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Cerebella Match Up Thread


New Member
Sep 3, 2013
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I guess since the Bella forums are dead. I'll start a match up thread. I'm relatively new to the game and I've been having issues with Double a lot lately. Mainly her j.HP, between that and random gunshot hurass I can't get in on her without getting bopped.
j.hp is easy Diamond Dynamo AA. If you're really good with it, Devil Horn AA for the combo. Gun shots are eh.
You can also try to bait a mid-range j.hp and double jump over it then see if you can catch then with j.hk -> full combo (or almost full if the j.hk hits in the air). You can also block and call Napalm Pillar/Updo/Fiber Upper/whatever invincible anti air assist you use and pick her up off of that.

As far as gunshots go, I like to just sit full screen and duck them, then approach slowly between shots. Once your at mid-range then the gunshots should stop (or get punished for free), and you should be back to the j.hp/Cilia Slide/assist/flesh step mixup footsies.
If you're really impatient and her zoning is really killing you, you can always use Squigly for Center Stage assist and try to punish a gunshot fullscreen.

Basically, the safest way to deal with the things you've mentioned is to be patient and get a good invincible assist to play footsies with while you're blocking until you can get the pick up. If you REALLY want to play solo, just emphasize the patient part - push block the last hit on j.hp and watch out for dash up grab afterward. Try and bait something unsafe and punish it - really use that Solobella damage to your advantange.
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Just learn how to AA, don't take the j.hp for free. Blocking when you can learn how to counter is not the answer. You dont need an assist to AA effectively.
Just learn how to AA, don't take the j.hp for free. Blocking when you can learn how to counter is not the answer. You dont need an assist to AA effectively.
Maybe you can elaborate on what Cerebella can reliably AA Double j.hp with.

Excellebella has to be almost predictive to beat it, Devil Horns is invincible but doesn't have the horizontal range, cr.hp will trade in most situations and would be hard to super jump cancel into j.lps that actually connect as an anti air, Titan Knuckle will probably trade and slides them full screen which isn't favorable, and super can be baited/punished and should never be a go to.

Air to air options aren't the greatest either since j.hp will put her full screen and open up the gunshot zoning, j.mp will probably trade if not get stuffed, j.lp/j.lk don't have enough range to stuff it and j.mk is probably the worst tool she has for an air to air normal. Grab Bag might be possible, but is probably hard to time and doesn't lead to a full damage combo/reset opportunities. I already mentioned trying to bait it and come down on top with a double jump hk. Aside from Elbow Drop (which is just a bad version of how j.hk is being used in this situation), those are all of her air to air options, one of which I see as a good answer and I already said it.

Any of her armored moves (Lock n Load, Battle Butt, Kanchou) that can be use to AA will be stuffed because Double's j.hp hits 4 times.

I guess you could dash under low/throw if she's close enough, but I assumed we were talking about mid range. Plus that would be a lot easier/safer calling a DP/lockdown assist to cover your approach.

So please be more descriptive when you say "just learn how to AA". We're all here to learn and just saying effectively "get better" doesn't help anybody.
How do I AA with Bella.

I notice ppl never want to read on forums. Check post #2, and Devil Horns is fine if the Double is going to jump at you and j.hp predictably. It is very good AA for dealing with predictable jump-in attacks and leads to full combos on hit. And if you're afraid of the guy empty jumping, that's when you pull out the air grab, which knocks down and gives you wake-up pressure or converts into super. Use those and learn how to AA with solobella.

"Being patient" and letting the Double run all over you is not the way to do it, nor is leaning on invincible AA assist. Not being mean, just giving the solid answer.
Maybe I'm underestimating Devil Horns' range or we're talking about different footsie ranges here, I'll definitely start considering it as an option, though.

