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Heh... Do you think they'll scrap all of his sprites and assets?

If they make another blazblue, everyone will come back. Time messing BS ex machina if needed

Scrap all the sprites and assets? No. Just letting the games rest and seeing how well they stand the scrutiny of time? Yes!

What happened to just letting things die? Why must there always be more? I'm sure the designers are tired from breathlessly cranking out so many characters. It can't be fun for them anymore.
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Why must there always be more? I'm sure the designers are tired from breathlessly cranking out so many characters. It can't be fun for them anymore.

I have one very simple answer.

I have one very simple answer.


But what happened to creating because you want to and it's fun? Rather than solely out of obligation because it's what brings in the cash? You may as well sell your body on the streets at that point. I think L0 would have quit ages ago if it wasn't fun for them anymore. And I know this series probably isn't fun for the creators anymore. But the pointless pursuit of the almighty dollar must continue.......
It varies from person to person, and it also depends on their situation. Some people are fine selling out. Others are not.

Some people just need to make a living and feed their families also, and some people don't have creative control and have to keep creating whatever the higher ups tell them to. You see this in the film industry too.

I know that I work on my own games without thought of profit (though it would be nice, but it ain't happening for now), and doing it purely as a hobby on my freetime gives me freedom that I'd never have if I were doing it as a job (along with unique limitations of its own), but if it was my source of livelihood and survival, suddenly things would be different.
But what happened to creating because you want to and it's fun? Rather than solely out of obligation because it's what brings in the cash? You may as well sell your body on the streets at that point. I think L0 would have quit ages ago if it wasn't fun for them anymore. And I know this series probably isn't fun for the creators anymore. But the pointless pursuit of the almighty dollar must continue.......

Cheese, while you're 100% correct that losing artistic integrity and creating solely for money is a pretty sad thing, you're really making a huge assumption that they aren't having fun making the games and that they don't want to. We shouldn't confuse our fatigue with the series for the developers'. What's our reason for thinking the series isn't fun for the developers anymore? They change the mechanics almost every game (the way bursts function, the addition of overdrive, they've flipped the switch on how Arakune's drive work like four times), and they add and retract moves form characters constantly. The series may not be as much fun as it once was for us but it's certainly not as stagnant as some games have gotten. It seems like the developers are still adding and shifting things around, still being creative within the confines of the franchise.

Then again, you may be right, they may only make this game to fund their true passion projects. I know I've been worn out on Blazblue since BBCP, But its presumptuous of us to assume that the people working their asses off to keep putting out content are doing it solely for the paycheck. They could get WAY less demanding jobs than game development if it was just for the money.
They could get WAY less demanding jobs than game development if it was just for the money.

[citation needed]

We can't know anything for sure, but in the realm of capitalism, capital based answers will always be on the side of Occam's Razor.
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When the BB thread have well done acertive comments, just in SH I guess!

On Topic, returning to play this game now in CF, Makoto its hella fun and Carl its hard but fun too!
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Being honest, it's pretty rare for someone to work developing games and get a stable work journey or get rich with it.
If they do ever make a new BB game, I would be okay with either higher-rez (or vectorized) sprites or 3D models, but for God's sake they can't keep using their old sprites. Haven't seen any 1080p footage of CF yet, but the CPEX sprites look really bad on any screen higher than 720p, and some of them are just awful (lookin' at you Amane).
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Huh. I brought Blazblue to my college one day and some people were legit interested in it. Looks like I started a small scene :D

In other news, Abyss of the Azure, the novel that tells the going ons of Jin during the Ikurga war was released and...well...

Yeah, this is what, Saya look alike number 5? Possibly more? Wtf...
Cheese, while you're 100% correct that losing artistic integrity and creating solely for money is a pretty sad thing, you're really making a huge assumption that they aren't having fun making the games and that they don't want to. We shouldn't confuse our fatigue with the series for the developers'. What's our reason for thinking the series isn't fun for the developers anymore? They change the mechanics almost every game (the way bursts function, the addition of overdrive, they've flipped the switch on how Arakune's drive work like four times), and they add and retract moves form characters constantly. The series may not be as much fun as it once was for us but it's certainly not as stagnant as some games have gotten. It seems like the developers are still adding and shifting things around, still being creative within the confines of the franchise.

