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Cartoon General Discussion

Aaron McGruder isn't coming back for season 4 so I'm a little skeptical
but we'll see

You and everyone else on youtube. If the first two episodes win me over I'll accept it.
So....how about the new Steven Universe?

OH MY FREAKING GOSH IT WAS AMAZINGNESS OF ALL KINDS! Steven's master his powers so fast :'3 But also LE GASP on the monsters being Gems Warriors at one point and DUN DUN DUUUNNNN WHAT DOES THAT ENDING MEAN?!?!
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So....how about the new Steven Universe?

OH MY FREAKING GOSH IT WAS AMAZINGNESS OF ALL KINDS! Steven's master his powers so fast :'3 But also LE GASP on the monsters being Gems Warriors at one point and DUN DUN DUUUNNNN WHAT DOES THAT ENDING MEAN?!?!

i dun' watch that. once Go! is done, I'm done

I was hoping for when the show got a little more serious.

I like that show alot, but alot of the one off episodes just don't keep my attention.
I wish the last season of Danny Phantom wasn't boring. Also, what a shitty way to end the serie (talking about the Phantom planet episode)!

Just courious, what's your fav episode from that serie? Mine is "The Ultimate Enemy"!
A such dark episode on a western cartoon show was really rare. And it was awsome!
I'm so excited for Wabbit-A Looney Toons Production! I'm especially excited for the Tasmanian Devil, since he was renamed Theodore Tasmanian. I didn't like his last incarnation because they turned him into an Australian dog being obedient to his master, which Taz wasn't really known for. Speaking of that show, I kind of liked it because it brought a sitcom style to a slapstick fest(which The Looney Toons Show didn't have much of). It was interesting to see Warner Brothers try something new, but apparently, for the older audience, which I wasn't really a part of, it didn't go so well, so they scrapped it. I just can't wait!

About cartoons, my love really extends more towards them than anime because when I look at most Shonen anime, they just look similar(except for Panty and Stocking I really love that one, but the twist ending was garbage). Maybe I'm not looking hard enough though. But when it comes to American and even European animation, I could watch it all day. I once sat through a French movie called the Suicide Shop or Le Magasin des Suicides without subtitles and still understood the story and was enamored by it. The styles western animation are shown are superbly varied, while anime in general has a similar case. In fact, any animation shown in Japan counts as anime including The Simpsons and Wallace and Gromit. Shonen in particular have this almost simple-to-animate yet aesthetically pleasing appeal to it, but aren't too varied, although someone with a good eye can spot significant differences.

In conclusion, I'm a really huge animation nerd, but I admit I need more knowledge before I'd ever call myself an expert :0)
As anyone seen the last Gravity Falls episode? Because holy shit
Stan is not what he seems
I do need to catch up on that show. Will do today! It's pretty damn fun! Is it still the second season?
Pacifica x Dipper hype
AKA "The North Star"
FFFUUU!!! Chicken thank god you said something or I'd have no idea it was out, TIME TO WATCH IT
Well, season two is so awesome! Especially the in the character development department! I especially loved how Soos got out more(he's my favorite)!
Also, NorthPines anyone? Or Dippica? Pacificer?
sooo, uh

Press the button on that site, then the nose. it's a database for typing in names and stuff related to KND. Typing "galactic" gives us a timer
Here's all the database entries, for those who don't wanna sit through all the flash animation

The whole thing was basically "hey, we're pitching a new KND show, tell CN you want said KND show". And that they poked fun about the vid that the countdown was for ended up leaked.

Oh, and Nigel's ex Lizzie Devine is actually a plant-like alien codenamed "Numbah Vine"
So does anyone remember Cowboys of Moo Mesa?

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Ed, Edd, n Eddy still the best cartoon show ever
This guy knows what's up.

Also i did try watching Teen Titans Go a few days ago, fucking Raven basically killed the entire team to fullfil a fetish, then tried to get their souls back but came out wrong, and just fulfilled another one of her fetishes, also in another episode they mocked the original show's animation which was downright rude by my standars, the original Teen Titans cartoon was a master piece and deserves more respect than that.

BTW, i'm a sucker for Ed Edd n Eddy and Codename: Kids Next Door, also Code Lyoko which is my favorite french cartoon.
every single main character is on the Villains wiki
Whoa, way to make my night, damn i was needing a good laugh, they very well deserve to be there, i was watching the Mission Tokio movie the other day and i was thinking "i wonder what the kids that have only watched the new show think about this movie right now, they probably are like *why is everyone so detailed?* *why are they so serious?* *what is this? real action? in my teen titans?*"
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This guy knows what's up.

