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Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

Every reveal without Yang reveal this game strays farther from God's light.

In all seriousness though, the roster is shaping up to be pretty cool. Azrael and Kanji team up, please?
I'll admit, even though I never played Azrael once in my life, I enjoy watching him absolutely thrash people in the game. Glad to see he's here making craters all over the place.
Yeah they've mentioned before that they'd like to do P5A if this game does well.
Here's hoping then; loved the P5 cast and would love to see P5's style ooze into a fighting game...man just imagine the UI for the HUD and stuff...
4 Blazblue characters revealed: Iron Tager, Makoto, Es, and Nu-13 all are joining the fray!
Nice, got my Makoto girl. Now I have to decide who to put with her. Chie, Linne and I'll probably try some RWBY girls.

Maximum Schnee!
You can see Yukiko's fire level is back on the HUD at 1:22. It was missing from the previous trailer, had me worried about losing such a cool function.
I hope Weiss' platforms aren't restricted to super flash. It's such a core ability of hers that makes her different from pretty much anyone else in all the franchises. Gimme that air movement!
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Really happy Makoto and Es are in the game. Kinda wished they introduced Yang. Guess there's always the next trailer.
I have this feeling that the RTX Sydney event in February is where we'll see the reveals of Blake and Yang.


About the DLC.........

Apparently, Yang and Blake aren’t in the base game.
Try the other half of the roster. I'm getting Street Fighter x Tekken flashbacks back here.

They found Capcom's shitty book of how to do DLC.

I'll just get Blake & Yang and wait for sales on the rest.
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Is it confirmed that we'd have to pay for the other half or will it be free updates?
Yes. It's all paid DLC.
Oh for fuck's sake. The one decent-looking fighting game I could look forward to on something I own and they've just sealed its fate as dead on arrival.
Hold on there, Let's wait to here the prices first. The base game is probably going to be $40. Even if the DLC is $20 You'd still be basically playing for a regular full price game before DLC.

I'm going to wait to here the prices for shit before I go waving the torches and pitchforks.
Well, it's gonna be 5,800 Yen for retail and 5,370 Yen for digital.

So, my guess would be $50 for each version.
I don't really mind.
Doesn't really feel any different from how Killer Instinct started with a small roster and got bigger over time.
This feels like them trying to get the game out sooner since people are excited for it.

If it's $60 at launch though, problem.
I don't really mind.
Doesn't really feel any different from how Killer Instinct started with a small roster and got bigger over time.
This feels like them trying to get the game out sooner since people are excited for it.

If it's $60 at launch though, problem.
People didn't mind that in KI because it was free to play and the DLC to launch roster ratio was much smaller back in season 1. This just feels like a blatant cash grab.
I don't really mind.
Doesn't really feel any different from how Killer Instinct started with a small roster and got bigger over time.
This feels like them trying to get the game out sooner since people are excited for it.

If it's $60 at launch though, problem.

If that's the case I don't understand why they wouldn't just delay, not only so we could get a not-pathetically-small roster, but an properly finished fighting game in every other aspect too. FGs are the very last games you want to release as rushed dung-heaps because of the intricate balance and mechanics that need be iterated on over long lengths of time. This game will likely flop because of it.
If the base game is $30-40 then I really don't mind, but if it's $60 or some kind of $90 Complete edition then we probably are gonna tussle.
It's apparently going to be about 50 bucks in Japan, so that might be the case. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess.
A game of reused assets and half the cast is DLC
now that's some top tier gouging right there, ASW
Me upon finding out that the other half of the roster is DLC.
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Yikes that's bad. I know Aksys charged almost $8 per character from previous games, so selling them in sets of 3 will be like.... $20 a set if they are generous?
They are not going to make you pay $40 for a game and then $60 for the full roster. That doesnt even sound sane. The all pakc will be $20, maybe an extra 30 at MOST. and ONLY if the base is $40
I'm perfectly fine with waiting and seeing and changing my mind later, but right now it looks like the base game seems to be $50.
I'll pay whatever I have to for a good fighting game on something I own, beggars can't be choosers. I'm just upset that ArcSys committed PR suicide and I'll probably be in the minority for putting up with it. Before I was joking that the game is just gonna consist of me waiting online wondering where all the other Switch players are, now that might not be a joke anymore.
that classic lesson: never get the first version of any fighting game.

except skullgirls.

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