Then again, you may be right, they may only make this game to fund their true passion projects. I know I've been worn out on Blazblue since BBCP, But its presumptuous of us to assume that the people working their asses off to keep putting out content are doing it solely for the paycheck. They could get WAY less demanding jobs than game development if it was just for the money.

After listening to MUST DIE a few more hundred times and really inspecting and appreciating Susanooh's design, i think you may be right. They might still be getting joy out of this.

Really the main reason i had these thoughts is because of Celica, Naoto, Bishonen Titan Boy and all the other spinoff randos being added to the game. Their existence enrages me and their addition ruins my comprehension of the story because i have no idea who these guys ARE. We go two games with Rags only having his psycho brother and his (not) dead sister as his only family then outta BUMFUCK NOWHERE he has this ditzy lovable morality pet that he's apparently known all his life. And also a guy that has his powers and can see lifeforce (a dumb power which has nothing to do with the rest of the series and only matters in whatever manga he's from) And Jin now has a girly dude following him around who is seemingly into him. Oh man, and that kid's design is just a big two-way slap in the face. You know you've lost all faith in your creative abilities when you rely on an anime fad to design your characters outfit and weapons. They're insulting their own abilities as creators AND their fans's sense of good taste at the same time.

The main problem here though, is that these characters were designed by these third party mangaka artists and mainly intended to be used in the manga, their designs just translate so poorly into the game proper. They had to give Celica a lame looking robot that
doesn't even fit the rest of her color coodination, and her attacks have big green sparkles and eugh, and her drive is eugh, her entire design is just eugh. Why add her? Her powers are entirely supportive and she only matters in the manga she's from. Spinoffs are intended to be seperate stories set in the same verse. Just interesting "what-ifs" and alt timelines to tithe people over between games. Merging everything together just makes a mess that nobody can understand, much less appreciate.

And who can forget Miss Blue haired genderbent lady from that manga that nobody overseas got their mits on. She used to be a dude but probably won't act like it, since she exists mainly to be stared at. Booooooooooooooooobs. At least they did a good job sprucing up her design and giving her an actually cool weapon so she can fit in a fighter, but her outfit is missing that extra top layer like a snazzy coat or vest, nothing to really protect her while looking fancy like everyone else because she has to show all the skin, doesn't she? Izanami has the sideboob going too but at least she has something substantial on the elbows and the drapey hair giving her some protection from the wind chill. But not Mai, they couldn't choose between the side-thigh or the sideboob, could they?

No fucking comment on Es really, i have no idea who she is, probably won't find out, all that matters is that she has big tits and is wearing a blouse, they almost missed a fetish apparently. Almost every newcomer after CP is just glorified spank fodder, that's what really made me lose faith in the series, to be perfectly honest. Yes, I know the whole series is just parodying anime cliches but after a while they stopped bothering to actually subvert and play with them at the same time. What happened? Holy crap I just typed a lot.

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The BBCF dub petition has reached 5K supporters!
And who can forget Miss Blue haired genderbent lady from that manga that nobody overseas got their mits on. She used to be a dude but probably won't act like it,

That's 'cause the entire character arc of her first manga was her gender identity/personality gradually changing to match her new form. Mind as the plaything of the body and all that.

At least, that's what /d/ told me.

Anyway, someone wake me up when Hakaishin gets re-uploaded.
That's 'cause the entire character arc of her first manga was her gender identity/personality gradually changing to match her new form. Mind as the plaything of the body and all that.

At least, that's what /d/ told me.

