rough. Alot of people who didn't get to jump on that are gonna miss out hard (I barely got my Valle one). The ones who got hit hardest by this are the indiegogo guys who gave like 100~200+ dollars. They're straight up hustled.
Ok, update on Archeblade, concerning compensation: http://steamcommunity.com/games/archeblade/announcements/detail/1801749750288479662

So, if you spent at least $20 on the game, you can send Codebrush support your Steam email confirmation and they'll give you a key to unlock everything in the game. If you spent more you can suggest additional compensation.

You can also vote on what all the shop items will be like from now on. Meaning, if you want them to get rid of all the stat buffs, you should let them know. Everything will probably be purchasable with meceta now, including swimsuits. So there's that to look forward too.^^

Some players have already found ways to let people fight each other on the training level (I played FFA with about 4 or 5 other people), as well as add more players to the Alter level.

Yay! Renoah swimsuit!<3

Edit: Actually there is NO voting, I was confused. They are only asking for suggestions if you paid over $20. The second part with the item changes is all going to be added in the next update.
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Just got my key! Everything in the store is unlocked now. EVERYTHING.

Pretty much lol. I feel like I just got the master key to El Dorado.^^

Gonna try out the other characters in some matches now.
@southpawper Sweet! Congrats man. I'm kind of sad I didn't spend any money to get the unlocks. Especially wanted the summer skins. Glad you got them, though!
@southpawper Sweet! Congrats man. I'm kind of sad I didn't spend any money to get the unlocks. Especially wanted the summer skins. Glad you got them, though!

I think the starter pack is still available for purchase. It's on their store page for $19.99, same amount as the 100 gem pack I got, and it was one of the DLC packs they listed that counted toward the compensation requirement. If you purchase that and show them the steam confirmation email, you might be able to get the master key too. Not entirely sure though, I don't know if anyone else has tried it.

Edit: Wait a second, all the items in the store are going to become available for meceta. I think that includes the swimsuits too, but I'm not entirely sure about that as well. They're still going to release one last patch soon so they might make them available then, and lots of people have been asking about the swimsuits anyway.

This include IGG Renny as well? Genuinely curious.

Yeah, she's unlocked for me too. It's the one with the shorter pigtail/drill hair right? When she runs around it looks like her puppy ears are flapping.

Edit: Here, it's unlocked for both Rennies:

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That really kinda makes me sad. That skin was the only thing I was hoping would've stayed unobtainable. At least I still have the perma booster though, so enjoy it, and remember to thank the IGG contributors if ya see one. We did kinda pay for her to exist lol.
That really kinda makes me sad. That skin was the only thing I was hoping would've stayed unobtainable. At least I still have the perma booster though, so enjoy it, and remember to thank the IGG contributors if ya see one. We did kinda pay for her to exist lol.

Ah, thank you then!^^; I wish I could have been there when the indiegogo was first announced. I feel like I missed out on so much hype.

They did say they were planning on doing extra for the guys who spent more though. Have you emailed them yet? I think they're still taking suggestions/ideas.

Edit: Hey, it looks like Eighty-Sixed is still making ArcheBlade merchandise. I wonder if they know what's going on with the game right now though. The game is going to be pretty much completely free in the next week or so. Not sure if the devs plan to do anything else with the franchise... (Can I call it that?)^^;


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Have you emailed them yet? I think they're still taking suggestions/ideas.

I did, but more because I'm not sure where I fall into in this whole matter. Having bought the original starter pack, upgrading to the premium (this counts as 2 dlc packs at this point), then contributing to the campaign I'm kind of in a huge grey area. Hopefully they'll help clear it up some. As for the keychains, I did notice them. May have to try and snag a Valle before they possibly stop production. She kinda is the bae.
I did, but more because I'm not sure where I fall into in this whole matter. Having bought the original starter pack, upgrading to the premium (this counts as 2 dlc packs at this point), then contributing to the campaign I'm kind of in a huge grey area. Hopefully they'll help clear it up some. As for the keychains, I did notice them. May have to try and snag a Valle before they possibly stop production. She kinda is the bae.

You should just send them all your Steam email confirmations/receipts. You'll probably be getting more compensation then the guys who spent $20 or $40 anyway, but if you want something specific you should let them know. Doesn't hurt to ask.

And yeah, Valle is a bae too, like Renoah.<3

The ArcheBlade forums are a mess though with the game being put on hold. So much bickering, hostility, misinformation, trolling, etc. It's depressing, especially with such a small community (It's only a fraction of the Skullgirls population lol, they need all the players they can get).
ArcheBlade's FINAL patch along with IGG backer compensation just went through:

Here is the announcement if you can't access Steam:


Patch Note and regarding additional compensation
May 22 - [Codebrush] Mike
Hi guys,

Here are the details of our latest patch, which is probably going to be our last.

Patch Note
- The player number requirement for each team is adjusted to 1.
- All items now have Meceta price.
- Removed stats from all gears. (Weapons, Armor, Accessories)
- Unlocked all content for the players who own any DLC. (Early Access Basic/Premium/Starter Pack)
- Current DLC “Starter Pack” is changed to “All Access” pack which unlocks all content available.

Also please read the followings if you have spent more than $20 (or $19.99) in the game. We will send you additional key for every extra $20 you spent on the game. So for example, if you have spent $40, you will get one more all access key, and if you have spent $60, you will get two more keys in addition to the key you already received.

Total Amount Spent $25 -> You get 1 key in total (Already sent)
Total Amount Spent $40 -> You get 2 keys in total (Will send one more key.)
Total Amount Spent $60 -> You get 3 keys in total (Will send two more keys.)

It maybe annoying to send email again but it would be great if you could send us an email detailing the total amount you’ve spent. (You can send us all purchase confirmation numbers or a screenshot of your steam/game transaction of your account showing your steam account ID.)

Lastly to Indiegogo contributors who can claim Indiegogo Exclusive Skin and Artbook (Double Kill or higher), we are aware of your frustration about the fact that Indiegogo exclusive skin was given to non-Indiegogo contributors, and the reason we had to do this was because of the way our coding was written. The permanent key unlocks all content available instead of unlocking particular items, and since we had to let our programmers go, we are unable to change this at the moment. We apologize for this.

What we’re going to do is send you the following items.
1. Image assets from our art team. (It maybe work-in-progress artworks, concept arts, and so on)
2. MP3 file of the title music of ArcheBlade. (This one)

We will share those files on Goolge Drive by giving access to the email you used when you made donation on Indiegogo. We will upload the files before May 30th. (Will send you a separate email once they're up.)

Thank you for your time, and take care.
Codebrush Games


Now that we won't be getting any more updates it'll be up to the players to keep the game alive, but that shouldn't be too hard.^^

Here's to ArcheBlade!
IIRC it unlocks everything.


So you can pretty much share the extra keys, if I'm not mistaken.
Oh that.

That's actually pretty neat.
Man, hate to see Archeblade go, but I hope the players can keep this alive. Thanks everybody for helping spread the message of this game.
The Steam forums for this game are still very active, so it still has a long ways to go before it kicks the bucket I think.^^