I'm also assuming that Double isn't completely braindead holding up forward and hitting hp in this situation. Excellebella is a wonderful option if that's the case, same with Devil Horns. If the Double is smart and uses j.hp as an actual tool to try and get in I don't think pushblocking the j.hp and trying to bait something unsafe constitutes "letting the Double run all over you".

I'm also going to stand by having a DP assist as probably the best option here. Not only is it good for neutral game, but also for safe resets, negating pressure, making your opponent more cautious. Not to mention being able to DHC, Alpha counter or tag out so that Bella can get some red life back if she's in trouble etc etc.
Speaking about strictly anti-airing Double j.hp as Bella, best options for beating it are as I stated. Invincible assists are nice, but leaning on them just makes you weaker when you dont have them; not saying don't use them, I'm saying that they are not a requirement to doing well in SG. If you want to learn Bella, you have to think in terms of "what does Bella have alone that can handle this" instead of "what assist can I throw at the problem". Regardless of "mindless jump-ins", everybody needs to learn how to AA. I've played countless matches and the player who even attempts an AA is rare (unfortunately). Every player needs to learn how to AA in this game and every character has an AA option (including air grabbing).

For a move as telegraphed as Double j.hp is (she transforms before doing it), Bella players should be able to easily AA it with a super or Devil Horn if it's close enough. Not saying that you'll be able to AA every one, but taking the jump and baiting something out? You're in no position to bait anything, you're on the defensive and under pressure after a jump-in. The only player who is going to do something punishable after a jump-in is a bad player, and I really hope we aren't going to start using them as examples?
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AA with super is an option, but I don't feel like its something you can rely on, having to have a bar just to stop from getting jumped on seems silly, and they aren't going to always be close enough for Devil Horn's lack of horizontal hitbox to work. I've had some success with just keeping my distance and playing more patiently, almost zoning with Titan Knuckles and c.HP, but those don't really lead into big damage combos.
You transition from Diamond Dynamo to pressure (tech chase) which is good, and you start the round with a meter, which is where the AA comes in. Diamond Dynamo AA isn't just to hit and go back to neutral, you rush in afterwards. And if they're close enough to hit you with the j.hp, they are close enough to get hit by the Devil Horn (j.hp will extend into it). You don't want to play a ranged game against anybody with Bella, you want to knock them down and get inside. And Titan Knuckle on hit is amazing because it gives you enough time to run inside and pressure (sliding knockdown), but is only really good as a tool to help her get in, not to keep opponents out. She is a grappler.

You want Titan Knuckle/Deflect to battle the Gun Shots and maybe get a hit into Tumble Run and wake-up pressure, Diamond Dynamo as an easy AA (which you start with) in response to any jump-in attack, Devil Horn is a little riskier but has a much bigger pay-off. Once you get in, Bella's game starts.
I play double against one of the best cerebellas on the planet. Here's my take on it:

Bella's j.hp clap (backwards and instant,forward and instant or neutral and instant are good tools for taking on j.hp.

After that Bella has j.lk if she can find the correct spacing, which will beat out j.hp just because it is so much faster.

And spaced correctly, Bella's j.mp can win.

But, its still relatively hard to take on j.hp if the double spaces it right. I imagine that on PC the match has gotten much harder since double has backward and forward cancelable dashes that will allow double to much more easily space her j.hp.

Doubles inability to perfectly space j.hp in sde is one of the things that made the match manageable in sde... Bella could just out maneuver double with dash jump... But now the matchup might be really bad... Especially since double might now be able to use dash j.lk like how parasoul uses dash j.lp...I don't know, I don't have PC version yet. But it's has been an interesting post for me at least. I'm sorry if it wasn't helpful for you.

@fastturtle and @GoodEveningGents
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Not related to questions on dealing with double, but I do have advice against Painwheels and Parasouls. Painwheels like to cover their blocks strings with flight canceling, and Parasouls enjoy covering their s.hp(x2) block string with napalm shot. Both are easily punishable by learning to pushblock before the final hit of the blockstring, and immediately following up with a forward jump j.hk. With painwheel, your OTG will be used up immediately, but with her reset potential it shouldn't be a problem.