Also i did try watching Teen Titans Go a few days ago, fucking Raven basically killed the entire team to fullfil a fetish, then tried to get their souls back but came out wrong, and just fulfilled another one of her fetishes, also in another episode they mocked the original show's animation which was downright rude by my standars, the original Teen Titans cartoon was a master piece and deserves more respect than that.

BTW, i'm a sucker for Ed Edd n Eddy and Codename: Kids Next Door, also Code Lyoko which is my favorite french cartoon.
Jeeze a crappy show making fun of a good show. How sad.

Never really cared for code lyoko though. But I always watched it for some reason.

But yeah Ed, Edd, n Eddy is the best cartoon show ever (fuck you simpsons and classic merry melodies and disney cartoons) I fucking love the show, it was strong through the whole series, the series finale movie tied up alot of loose ends and was a good send off of the show, objectively cartoon networks best show ever, if you say Ed, Edd, n Eddy sucks I will fight you.

Hopefully Cartoon Network wont revive it and tarnish the series like they did with Powerpuff Girls.

My favorite cartoon will always be Courage the Cowardly Dog.
I loved that show, not as much as Ed, Edd, n Eddy but still love it.

But those crappy new age CGI monsters are fucking horrifying though.

The whole thing was basically "hey, we're pitching a new KND show, tell CN you want said KND show". And that they poked fun about the vid that the countdown was for ended up leaked.

Oh, and Nigel's ex Lizzie Devine is actually a plant-like alien codenamed "Numbah Vine"
Ok yeah that actually looked super interesting.

And if KND revival is actually a continuation of the original KND series with the original creators and everything I'd be down to support it.
So today I saw 2 cartoons that I didn't know much about, but now that I've seen them I think they might be my new favorites.

I HIGHLY recommend both cartoons. It's hard to find good cartoon shows that aren't total crap these days, but these two gave me that 90s childhood feel.
I loved Star vs. the Forces of Evil when I first saw the episodes. It has a good mix of comedy and action in the show. Gravity Falls is also cool. On the subject of Courage the Cowardly Dog, I wasn't really scared of King Ramses, but the blue creature from the episode "Perfect" was creepy and the ending for "The Great Fusilli" made me feel a bit sorrowful.
Yeah those monsters were really creepy for me as a kid. I blame it on the cg animation. But the one episode that scared me as a kid was with those ghost vikings and the windmill. I forgot what it was called tho.
Yeah those monsters were really creepy for me as a kid. I blame it on the cg animation. But the one episode that scared me as a kid was with those ghost vikings and the windmill. I forgot what it was called tho.
The episode was "Windmill Vandals".
Ah, that was the one. Its still creepy.
Ah, that was the one. Its still creepy.
I thought those vikings were cool.

But that CGI deformed phetus telling Courage he's imperfect is creepy.

And I know it's one of the more goofier episodes but I like the one where the fox steals Muriel and tries to make her into stew.

The one where the traveling gerbil saleman sucks Eustace and Muriel into the vacuum is good.

And I REALLY enjoy the Freaky Fred episode.
I thought those vikings were kool too, until they started chopping off heads. Then I was creeped out.
The fox and Freaky Fred were the funniest episodes in the show for me.
♪It's Doc Gerbil's World♪
♪It's Doc Gerbil's World♪
♪It's Doc Gerbil's World♪
♪It's Doc Gerbil's World♪
My memories of Courage the Cowardly Dog are mostly happy ones, i loved everything in that show, i even remember some episodes making me cry, like the one of the starmakers, but i also was creeped out by some other episodes, the creepiest one for me was that one episode when Muriel and Eustace where going to be digested in the stomach of a comedian or singer, can't fully remember, he turned an entire building into his own body and was going to kill both Muriel and Eustace unless Courage managed to entertain him, another episode that creeped the fuck out of me was the one about the giant carrot bomb inside Muriel.

I dunno, my biggest fear is being trapped inside a living being, which is why these kind of episodes in ANY cartoon always freaked me out.

Also, one of best quotes in Courage:

Tho i prefer the latinamerican version:

It gave the same message but with a little more humorous touch, because of the sudden argentinian accent and the final line is "I swear it on Dieguito Maradonna" who was a popular Argentinian soccer player back at that time, would that episode come today he'd probably be swearing it on "Lionelsito Messi"