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Beowulf Tech Thread


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Peacock Filia Cerebella
Wasn't a thread for this so figured someone should make one

Found something kind of neat using an assist and Beowulf's collision box to fake a crossup.
Hey so I was messing around in training mode with @iDaNtE-_-_- and we found a Beowulf bust bait together. I have no way of recording it so the best I can do for now is list the notation.

2LK, 2MP, 5HK xx 236 LK, 8K, 2K
2LP, 2HP (launch)
j.5MK, j.5HP (land)
2HP (bait)

Grants you a blue burst bait. We just found it and I haven't had a chance to test if it's universal. Not sure if this an optimal combo but the idea is to juggle a character and use 2HP as the bait so there are probably other ways to integrate this into other combos as well.

P.S. if anyone has any simple resource on how to record off a PC, I would appreciate if you could PM me with it for the future. Thanks ;)

EDIT: So I did some testing and I have come back with results! The burst bait is universal. With Double and Big Band you need to replace the 2LP and replace with a 2MP. This will use your OTG in the combo however. Also this burst bait can only be done midscreen because in the corner it places the Beowulf right beside them allowing for a safe burst.
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Got a few tech videos on my youtube. notably Danger Position Burst Baits -

and a hard knock down set-up -

Link for the playlist where i've added other Beowulf stuff is in my signature.
Beowulf cross under mix-up.
Gonna do further research on this but seems pretty solid at the moment.
Might be useful, might not be useful, IDK.

While doing some research for Beo safe hops, I wrote down how much + the canis major knockdown is according to the frame data. Do note that this isn't the real +, as Beo's knockdown recovery seems to not be taken into this for some reason.

Squigly +46
Big Band +47
Eliza +46
MsFortune +43
Peacock +46
Painwheel +46
Filia +40
Cerebella +46
Valentine +47
Parasoul +46
Double +48
Fukua +40
Beowulf +46
Robo-Fortune +43
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A corner combo I've created and started using in match. Lots of variation to it to suit the situation. Also there is away to end the corner combo with grendal killa and leave your opponent in the corner.

While doing some research for Beo safe hops, I wrote down how much + the canis major knockdown is according to the frame data. Do note that this isn't the real +, as Beo's knockdown recovery seems to not be taken into this for some reason.

Well, the difference is still useful, if you count one then you can easily figure out all the others.
A really simple burst bait with arm sweep, rush punch, otg and 1 bar.

Another burst bait I stumbled upon. Universal and needs otg. It is just a hard link. Found this one after the above one. So its on another post.

I had this Hop crossover happen with Squigly in an online match.
I haven't been able to replicate it in training mode

Edit:I was able to do it again in training but the timing is very hard
Also I tried doing the Hop Crossover you found @Kyugetsuki I was able to do it against 3 characters only (pretty neat stuff)
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Going to look into this more when I get time, but as I ant uploaded beo stuff in awhile a short vid on a ch combo.
Also got a pretty legit fuzzy gaurd that beowulf can do in the works just looking at optimising it as much as possible befor uploading.

its important to note that this uses otg so you can't do it off of 2mk pick up. also you can do ambiguous crossunder stuff on other lightweight characters.
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its important to note that this uses otg so you can't do it off of 2mk pick up. also you can do ambiguous crossunder stuff on other lightweight characters.

Oh hey I've seen this before :P

Some info on it. After the roll towards Fukua you basically can pick which side you can be on do an overhead/low/throw. The nasty part comes that on lightweight & midweight characters you can air grab them right after the roll. The timing is somewhat tight on lightweights and very tight on midweights.

Thanks for positng it Natezer <3

BTW two fingers ;P
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So you can convert off of the throw with boxcar george anywhere on the screen.

And you can L wolf blitzer right over Peacocks bombs if you don't recast over them.
This thread is lifeless. So I'm going to double post and post something simple.

This is a burst bait/air grab reset and its universal.

j.lp, j.lk, j.mp
air grab or jump back j.lp

You can do this burst bait off of any j.lp, j.lk, j.mp.
On heavier characters you can do like double and bb.

j.mk, j.hp
rejump j.lp, j.lk, j.mp
jump back j.lp

or even

j.mk, j.hp
rejump j.lp, j.mk, j.hp
jump back j.lp
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One of my 1st beowulf videos
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Ok so some of this isn't really "tech" but it's practical stuff that beo players should probably do, and I haven't seen it posted anywhere in the subforum.

1. Meaty HP hurl vs reversals. HP hurl has so many (hit) invincible frames that you can dodge things like double's car super and beat supers with invincible startup at point blank. HP hurl is also +1 on block and you can convert off it from anywhere - easy enough in the corner, and using blitzer at midscreen. If you're still confused, set the dummy to do super as a reversal, oki them with wulf press then do HP hurl on their wakeup and watch it get beaten. Some supers like big band SSJ you have to time an arm super just after the HP hurl hits to properly punish, other supers might have some nuance to their punishes. Haven't tested fully.

note: you can actually try this with chairless c.hp but it's way riskier, I've had it work vs. dynamo and napalm pillar on wakeup.