Also with characters with multi-hitting moves like Filia's c.mk and Val's s.mp, learn to pushblock guard cancel in the middle of the move so they aren't pushed away from command grab range.
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Unless it's changed since SDE, Parasol s.hp (x 2) isn't a block string, and you can Ultimate Showstopper between the two hits. Against PW st.hp xx Flight, go for the s.lk AA. If you're going to try push blocking before the final hit of a grounded string and punish, don't jump, go for Merry-Go-Rilla or Ultimate Show Stopper.
I notice ppl never want to read on forums.
Got me
I guess since the Bella forums are dead. I'll start a match up thread. I'm relatively new to the game and I've been having issues with Double a lot lately. Mainly her j.HP, between that and random gunshot hurass I can't get in on her without getting bopped.
Gunshots mean nothing. Reflect them and don't jump towards her and do a move if she can shoot you out of the air. As for J.HP, if you block it learn to pushblock is properly. It makes doubles pressure... feel slow as a double player. Also like View said you can beat it with super, devil horns (if you're willing to make that read), idk about battle butt though. The reward doesn't seem that great honestly. You can also try to use St.LK(combo off it with St.MP, Launch) vs a double who is jumping at you to preemptively hit them, but like most things that comes with making the read.

When you're not being pressured you want to use J.MP. Double is a big target, and you have a ton of time to convert of it if it lands. Zidiane would do J.MP-> Glide HP on me, and its really effective if the double player isn't experienced vs that.
If you want to learn Bella, you have to think in terms of "what does Bella have alone that can handle this" instead of "what assist can I throw at the problem". Regardless of "mindless jump-ins", everybody needs to learn how to AA. I've played countless matches and the player who even attempts an AA is rare (unfortunately). Every player needs to learn how to AA in this game and every character has an AA option (including air grabbing).
Not saying that you'll be able to AA every one, but taking the jump and baiting something out? You're in no position to bait anything, you're on the defensive and under pressure after a jump-in. The only player who is going to do something punishable after a jump-in is a bad player, and I really hope we aren't going to start using them as examples?
This. If you're blocking or in a bad position the focus shouldn't be to land a punish, but to get out of pressure and return to neutral. Pushblocking properly and returning to neutral is best imo, but you could risk your character by making a hard read if you think the risk-reward is in your favor. It's also important to know that you wont beat it every time, because we're human and we can't play perfectly. But just know your options to beat it, and remember that they exist!
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Also, for anybody worried about Devil Horns' range as an AA, remember l.mp xx Devil Horns, which increases its range greatly.
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Yo.... Dime_x said nothing of the sort. I laugh in the face of gunshots and don't play Bella.
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This. If you're blocking or in a bad position the focus shouldn't be to land a punish, but to get out of pressure and return to neutral. Pushblocking properly and returning to neutral is best imo, but you could risk your character by making a hard read if you think the risk-reward is in your favor. It's also important to know that you wont beat it every time, because we're human and we can't play perfectly. But just know your options to beat it, and remember that they exist!

This is pretty good advice. I come from playing Street Fighter which is a lot more methodical, so I feel like I have to be pressing buttons in this game. I've been trying to play more patiently lately and its been working out.

Yo.... Dime_x said nothing of the sort. I laugh in the face of gunshots and don't play Bella.

Weeeeiiirdddd I quoted something you said and replied to it, but it vanished and gave me gentlemens quote with your name on it.
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Pushblock handles it fairly well until they start cancelling to j.hk. I like to back off out of range to come in over the top of them (double's anti-air and air-to-air from below are pretty bad), or jump with them and stuff it early with a j.lk (less risky on whiff, but doesn't lead to much) or j.lp (risky on whiff, but gives you a big advantage on hit or block). If I'm really being held on the ground too much to do that, I'll go for a dynamo (preferably with a dhc to make it safe/have a full combo) or a dp+mp (stronger when you're cornered).
I'm having trouble dealing with Val dashing in and either attacking or throwing.

