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the character art is pretty in this one
much better that CP's ugly poopoo art
That was rather quick.. Lots of new moves for characters it seems like. Hibiki looks really cool though. The art looks great too!
He's from a light novel series Blazblue: Bloodedge Experience (never released here). I imagine the game would have something similar to the Remix Heart stuff in CPEX to give you the details of what happened in that novel.
They need to nerf Blazblue's story. There's too much of this shit.
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Yeah I'm skimming through summaries of Bloodedge Experience...

Yeah you guys need to pick up on it.

some stuff I found:
  • Naoto is a vampire servant to Raquel
  • Relius and Valkenhayn were Assassins together (DISSONANCE)
  • Says Terumi is Naoto's brother, and killed everyone in her clan except for her mother and brother (Yuki Terumi orgin?)
  • Naoto and Says both have the Soul Eater drive, meaning it might be a Bloodline technique
There's like half of this game's story I didn't even know existed what the fuck.
Wow didn't expect Naoto. Seems like they are steadily introducing more characters that origin from different lore sources now.
And we still don't have playable Linhua. Goddammit.
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The new timer looks nice. Much better than Revelator's nasty colored timer.
Wait, so Raquel and Naoto are like Rachel and Ragna from an alternate telling? Clavis seems to be the father, and Rachel mentioned in this bio. I'm confused. I haven't been confused by BB stuff in awhile, but I honestly can't tell whether this takes place in the current world of BB or if the events of this story for these 2 takes place in some alternate world. Ugh.

Liking the look of the hud. Glad to see some new art. CP's art wasn't bad, but there was so much weird about it, like the exaggerated chests, even for some of the female chars, and the super thing waists (bullet's was an extreme example of how weird this was). Either way, I'm looking forward to it. I skipped on CPEX cause I didn't really care about either of the new chars put in, so hopefully the 4 new chars we have confirmed already will be interesting. Maybe finally we can get Jubei and have all 6 heroes playable! D:
I'm liking the KoF Chris Cosplaying Jin...

so THERE'S where the kid went when the orochi plans went awry
Bloodedge Experience takes place long before anything else. Valk and Relius are super young here, about 20, and Clavis is still alive and kicking. It should be said all this takes place before The Black Beast
Next weekend is going to be the loketest for CF. I'll do what I did with Xrd and make a list of all the changes and info here.
I used to think that Blaz Blue was just a subtitle for a Guilty Gear sequel lmao
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iirc, isn't rumored to be in the same universe as Guilty Gear?
oh okay. thank you.
I couldn't remember if it was true or debunked.

I really hope they bring back Arakune's red, White, and Blue palette for the next installment. I was sad to see it gone in CP.

Seriously? Not gonna let Extend have some time to shine? I understand this won't be out for a year or two, but come the fuck on arc.
It wouldn't be as bad if console releases were close together. Europe hasn't gotten shit yet.
I'm waiting for the Extend version of Central Fiction.
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And when that comes out they'll announce the next game. It's an endless cycle of not gitting gud and playing now.
It's the last game about Ragna. There's more Blazy goodness planned afterwards.

I heard the news and now I'm just confused.

Truly the deepest lore.
Amane is still beautiful. 10/10
So Nine's speech seems to indicate that Izanami's inevitable end will lead to something even WORSE happening, as that is how Ragna's luck usually works out.

I hope they defeat her like 20% into story mode and suddenly the cast is stuck dealing with some unforeseen huge mess for the rest of it.

So, will Alpha-01 be playable now?
Has Alpha-01 been mentioned in the story yet?
As far as I am aware, no. She just has that drawing by Mori that's been posted somewhere in this thread already.

Loketests for this game is set for July 19th and 20th so we'll probably see/hear more new stuff then.
So I leave for a night, and I get a stack of alerts and a new BlazBlue is announced.
The character art looks amazing, the UI looks really nice, I'm excited about Hibiki (I really dislike Naoto but what can you do), there seems to be a ton of new specials... I'm very excited!
I really don't like how they show off the trailer without waiting for Extend's excitement to die down, though.
Also, I have one question; where's Jubei or Nine? Those were the only two characters I cared about.
Edit: Watching that again, I noticed Nine at the end...
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You didn't see Nine at the end there?
It was pretty obviously her.
Loketest is during Evo fucking GG.