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or luffy


Well A bunch of life stuff kept happening to me. And so many other games have been coming out its hard to keep track of them all.

The twitter seems to be teasing a new reveal.

Where can I find this?
When’s Luffy, though?

NEVER! Shonen Jump would NEVER agree with Nintendo. And two, Luffy must wear a mask! So forget your hopes.
So, I found this fan art based on the game, and saw something really interesting.

They have no masks, and have LEGIT normal arms. That's right - their arms are the color of their skin tone. But it's kinda odd seeing Twintelle's hair without hands at the end. Furthermore, she's the only one wearing flip flops cause she's a badass. Now I'd like to see the guys without their masks and LEGIT normal arms. This is something truly interesting that's never been described in the series, so it's a good idea.
It took me a little while to remember who he reminded me of first but I've finally figured it out. He reminds me of Jak&Daxter 2 characters, namely Torn
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holy shit is that a motherfucking Jojo's Bizarre Adventure reference
i love silver chariot
Isn't ARMS just one big JoJo reference
He gets different-colored buffs...

It's the power of the Misango!
So, I've been looking up various popular tournaments on Twitch and Youtube. Very. Few. Twintelles.
ARMS - Introducing Dr. Coyle
Her stage give me N.Cortex/N.Brio vibes, her theme being a distorted remix of the main theme is cool and kinda reminds me of Grace & Glory, and the character herself is a mishmash of a bunch of interesting things that make up a cool and fairly unique character. A+
I saw various pages of her on the sites, and they labeled her as "a dude". Get it right next time, other web pages!
Also, her base colors remind me of Kamen Rider Chronicle.

Some gameplay with the dr. and her new stage, [NAME REDACTED]
I love her silhouette shape, the big round shoulders really make her a fun design to look at when she moves

Also I showed her to my friends and one immediately said "She and the clown are dating" lskdjfslfsf
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I played some rounds with her and boy, is she awesome! Also, I think one of her gloves represents a miniature Hedlok. Therefore, she invented Hedlok. It's just an assumption.
Dr. Coyle replaces Max Brass as the final boss!
Getting Akuma flashbacks from her already. I love it.
Apparently nintendo says this is the last major content update for arms:


Apparently Party Crashes and balance updates are what we are getting from now on.

I hope they change their minds. Apparently there are still some unused character files, and Its kinda unfair that arms stops before splatoon does.
Btw, looking for more people to play with me. Add me:

I was told that it might have been a mistranslation. Who knows. Would be odd for it to pause right here.
Ribbon is stealing St. Nick's job.

Also, does anyone participate in Party Crashes? It's a thing like Splatfests, but instead of one thing or another, decide which character is better. There's already been two. Next one is scheduled around the New Year dawning. And here are the contenders:
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Quick question: Knowing Byte and Barq are cops... WHY IS THEIR STAGE A BEACH OF ALL THINGS?! Shouldn't it be a downtown metropolis? I know Twintelle's stage has a road in it, but... Byte and Barq's stage completely doesn't match their character!
Quick question: Knowing Byte and Barq are cops... WHY IS THEIR STAGE A BEACH OF ALL THINGS?! Shouldn't it be a downtown metropolis? I know Twintelle's stage has a road in it, but... Byte and Barq's stage completely doesn't match their character!
They patrol the beach.

Somehow. Their bio also states that the saltwater in the air fucks them up.
Week art time! Never hire Twintelle to do your Party Crash invitational outfit.
That's great, but where the hell are all of the ORIGIN STORIES of how they got the Arms condition?
That's great, but where the hell are all of the ORIGIN STORIES of how they got the Arms condition?
There's only so many ways you can write "and then one day they woke up with arms"
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Does anyone still follow this thread? Either way, new official art:
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I do, but I still dont have this game yet.
To be fair there's been a lot of ARMS art that haven't been posted here. And while I love ARMS, it's style, the characters, and the overall feel the game gives, it's hasn't been on my radar for awhile. Not to mention that while it is addicting, it doesn't have much longevity in terms of gameplay mechanics. That being said I really hope Nintendo does more with this IP as it is oozing with potential that it doesn't become the next Tank Troopers.
You think this game will ever get a sequel?
I really hope so. I love the characters and the gameplay was neat, if a little basic. A sequel could really make some great improvements IMO.

The game crushed sales expectations too, so I'd be mildly surprised if we didn't get a sequel sooner or later.