unless you live in SC. but theres a risk of losing power cuz of the storm.
I drove the Skullgirls Car once, but I drove it into the ocean.
Squigly's part of the artwork. You just have to find her :3
basically if its in your downloads list, you own the game.What matters to Sony is that they have a record of you purchasing the game. Deleting the game off of your PS3 doesn't mean you don't own the game anymore. When they're figuring out who to send a voucher to, they're not looking at who has the original game installed on their system, they look at who owns it.
So yes, you'll still get it.
Don't worry friend, it will come through. Just keep trying. Hopefully something will change or you'll make sure the settings on the wifi are right.
Blasted time zones... they are the bane of my existence.
I know I got trolled by someone with the PSN name "Skullgirls"
This made my day.