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Blazblue Cross Tag Battle.

Som'in that's seriously annoying me about this game is the RUN. Not only it's flat out annoying to dash too far forward, but it even keep the momentum, making you slide even if you told it to back peddle.
Is it possible to block during this state?

I was thinking of getting this game in a week or two and I am not familiar with the mechanics.
Yes. Would be pretty fucked if you couldn't!
Never got the running complaint. when the fuck are you going to walk in an anime fighter?
Oh, so Waldstein has a Tao pallete but we don't actually get Tao.... what a kick in the nads.

Like most sequels and Soul Eater, it's mediocre from start but once it gets going with the DLC, it's amazing. Patience is a virtue, you know?
Never got the running complaint. when the fuck are you going to walk in an anime fighter?
For most characters, it really is just like ST walkspeeds with a running animation. It's weird if you play someone with a step dash like Hazama though.
I understand most pairings in the story, but... Hyde and Tager?
Hmm, this game is interesting, but I keep feeling like people I'm facing are thinking I'm an idiot because I'm playing Noel/Yukiko or Noel/Orie. I'm not sure if these characters are good or not, I just like playing Noel (though not having her dash cancels is a bit of a bummer).
So, here's more info on the In-Birth English VAs:

Waldstein is Keith Silverstein (Hawk Moth from Miraculous, Torbjorn from Overwatch)
Orie is Erica Mendez (Ryuko from Kill La Kill, Akko from Little Witch Academia)

The other two I have no info about.

Carmine - Greg Chun
Vatista - Xanthe Hyun

If any one of you can tell me any roles those two played, let me know.
Greg Chun - Ike (Fire Emblem Heroes/SSBU) Adam (Nier Automata)
Xanthe Huynh - Haru Okumura (Persona 5) Sachi (Sword Art Online)
Just in confirmation: Yuzuriha will be played by Erica Lindbeck. I've heard of her, but didn't notice any roles she played. As usual, let me know.
Menat (Street Fighter V)
Taliyah & Zoe (League of Legends)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
Miriam (Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night)
Celica (Fire Emblem Series)
Magilou (Tales of Berseria)
For the most part, I am enjoying the free weekend. I might actually pick it up depending on how some netcode tests go tomorrow.

That said, I loathe the running thing too. It seems needless. Running most of the time is fine, but when I want to fine tune my placement with a step or two... pisses me off.
Evo was amazing. I guess I really gotta start labbing out Cross Combos, huh.
The Cross system is what's like "yo this game has stuff to lab." Not just combos but pressure.
also that grand final ending was priceless, Heiho just looked so confused and tired, didn't even know he won lmao
A new, fifth series will crossover.
All we know is that the box is Pink.
I was thinking that it might be Neptunia, but if the leaks are true...
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The In-Birth wiki hasn't confirmed Mika's English VA, but Merkava is voiced by Ben Diskin. (Joseph Joestar, Fukuroda, Numbuhs 1 & 2)
Its light blue, and they seem to use using characters they already have...

Im putting my bet on p4U
I would guess Chaos Code, and considering the layout of the diamond shapes they might introduce ANOTHER series after that.
Shovel Knight.
If Guilty Gear doesn't get in this I'm gonna be disappointed. I want this to be THE crossover game of crossover games without going too overboard!
Someone pointed out the 6th color kinda looks like Moon Light.
It could be Melty Blood.
If that's true I'd shit my fuck.
I think that'd require a bit much in remaking. Same with GG sprites.

Then again I'm also still a bit disappointed we never got anything more from that one Filia sprite French Bread made for that SG gallery art.
Well after people got mad over “making Filia thin”
I wouldn’t be surprised if French Bread didn’t make more.