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to determine whether or not she is throwing or just hitting low. Do I have to guess, or is there I way I can block both?

Obviously I can just jump back, but lets say I want to stay on the ground.
MikeZ doesn't believe in option selects, so you can't tech throws while crouching. Aside from mashing guessing and pushblocking is your only real defensive option outside neutral game.
Just know that Val's multi-hitting attacks (on block and hit) are perfect moves for tick grabs. Especially a jump-in/restand j.mp.

I guess you could DD her since it beats out everything, but I'm not seeing it as a complete solution. Especially if Val's jumping in.
I'm just theorizing here, but what about crouch-blocking, and very shortly after she is in throw range holding back and throw, then going back to crouch blocking.

My theory is that if she attacks, the back+throw happens while you are safely in blockstun, and you resume crouch blocking in time for the next hit. If she runs up and throws, then you simply tech it.

The trick would be getting the timing down so that crouch-block is held just barely long enough to block a normally timed low attack, without making the throw tech too late. This isn't meant to be reactive. It's supposed to defend against both an immediate attack and a throw.

Of course this would have to lose out to a delayed normal attack, though if its too delayed then your throw will catch her.

That said, I have no idea if this actually works, so maybe someone more experienced could chime in. I could just be spouting complete nonsense.
Favorable matchups:

Excellabella makes even long range j.hp risky for squigly. Add to that the ability to bait charged sing shenanigans with armor moves and having dynamo to discourage a lot of resets. Bella handles squigly's main strengths pretty well, so I think it's slightly in her favor.

Bella can reflect cat heads, or use dynamo to discourage cat-heads mixups. You do need to be a bit careful to play around double's j.hp, but well spaced lock and loads, air-to-airs or dynamo do that fairly well. I think Double's reset game is a bit more suited for the matchup, but Bella's mixups in general are more likely to score a hit in the first place. Also, dynamo beats car post flash.

Risky/even matchups:

Big Band
This matchup's obviously still in doubt, but I think MGR will play a big role in making the ground unsafe for BB. They can both armor through each other's stuff, but BB's super tends to win. Instant overheads would probably put it in Bella's favor if it wasn't so dangerous to press buttons.

The threat of reflect should make peacock's think twice about relying on grounded projectile spam. If they have an assist as part of their pattern then you need to be locking it out safely and then try getting in. Glide can get under airshow at the right height, but it's pretty risky. Armor and titan knuckle from mid range are handy for getting a knockdown. Once you get the hit, go for resets rather than damage(unless it kills) and prioritize keeping her in the corner

At close-mid range you can catch her slower startup air normals with yours, but if you're not careful with your ranges, jump back j.mp will come out and ruin your day. It's a bit safer to hang around max titan knuckle range and try reacting to stuff PW does with dynamo, lock and load, tumble run etc. Avoid resetting her in the air unless you have a setup that specifically deals with thresher. LK can catch flight cancelled ground normals.

Armor is useful occasionally, but against j.mp and c.mk it's pretty risky. HK has a decent hitbox against IAD approaches. Resets on Filia are dangerous in general, but if you have setups using armor or well spaced MGR you can bait stuff out. I have a lot of trouble in this matchup personally so any strategies to deal with it would be handy.

Reflect/armor negate Parasoul's zoning a little, so it comes down to getting through her mid range normals and starting your mixups. Since the main ones that are used are single hit, your armor goes a long way here, but Parasoul's j.hk may pose problems.

I'm still undecided whether this is unfavorable or not. I think punishing the head when it's off is pretty good, I tend to use c.hk and then titan knuckle when it's at the right range. Otherwise, I'm not really sure what strategy I could point to.

