So they added things to the testpunch. Twintelle, the Ramon Bowl, Hoops (instead of volleyball), targets, and 3 V 1 against the mask Hedloc (whom I'm just gonna keep calling Modok by accident)
Twintelle's Witch time's kinda situational, not as much as Min's kick but still (though her butt is 80% on screen while play so there's that). Ramon Bowl is fun as the flow of the match doesn't change much, there's plenty of room to move, and the dip can affect the flow a little with high ground/low ground battles but not much. Hoops is eh. And Hedloc is fun as he is a nightmare to fight, unless if you have a competent that can band together to actually fight "him" (he get's to be a random character like Twintelle, Min, or Master Mummy from what I saw).