Anyway, someone wake me up when Hakaishin gets re-uploaded.
Also for some reason in the manga Makoto is being aggressively a lesbian, because reasons, despite the fact none of her sexuality ever really shows in the game
But boy am I treading through a minefield typing this, I'm just saying for some reason in the manga she's being very touchy feely to Mai
I think I could hazard a guess on that one
Well fucking played.

Yeah, this is what, Saya look alike number 5? Possibly more? Wtf...

Thafuck? If Bang is anything to go by Tenjo is the manliest fucker to ever live with muscles and beard twice his size and shits depleted uranium. And his death, finally shown, would be him getting killed in the most dignified way you can even get killed by an ice-riding psycho. I guess they caved and made her Moeblob No.342390473974 because they were worried people only like the series because of girls and if there isn't a new girl in every novel they will go bankrupt. Good think i will never see the shitty novels and my headcanon can remain unchallanged.
Actually I cant find a picture of her face... its completely covered.


EDIT: In other news, Mai's Colors, DDs, and Astral are revealed.
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In other news, Abyss of the Azure, the novel that tells the going ons of Jin during the Ikurga war was released and...well...
Just waiting for Alpha now.

By the end, were gonna get all the greek letters playable.
It's been out in Japan for a month. If you get a Japanese PSN account you can buy it, and then any account can play it (assuming the JPN PSN account is set to have that PS4 as its primary PS4).
Mai's battle intros done. Hope you like awkward embarrassed shuffling.

Game comes out on Tuesday. God.
I'm still so conflicted.
I refuse to play it with no dub.
yet if I don't get it Arksys will prob never dub it or another Blazblue ever again.
So I can't just ignore it just

I have no dub.
And I must scream.
Competitive GG and BB scene doesn´t care about EN VA so i don´t think they will get it.

Competetive scene usually isn't even 10% of sales, so there still can appear a dent in numbers if there's enough people displeased.

Then it will be on ARC to not be idiots and understand why such a dent would appear. I don't hold my hopes up cause japanese devs have a terrible record of understanding western audience. :(
Competetive scene usually isn't even 10% of sales, so there still can appear a dent in numbers if there's enough people displeased.

Then it will be on ARC to not be idiots and understand why such a dent would appear. I don't hold my hopes up cause japanese devs have a terrible record of understanding western audience. :(

I think you're right about that second point. In this case the people that want a dub (myself included) are screwed either way. Either it doesn't effect sales and Arc takes that to mean that the dub was ultimately unnecessary, or the sales drop and Arc takes it that their cost saving measure was worth it, and that they did the correct thing by lowering the costs of the localization to meet the dropping demand.

That's 'cuz they suck.
I'll go to my grave cursing Guilty Gear for pissing in the cereal and shipping with no dub and being the start of this.
Personally I have no problem with Guilty Gear setting a precedent. GG has rarely ever had English localization, so i dont feel like they need to now. In the case of BB, it's had localization since its first release in the west, so people are used to those voices. Taking them all away now is kinda jarring, even if a few of them changed over time.
I think you're right about that second point. In this case the people that want a dub (myself included) are screwed either way. Either it doesn't effect sales and Arc takes that to mean that the dub was ultimately unnecessary, or the sales drop and Arc takes it that their cost saving measure was worth it, and that they did the correct thing by lowering the costs of the localization to meet the dropping demand..

What the fuck I knew I was in a catch-22 before but when you put it like that it really does feel like a lose-lose situation
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Are all 5k petitioners not buying the game? that still doesn't feel like enough for their goal.

I'm glad we transcended the dark ages of P4A EU release nightmare and can worry about voices.
Can I honestly say something about this? At this rate, I would rather have Atlus publish future BlazBlue and Guilty Gear games. I think they would do a better job in localizing and ACTUALLY giving them a dub. Would you agree?
I know, but let´s be serious CF never gonna get EN VA, that doesn´t stop people to already playing it right now, I know that someone of you like it a lot en EN VA, but shitty extended versions of the game doesn´t stop people buying it, I don´t think this gonna be the exception. But if at the final hits the versions with a patch, cool!