I don't have enough experience in this matchup, but as with Painwheel, if she's hanging around above you, excellabella is a pretty good way to discourage them. Her j.mp makes using armor a bit of a risk, but I don't think she can cross up with it, so you can still kind of negate part of her mixup by showing you're willing to use it.

Difficult/unfavorable matchups:


For some reason Bella's matchups are a lot harder to describe than Peacock's despite playing her for far longer.
Fortune beats Cerebella
It's around the 65-35 range, and its because cerebella can't hit a fortune who runs away from her with head off. In the ps3 version, she can zoom -> nom which beats a lot of bella's options. Cr.HK is slow, often times you'll get outsped and nom'd for it. Bella outclasses fortune with her normals, but it doesn't make a difference when you're forced to consistently block the head, can't use your armor moves, can't attack the head that will often times be behind you etc.

vs peacock is also 6-4 in peacock favor IMO
The issue some peacock players have vs bella is that they don't sweep bella's armor moves. Bella can get super'd for running, can't jump to get in, or use LNL either if the peacock is playing the mu correctly. Titan Knuckle is very very good though. Reflector is also good, but its not great. It only really works vs autopilot peacocks, but it does cause peacock to stop what she's doing for a bit.

Double also beats bella. around 55-45 doubles favor
Slight advantage. Double has armor breaking moves (j.hp, cilia slide, cat heads), j.hk walls are hard for bella to deal with, and double has strong resets vs bella and can abuse bella's poor air reversals really well. Of course when bella hits double she hits her pretty hard. Dynamo is very good vs double I 100% agree with that. However a lot of bellas approaches via the air such as j.mp, j.hp etc lose so free to luger it hurts.

9lazy to do more, but I think bella does pretty decent vs the rest of the cast.

I'm still pretty sure I have the most Fortune experience, playing 100 game sets offline and online with Alexis.


Probably the second worst matchup, behind Parasoul Vs. Peacock.

So what you're going to want to do is keep her grounded while you're in the air, button wise, it's not that hard, jump short and jump strong pretty much shit on what she wants to do in the air, unless she's going for her risky Feral Edge.

On the ground, she smacks Bella around, Zoom, Nom, Her overhead leaves her in the air, PBGC Fiber Up is pure torture.

So at the start of the round, she's probably going to jump head spike, or fiber upper, your best bet at the start is super jump block, meet her where she doesn't want you to, because the floor is goddamned lava.

Basically you're trying to accomplish what Fortune is trying to accomplish in most matchups.

Get above her, stay away from her head, put her in the corner with combos that smack her straight into the corner. Shit like Pummel Horse into Titan Knuckle, once she's in the corner, this becomes alot easier. Bellas big, fast normals pretty much shut Fortune down if her head is on/ away from Bella.

If you see the fortune abusing PBGC Fiber Upper, bait that shit by cancelling into run or LnL then cancel into U.S.
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Oh, there's a whole huge chunk of Matchup stuff I added to the bella guide if not everyone's seen it.

Bella vs Fortune
I actually found that after a zoom, nom, Bella could easily get off a c.mk, devil horns, and if Fortune was trying to pull that full screen game there's not a thing she can do about it. Even if she breaks out in a run and does super, you'll have enough time to mash 360 on her. Nowadays I try to force that full screen situation to get off a c.mk devil horns or two. And if you're on top of the head, c.mk comes out pretty fast, I don't think she can Nom at all if you do it at the same time. Fortune beats armor, but I don't think it really makes that much a differrence. Against Fortune start of the match head spike, you can wait a second and then dash jump forward and beat her with j.mp, j.hp. If we had the old j.mp hitstun, it'd be a full MCH combo. I also believe that cancelling into hp lnl to bait fiber upper beats it. Or at least it beats hk upper. I don't know about the other versions.

