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Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

Team red is slaying it with dbfz but team blue is dropping the ball here.
Well the 2 are no comparison; one is doing a collab with Namco Bandai with one of the most Golden IPs in history, and the other is a crossover witht stuff they already own, with RWBY cameos.

Also @missingno I'll hit you up on the switch port, dont you worry
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Yeah this is a mess.
This is honestly the second worst thing to happen to Blazblue.
You guys know what I mean.

Hakumen? (Cause seriously, we know it's an alternate version of Jin Kisaragi.)

Either way, this sounds like a cheap move. I don't think it'll succeed. This is why we need a Guilty Gear X Capcom game... minus Street Fighter characters.
Minus Capcom.
I'll pay whatever I have to for a good fighting game on something I own, beggars can't be choosers. I'm just upset that ArcSys committed PR suicide and I'll probably be in the minority for putting up with it. Before I was joking that the game is just gonna consist of me waiting online wondering where all the other Switch players are, now that might not be a joke anymore.
Beggars can’t be choosers doesn’t apply when consumers deserve better.
Arc trying kill their own game before it releases. I'm astounded.

I wanna know who the dumbass was that made this decision and didn't expect everyone to get fucking pissed off.
Japan can't be this oblivious.

Honestly this suits my reaction:
Beggars can’t be choosers doesn’t apply when consumers deserve better.
Well please let me know when there's something better I can play...
if adachi is dlc and the game is discounted i might just have to do it anyway

i want an adachi/azreal team real bad
Minus Capcom.

Are you saying that Street Fighter is the backbone of Capcom's existence?! What kind of sick freak are you? There are cooler and more underrated games other than Street Fighter!
Well please let me know when there's something better I can play...

Dragonball FighterZ
Guilty Gear Revelator 2
King of Fighters 14
Lethal League
Melty Blood (has more characters than BBCTB)
SNK Heroines (eventually)
Ultra SF4
Blazblue Central Fiction (shut up about the dub tho)
Under Night In Birth
Gundam Versus
and Chaos Code

y'know, just to name a few.
Dragonball FighterZ
Guilty Gear Revelator 2
King of Fighters 14
Lethal League
Melty Blood (has more characters than BBCTB)
SNK Heroines (eventually)
Ultra SF4
Blazblue Central Fiction (shut up about the dub tho)
Under Night In Birth
Gundam Versus
and Chaos Code

What about the following:

past Blazblue and Guilty Gear games
Battle Fantasia
Other ones:

Last Blade
Samurai Showdown 3D
Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Six Stars
Smash Bros
Blade Arcus
Fist of the North Star 2005
Psychic Force 2012
Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs New Generation
Fate series
Vampire Savior
Rival Schools
Star Gladiator
I think it's best to wait until there's a Complete Edition of sorts, where it includes the base game and the DLC included.
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Uh, can someone raise the UNLIKELINESS factor on Terumi himself? Order Sol let me down, and I'm not going down that road again. That, and Evil Ryu... the Kyo clones... several variations of Melty Blood characters... MG Hikaru... Cyber Sub-Zero... all three variations of Batsu... and of course, Shadow Jago. Terumi is a variation of Hazama. So therefore, I would say...

Yeah but Terumi is the true true vilalin

And as of CF, they are 2 different entities entirely.
Under Night's villain ain't even playable in Under Night yet
Time to play that game again!


By the by:

When it comes to silhouettes, people were able to make out Merkava, Jubei, Hakumen, and Yang.

(sigh) This is why I feel that the whole song and dance of "Buy a season pass when all you know is silhouettes" should be classified as gambling. We'll see if they start charging for the packs before they reveal who's in which one/tell us up front who the 20 chars are before letting us pay anything.
I also forgot:

Some people said that they spotted Labrys, too.

Additionally, I very much doubt that this game won’t have one-three of Tao/Bang/Litchi. One to all of them is probably gonna be DLC.
And isn't Hakumen the past incarnation of Jin?
Technically both are correct. Hakumen is both future Jin and Jin in the distant past, thanks to time loops. basically Jin fell into the past during the CT Loop and becomes Hakumen, who is then pulled from the Boundary X amount of years later by Kokonoe.
Time to play that game again!


By the by:

When it comes to silhouettes, people were able to make out Merkava, Jubei, Hakumen, and Yang.
I thought Bang was already confirmed a while back.
Had a feeling that'd be the case. I'll prob get it then.
Amazon Prime preorders mean it'll be even chaper and chances are the DLC won't add too much to the overall cost then.
Yeah I don't feel like investing into half a game without knowing what the other half could be, even if it's cheaper.

Especially that I have a feeling that game + DLC will cost more than 60$ total.
Yeah I don't feel like investing into half a game without knowing what the other half could be, even if it's cheaper.

Especially that I have a feeling that game + DLC will cost more than 60$ total.
Well we're looking at 40 and under for the game itself, so unless dlc is $30 it's gonna be 60 under total.
I dunno, Yen price in Japan is closer to 50$ and I expect DLC to go up to even 40$.

That would still technicaly "not exceed game price".
Last I heard Japan's market is pretty inflated, so its not 1 to 1 on the japan to Western release prices.