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I loveee twintelle.
Man i realize i like everyone, this game has a really good chara-design
We are the goo boys. Looking forward to maining Helix and Kid Cobra
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This just in: People have hands under their gloves. Weird how it never occurred to me but here we are

Between his hair and his love of pizza, I'm declaring Spring Man to be the ARMSverse equivalent of an Italian-American Brooklynite
To be honest I'll be surprised if they don't at least hint that he and the Brooklynite being related in someway in what ever story that there's gonna be for this game. 10 bucks says that it's gonna be on the same level as Street Fighter story where like only 2 people have an actual involvement in any type of plot and everyone else's story is them fighting because they wanna.
His family was the other ARMS competitors all along. His real family

also this is my favorite official art

I love how Biff looks super nervous to be interviewing master mummy, reminds me of the interview segments in F Zero GX with the villain characters.

My personal fav is the Mechanica official art out of her mech she's so small

And apparently willing to help transport her fellow competitors around.
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it is a video game friendo

so it's a-okay


'Normal' arms Ribbon is cute, also <3 star struck/jealous Mech
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I gotta see everyone with 'normal' spring arms now. I'm super curious.
Seeing them with normal arms made me less worried about their normal day to day life, I got the impression they became Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots whose only purpose is to fight.
We'll I thought being an ARM-y was like being an X-man esq. mutant. Though with out the constant fear of death by the government/other mutants, maybe.
BTW if you load up the Test punch it'll play demos both from a replay cam and a gameplay style cam. So if you want to see randomized CPU fights of different gamemodes ya can.
I gotta see everyone with 'normal' spring arms now. I'm super curious.

Welp now we have Min Min with 'normal' arms, which must be super weird/inconvenient considering she also had noodle hands. Which also begs the question of how Ninjara's arms look when coiled up as he has chain arms. What of his hands, are they metal hands or chain hands and how could that ever be convenient for a ninja?
I assume kid cobras hands are just live snakes
Well that was fun, motion controls weren't too bad, though I switched off halfway through. And doing so I didn't know how to hook, but it didn't really change much. The different arms were fun to use and the character variety is nice (though everyone was playin Ninjara, Ribbon, and Min). Dragons are my fav arms for now (though that could just be people struggling to figure out how to block/move). Love Min Min and Mech's alt victory animations and Ribbons red and green outfit as it turns her hair brunette and look super cute.
finna catch these arms
Also you can check character stats (including fake stats) here, if you haven't already http://arms.nintendo.com/fighters/

Also I like how the meta changed over the past 3 days from throwing being over powered, too just Ninjara being overpowered. Well sort of, vanishing is easy and hard to counter. So he'll wait around for you to attack and then get you while you're vulnerable. So matches tend to be a staring contest wait for you to attack or him to vanish first. Also no love for Master Mummy or Mechanica last day as everyone was busy being Ribbon and Ninjara.
Oh and I also found this
Also one of Byte's win quotes is "All Barq and all Byte" <3
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reminder that fuck jojo references this is one piece reference terrritory
I'm just wondering why the fighters seem to wear masks.
it's like wrestling

these people still have civilian identities you know
Twintelle just thinks it's fun though
I thought their body parts were mutated.
that doesn't mean everyone has to know who they are!
I feel like nijara has regular arms but then he uses a jutsu to turn them into chains.
Personally I like to think that when you get the ARMS power it makes you extremely susceptible to being attacked by Strongbadiophage and infecting you with Strongbadenza, the disease that turns your face into a mask.

But seriously I do have to wounder what's with Mask and Eyes. I mean the only one, that's human, that doesn't have the Arms ability is Mech and she has "normal" eyes and only wears her goggles in her mech. Here's hoping we do actually get some answers
So they added things to the testpunch. Twintelle, the Ramon Bowl, Hoops (instead of volleyball), targets, and 3 V 1 against the mask Hedloc (whom I'm just gonna keep calling Modok by accident)

Twintelle's Witch time's kinda situational, not as much as Min's kick but still (though her butt is 80% on screen while play so there's that). Ramon Bowl is fun as the flow of the match doesn't change much, there's plenty of room to move, and the dip can affect the flow a little with high ground/low ground battles but not much. Hoops is eh. And Hedloc is fun as he is a nightmare to fight, unless if you have a competent that can band together to actually fight "him" (he get's to be a random character like Twintelle, Min, or Master Mummy from what I saw).

So uh, according to this text the masks everyone wears DO have purpose. THey allow the user to have enchanced control over their arms as well as keeping them in their spirlly shape. So all the curves, hooks and etc would not be possible without the masks.
Oh my if someone loses their mask them being in a berserk-like state or even losing control over their powers is totally not gonna happen uh :^)
And that's where the boss comes from with that super mask.