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CloudKing Training thread

Who should I rotate with filia as a sub?

  • Fukua

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Cerebella

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Big Band

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters


King of White Puffs
Feb 18, 2014
Reaction score
New Jersey, United States
Valentine Unknown Double
Thought I might make one of these, bc it is really hard for me to practice skullgirls just by going into training mode.
Like always I practice a setup or two, default to practicing Bnbs and then stop bc I get bored. This lack of discipline and playing online (everyone p much has this issue) as my main means of practice has made me feel stagnant, and I want that to change.

I guess I'll first try pointing out the strong points of how I do with my team, then I'll post what needs work.

Valentine- I'm pretty confident that I have the setplay aspect of the character downpat, and my neutral with the character is in a great spot I feel.

Filia- I feel like she is my weakest character on the team. Not that I can't play her effectively, I just feel like my pressure and setups are slow in comparison to the ones I have to block when I play against filia. I'm confident in what I can do after I get the hit.

Double-I feel like my double is in a great spot as well, I really like this character, maybe more than Val. I just really love her vortex, it is one of the funnest parts of the game for me.

Valentine- I have too many gameplans that I follow all at the same time, and I feel like trying to balance them diminishes the reward of each strategy, so I get less reward from them when they work. Execution is a big barrier from being where I want to be with this character, I just need to try and focus on dropping stuff less. Otherwise not much else I feel.

Filia- I have problems keeping my opponent in a vortex. What I mean by this is that my setplay is lacking. I can do resets just fine, but if Im blocked I have problems staying/getting back in. Either Im just not mentally fast enough, or I don't know which buttons to be pressing and when.

Double- only issues I can think of is downbacking too much and relying on j.hp more than i wish i would. Its really good, but is also really predictable.

How to solve my problem:
I believe the way to solve my problem is to go back to basics: use universal combos so I don't overthink them and drop them, practice defending current meta reset points and the most important;
it has taken me too long to start thinking about using these, because with how aggressive I play, I get hit by reversals often (Heck I even get hit out of baiting a super often).

This is what I got so far, hopefully posting this will help me and any others who read this thread.
If you guys have any tips, advice, setups that you think might be useful lmk!
I'll be posting videos and strategies as I go along from here.
Filia- I feel like she is my weakest character on the team. Not that I can't play her effectively, I just feel like my pressure and setups are slow in comparison to the ones I have to block when I play against filia.
Reminding you of the thing we talked about where you should go through your setup without waiting to see if the initial setup hit landed. That's how you get faster.

Also voting for either Squigly, Painwheel, or Fortune as subs for Filia, because they aren't in your list but I think they fit you better than the choices you listed. :^P
Reminding you of the thing we talked about where you should go through your setup without waiting to see if the initial setup hit landed. That's how you get faster.

Seconding this, because this is the difference between when I play vs Cloud's Filia vs Wing/Beamsprouts' Filia.
My only advice and it pertains to Filia. I agree with mike and dolfinh. The thing is with filia is that you need to "black out" with that character. if you play her too careful, thoughtfully, etc. then Filia ends up becoming predictable and that's a real problem.

So I watched Duck's critique on you vs. Sage. Pointing out what has been said by him, You do have execution problems and lack of playing lame/safely/running away etc.


1. She can be very good at running away especially vs. characters like Cerebella. Double can struggle getting in even with Parasoul's dash and flesh step. Fukua, It's kind of hard to since she can space and keep you out with M shadow, Fireball, etc.

2. Whenever your above a character while doing dead cross or just there doing nothing, most players will expect you to block a c.LK or something like that. Kind of a good option if you want to use it. Personally, I like doing it and it works. But just make sure it's j.LK, sometimes you can use j.LP.

3. I don't know if you have a problem with this or don't like it, but Val can have a good time making sure combos hit. This can go along with execution but it's whatever. Say you're doing back dash xx air dash j.LP > j.LK. You're worried that you will drop it or just don't have confidence. Cancel into dead cross to add more hitstun and be closer to the ground.

4. Remember that s and c.LP are 6 frames. Use it to punish things better and confirm things like the j.LP > j.LK situation.

I know it may seem dumb to expect all Val players to convert off of every random hit with an ariel with Bypass. But if you have the reactions to convert from it, it will be very good for your hitconfirm game.

6. Honestly, I never really see you adapt to air incoming things like Filia air dash rush in game. Duck and I use this tool a lot when fighting players who love to approach from the air and never empty jump. s.HK with Bomber is a good tool, as well as s/c.MP to anti-air. But don't over use it, but it is a very good tool when fighting players who love to approach from the air.

