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Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

I was vaguely aware of Tekken last year, hence the might. Thinking about 2016 reminds me how new I am, that was the first time I watched and I mostly wandered around the streams.

Anyway, the new UNIB character looks great, and Orie looks alright too. :^) Blake looks so much like UNIB in both sprite and gameplay.
Yes! Platinum!

1/3 of my mains in BB are complete and the rest are still to be added... but still, YES!
blake looks rad I didn't expect it but I wanna try her now
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Welp I'm not buying it. I don't even want to pay $50 for UNIST, and I'm not gonna have to pay $20 more later for that.

I really want to see all the stuff in this game but it's not happening before it starts being a part of Steam sales.

And while I certainly understand no launch money will last forever as the updates go on, DLC for support is weighed against getting more customers...
I'll just buy the base game and wait and see if there's anyone I really want in the DLC.
Well, since the only characters who aren't reusing the existing animations are the four RWBY ones...
...This would be easier if I knew what "Staff (total)" meant. Also Squigly was "partially complete."

Anyway, not having to do animation for ~30 characters means a lot, even if that's still a big roster for a fighting game. If it was a $40 launch I would probably pre-order. ArcSys got these IPs and they fucked up the marketing (which isn't just advertising) and aren't really making it better.
Sounds like a good deal.
I'm pretty much in the boat of getting the base game and then just picking whatever dlc packs I want because I doubt there will be more than 1 or 2 packs that I want.

I'm shocked but now Blake is the character I'm most excited to play, even moreso than Weiss who is one of my faves from RWBY.

Definitely interested to see if the packs are actually anything interesting beyond one basic blazblue + uni + persona character

The only characters I really would like outside of who is already in are Vatista, Hilda, Wagner, Kokonoe, or Rise really.
I highly doubt they're going to go back and redo CF. You'll have to wait for the next mainline installment.
They've said plenty of times there won't be a CF Extend.
It's the end of Ragna's arc. Expect them to continue the series with a new storyline.
I can't wait to watch people cry about no CF dub just because they're doing maybe a quarter of the rosters english voices lol...

Maybe in some other BB title in the future but it won't be CF, so hopefully people will drop the begging now... for the 12th time

but knowing how persistent and annoying they are about it, they'll just do it more
So some insane people from the BBCTB discord compiled a megalist of every assist in the game that we've seen thus far. not 100% complete yet but man there is some scary stuff in here, such as Azrael getting his 3rd part of his rekka as a full screen assist, Noel with her Drive 6C (the gun toss) and Nu-13's Gravity Seed to name a few.

Full list here
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Can you convert this to a standard link instead of embeded? It's throwing an error and is annoying to load.
Oof, didn't know about that. I'll fix that right up Should be done now.

EDIT: OK so the site is auto converting my link even if I unlink it, so im going to have to do something irksome and obnoxious and hope that works
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Just tell me who the best assist for Yukiko is. Who'll get me all the fire levels?
Just tell me who the best assist for Yukiko is. Who'll get me all the fire levels?
Azreal and his fullscreen punch is probably a good contender, and it should pair well with Yukiko's own assist, which apparently is a free lv.6 phoenix projectile. Which is strange because I never remembered Yukiko having such a huge projectile before
Oof, didn't know about that. I'll fix that right up Should be done now.

EDIT: OK so the site is auto converting my link even if I unlink it, so im going to have to do something irksome and obnoxious and hope that works
Thanks. Though you could use BBC code of Url. Example:
[url=www.website.com]Check this out[/URL]!
would come out like Check this out! (please don't click it. i don't even know if it'd be ok XD)
Thanks. Though you could use BBC code of Url. Example:
[url=www.website.com]Check this out[/URL]!
would come out like Check this out! (please don't click it. i don't even know if it'd be ok XD)
Good Lord how did I forget this? It's been so long since I've had to resort to this type of forum editting. Thanks a lot, kit!
You mean DC Douglas?
The very same!
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Reactions: Kit Ballard
New screenshot today shows off Yang's sprite.


Mori's trying to be sneaky, but I see through him.
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New screenshot today shows off Yang's sprite.
I hope they have different coloring sections for each of her arms.

I know its based on early season designs.
I had to zoom in real hard to try to find yangs knees lol
Hm... if I don't buy all the DLC, I'm fine with paying $50. But I hope we get all or at least most of the DLC packs announced by launch, then, so I know more of what I'd get into.

I think I'd also like to have a better idea of what the finished game feels like, so there's how much info I can get about the gameplay before the early adopter bonus goes away.

Also yes, want color variations for Yang's arm.
I called Carmine in this trailer last week with some friends so I'm glad I was right.

I figured both aegis and jubei would show up eventually. Glad they are.

I'm hoping for some Yang footage soon
I waaant Weiss/Mitsuru.

But I could just play Orie. :P