Bella vs Peacock
I actually think this is one of Cerebella's better matchups (I think all of her matchups are good, but I'm a solo so I don't know nothin). The pass through on Deflector is ridiculously good, can't be understated. I don't think it "only works on autopilot" peacocks so mucha s just ones that are trying to zone. It doesn't work vs rushdown peacock (but I think Peacock rushing down is probably the worse thing she could do vs bella). After you successfully deflect something, you are allowed do dash jump forward almost. Peacock can get around it with teleport. If she does, though, she's teleporting without an assist backup (unless it's lnl or brass knu), just do the slightly less impressive but good enough regular dash forward and catch her with c.lk or MGR if she ports. The only things that are really hard to deflect are hp bang and item drop, but I haven't tried with the new 0 frame deflect yet (item should still be impossible to react to). You should be deflecting nearly everything else (including j.hk when she's backdashing away from you). Almost nothing else Peacock can do is really too annoying if you got deflect down, I think.

Bella vs Double
You can deflect j.hk on Double too, that should help with that. Hk run up to her while she's j.hk ing, stop, if she does it again dashforward deflect. I try not to use air normals unless I'm right on top of Double, so just a dash jump in block should help with luger shots. And be sure to deflect her luger shots if she's one of those Double's that gets comfortable when she's outside your Titan Knuckle range and goes for luger shots.
What to do against Painwheel? Its my most clueless matchup. It feels like I can't do anything to challenge her armoured moves in the air. Like when she's flying I'm forced to just kind of play defense and bait her into running into an assist or eating a dynamo.

What should I be doing in this matchup ?
I am also confused as to this matchup. If painwheel ever goes in with a air normal that doesn't hit, it can be flight cancelled, leaving no room to punish. I find only Dynamo's LnL's and Excabella are the only way to break through(this is in a 1v1 scenario, mind you)
Pretty sure there've been a couple new characters since this thread's gotten traffic. So, bump.

Also, can we get a "Cerebella" in the thread title? And maybe make this a pinned thread, idk.
How does Bella fight Big Band?
Tumble Run outside of his c.hk range is your friend. It'll soak Brass and Giant Step, after which you can cancel into either Runstop or a super to punish him properly. You can runstop at any point to try and fake him out, get him to commit to something (just make sure you do it outside c.hk range).

Don't jump unless you're in range of his grab/lk a-train or inside the unblockable range of hk giant step to avoid getting scooped by mk/hk a-train, no reason to anyway really. Just stay on the ground. You can jump if he's in the air or knocked down.

Outside of his c.hk range, you can relatively safely pressure with mp/hp lnl. He can predict with c.hk or parry, but it shouldn't be that big a deal most of the time. I guess just use it sparringly if he's got good parry or c.hk reactions.

Titan Knuckle and c.hk are good pokes, though Titan Knuckle can get stuffed by brass and Beat Extend, so don't be predictable with it (If he isn't pushblocking Titan Knuckle, canceling Titan Knuckle into lnl nets bonus pressure).

When he's in the air, be careful of using tumble run or lnl, as cymbals will break it. However, Big Band is high enough that he can't see what you're doing at times, if such is the case Tumble Run into lvl 3 can lead to a nasty surprise when he lands and tries to punish.

MGR is an amazing poke, works point blank so any move can be canceled into it to reset, beats nearly every option he has outside lvl 3 and h beat extend.

Don't be afraid to Devil Horns if he's in your face, he's so big that he'll get hit most of the time.
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I get blown up a bunch by cymbals. H version breaks all your armor. Every time I get close I get hit with j.lk or if i block j.lk I'm in a bad situation. Basically j.lk/cymbals discourage everything, jump back cymbals is kind of a low commitment move that blows up everything you try and gets him a counter hit into damage and a knock down at best. Most big bands I fight are always in the air. For reference maybe you've seen how Dhoppler plays.
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I get blown up a bunch by cymbals. H version breaks all your armor. Every time I get close I get hit with j.lk or if i block j.lk I'm in a bad situation. Basically j.lk/cymbals discourage everything. Most big bands I fight are always in the air. For reference maybe you've seen how Dhoppler plays.
Just don't armor when he's in the air. There's no reason not to just hold back until he lands.