2. MP hurl. Are you using this? You should be. It hits twice unlike HP hurl and the second hit is an overhead and is plus on hit, you guess it, it's a mixup tool. If you combo into this move then go low with c.lk straight after, the second hit of MP hurl will connect and you get an easy confirm. Also the second hit will beat some reversals. I tend to use this in the corner, as it tends to whiff at midscreen. You can mix it up with throw, I think doing hop overhead makes the second hit of MP hurl redundant as it hits them during blockstun. I might be wrong.

3. Faking crossups with j.hp on oki. Pretty simple, just jump over them and do j.hp, but then do MK wulf blitzer. This will hit them without crossing them up, which lets you OTG afterwards.

Other tidbits
-c.LK xx chair pickup throw is a really fast tick throw.
-I don't see many beowulf air resets but I've come up with one in the corner - (with chair) c.hp neutral jump j.mp j.lp -> jump back throw / j.lp burstbait. Seems like a decent air reset. The j.lp after j.mp is a frame link, I forget. Probably universal. Will test.
-Apparently beowulf has hop overhead safejumps that work on oki vs supers and reversals. My timing sucks (and so does my practice) but that's a thing.
-play against cerebella, throw the chair then spam s.hp until you grab titan knuckle then feel good about yourself - see below

edit: btw, can us beowulf players collaborate and make a list of OTG-less blitzer chains for all characters? plz?
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Forward, up left/right and then down is a blitzer chain that works on every character and doesnt use OTG, if you continue with c.lp or c.lk. You can also sideswitch if you delay the third blitzer long enough.
Forward, up left/right and then down is a blitzer chain that works on every character and doesnt use OTG, if you continue with c.lp or c.lk. You can also sideswitch if you delay the third blitzer long enough.
It's pretty hard on big band and double. For peacock, you have to delay the 3rd blitzer hit or it annoyingly whiffs. Otherwise this is a good chain.
MK blitzer 3K 3K is a chain that lets you easily do c.lk / c.lp afterwards on big band midscreen and corner.
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MK blitzer 3K 3K is a chain that lets you easily do c.lk / c.lp afterwards on big band midscreen and corner.
I didn't know this. That means I can do this into j.lp, j.hp for da grendel killa which means there IS a way to do chairless versions of it for everyone now.
you can beat out untaunted ssj with H chair into arm and from pretty close too

also instead of moon lv3 you can armor with chairless cHK or invul with H chair and do 360 lv3 to punish SSJ even if its taunted
Really short video on a fuzzy gaurd set up with beowulf.
I didn't know this. That means I can do this into j.lp, j.hp for da grendel killa which means there IS a way to do chairless versions of it for everyone now.
Sorry to interrupt but I've down a video going over this a little.
You can do J.lp. J.lk, J.mk/J.hk to extend your combo too. Skip to about 2:35 and ull see my example. Befor that I do the variations on light and medium weight characters.
Hey guys! Here are some things I haven't seen yet from anyone. I made these videos. So, the first video show's a weird cr. Mp interaction that results in a burst. The second is some strange character specific crossup with his j. Hk.

Looks like I found something else when using Beowulf and Big Band as an assist. You can completely dodge the burst bait when you tag in BB during the burst allowing for a followup combo.

Quick and dirty medium chair toss (qcf mp) mixup:

Somewhat gimmicky but still an amazing fast low-high-low mixup that I rarely see. It trades with MOST reversals and loses to throw unless you read it and tech, cr.lk (just enough frames faster to stuff throws), or do a dash overhead. Other than that, be careful using dash overheads or normals not chaining and skipping undizzy stages.
Beowulf can get 7k+ off of a grab in the corner using an assist. The assist hits as you curb toss them using otg and allowing an easy follow up. I only used brass in the combo because its the assist I use anyway, but this shows that Beowulf can get crazy meterless damage even off of a neutral grab as long as he can get assisted. This works out of the corner with some assists but the follow up is a lot harder.

Note: I know that combo isn't 100% optimized, I just wanted to show a simple combo that was vaguely universal but still reached at least 7k

Naughty Beo reset for Beo-Bella players. After finishing a full combo with Bella and maxing out your undizzy, use Airwulf one frame before the opponent hits the ground at the end of DD. This will make it whiff, allowing you to do any air move for an easy burst bait. Moves with shorter startup are more consistent, but j.hk is preferable for damage.

This only works on lights, but it leaves your opponent rather high in the air and allows you to do pretty much anything afterwards. While it does "waste" a meter, using a blockbuster helps with the mindgames aspect by making your opponent think you genuinely messed up and aren't just setting up for a burst bait. This also only works if your opponent immediately bursts.
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I thought this was pretty neat
the trick is the instant jump after the grab and the headbutt as soon as you land
for those that like dancing on peoples' faces