If he jumps at you with j.lk, you have a few options. If you block j.lk, try to pushblock early. If you time it right, he'll either land while you're still in pushblock or try to hit you with cymbals during your pushblock. If he does cymbals, you recover in time to PBGC (which you should, if he's close enough, into Dynamo).

If he's being predictable with j.lk, feel free to Devil Horns. It should hit if he's in range to hit with j.lk.

If he's jumping, AA with c.hp. After c.hp you can either runstop, cancel on block to MGR when he lands, or cancel into lnl on block. It's hard to react on hit with j.lk, j.hk, but you can go for that if you want.

Once you can deal with him like this, him being in the air is actually less scary. He doesn't have access to his armored moves, his AA grabs, his DP, his reversal supers, etc.
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I realized I like downback+c.lk, c.mp round start vs Parasoul. It beats her if she wants to dash up with anything like c.lk or grab or overhead. Hitting mp after will let you confirm if it hit and recover just whiffing c.lk if it didn't. Landing this will lead into Bella's optimal starter, c.lk, c.mp, s.hp, Kanchou. If Parasoul tries anything else as a roundstart, you're safe and may be able to punish.

If she does c.mp you're out of range, and you can punish with c.hk or go for a kara MGR if you think she'll stay on the ground. If she does napalm shot you can just block (or deflect if you're nice). If she jumps back you can start advancing, if she neutral jumps you can threaten with MGR when she lands.

She can also jump forward, with either j.hp or grab (generally what Parasoul will choose to do). Staying on the ground lets you pressure her if she went for grab, but you have to block if she did j.hp (and push her out or eat a mixup). You can try jumping to land cancel the j.hp (either neutral or back jump), but if she went for grab then she gets more freedom to escape or setup. Your third option is doing mp lnl+assist call, which will soak j.hp and pressure her whichever option she does while keeping you safe. Assists that hit high/low are really good for this, but this is such an advantageous situation that it's fine with most other assists.
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So few people post here. Hmm.

Anyway, recently I thought I'd go figure a few things out. I was in a set against Pickles on stream and I was getting consistently hit by that whole crossup j.hk thing. So, I went in training mode and ironed out what I think her options are and what I can do about them, because I just can't reaction block the j.hk.

So, I'm not super familiar with her but I think the ground vortex happens after j.lk, j.hk, or something ending with j.hk. I tested j.lk, j.hk, then something after that. Her options are A) IAD j.lk, j.hk, B) c.lk reset, C) crossup j.hk, and D) ground grab.

The two best options to do out of hitstun/blockstun seem to be either Devil Horns or HP LNL. Devil Horns will beat options B, C, and D, while HP LNL will beat/get away from options A, B, and C. The only thing about HP LNL is that if they go low you gotta cancel into super to not die, but you can confirm after seeing her hit your armor.

You can also confidently beat IAD with s.lk. Most people probably know, but just waiting to see her jump forward/starting the air dash can get sniped pretty consistently with s.lk into s.mp confirm. It also seems like mp lnl is good from around its max range to the point where she can IAD j.lp; if she does IAD anything she gets hit, and her only real options for beating it are c.hk and empty jumping.

Another character I wanted to look at was Squigly, cause I never really seem to know what to do against low j.hp. Devil Horn will hit it, but it takes a hard read case if she didn't j.hp she can punish. Two good options I've found is jumpback j.hp, it'll trade in Bella's favor or hit cleanly if spaced right, and probably is the go to option if she isn't calling an assist that'll hit you. Another option is c.mp, which seems surprisingly effective; if she's in range to hit with j.hp, you can dash in and c.mp and hit her body (and confirm into combo if you do).