7. Val doesn't really get much or any anti-mash resets without assists. Besides parasoul. Val has really good air resets vs. Parasoul, like everyone else does in this game. But still, you're not gonna get much without assists.

Reset with updo. (A duck)
Reset with bomber


1. I agree with you on her being your weakest character, but please don't drop her. It's just work on not being so worked up/rush in without considering the situation at hand. Even though she has to be played to rush in.
2. Work on hit confirms because she has good ones. j.LP is good, j.HK can be good. But all in all, they're good.

Honestly, just repeating what duck said in his critique. Work on execution, confirms, call assists less when they're about to die, and learn to play lamer. Take whatever you do in training mode in consideration, even silly things or weird confirms.

Also, Question: Why do you use Knives with M bomber for round start? Even if you get the hit, It's super hard to confirm off of it even on lights.
yo @LuxadeSwag for the confirm thing, isnt it better doing jlp jmk fastfall jhp? it has a good hitstun too and you can do it faster/easier than throwing a dead cross imo
yo @LuxadeSwag for the confirm thing, isnt it better doing jlp jmk fastfall jhp? it has a good hitstun too and you can do it faster/easier than throwing a dead cross imo
Honestly, it's personal preference. I just think j.LK is better because its a frame faster than j.MP
I voted Big Band cause he's the biggest

I guess I should ask though, what do you want your sub for Filia to do for you? Filia provides a lot of utility with Updo assist and DHC to Gregor letting you convert off anything. Not every character can do that.
Thought I might make one of these, bc it is really hard for me to practice skullgirls just by going into training mode.
Like always I practice a setup or two, default to practicing Bnbs and then stop bc I get bored. This lack of discipline and playing online (everyone p much has this issue) as my main means of practice has made me feel stagnant, and I want that to change.

Training mode when you're practicing your bnbs is boring. But you practice those combos thousands of times because dropping a combo once in a tournament match can be the entire reason you lose. That's why you practice them thousands of times, even if that doesn't guarantee you wont drop them.
Before EVO2014, I practiced every day, and I still messed up a lot, but I messed up less in important matches in the end. At Combo Breaker, I didn't practice, and it really showed in my play. For Summer Jam I practiced almost every day, in training mode, not only grinding combos, but also practicing against the common set ups and pressure my opponents were doing. That tournament I felt like I was almost at my best for the time, and I don't believe I dropped as many things or moved as poorly as I did at CB and even NEC.

Which brings me to something very few people do. Grinding combos and set ups are important, but you need to practice against the opponents mix ups and pressure as well. People do a lot of unsafe things all the time, but you don't see it while playing. Whenever you play someone, make sure you take what they were doing and bring it to training mode, figure out how to beat it, when to pushblock, if you can land cancel a certain part, anything. It makes a difference, and doing this is imo the only reason I could beat Sonic's Eliza at Summer Jam. If you going into the lab to figure out one punish means you land one hit you wouldn't have before, and that could be the entire difference between getting 1st, and getting idk 5th or something.

I think if you do this you'll see a huge improvement in your play, or at the very least not feel like you've gotten stuck. It might also help make training mode less boring. Everything you find about how to beat things, write it down too, so you can look over it whenever you forget.

You can also practice hit confirms (setting dummy to block random), movement (IAD, wavedashing, etc).

If you're going to play another character just play Cerebella(Excellebella). Fukua doesn't fit your style, neither does big band. Fortune does, but imo she doesn't compliment your team very well.

I know a lot of your execution problems comes from playing on DS4 (especially playing it on PS3, it had a bit more input delay than other controllers on top of our problems with it)
A lot of pad players use the Hori fighting commander and say they like it a lot, so that's something to look into. Ask socks about it, I believe blaise nate and hirokuni also use it.
Training mode
you need to practice against the opponents mix ups and pressure as well.
Yo, I do this CONSTANTLY. Like "Oh ___ does this ALL THE TIME let's find a hole or a way around it". I think that's lots of fun, because from then on EVERY TIME you see whatever tactic that most people don't punish, you can punish it...and a lot of people don't have a backup tactic they can use when their normal good stuff is no longer good.
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i'm thirding(?) what mike/sage said about labbing against setups, not only regarding the effectiveness of that as a learning tool but also that it's FAR more interesting (imo) than finding combos/setups. Testing "what can I do to beat <x>" is the only thing I can do in training mode for longer than 20 minutes without getting tired of it.

don't drop filia she's cool
Ok well here is my post Combo Breaker 2016 post.



I was kinda upset at the loss vs Liam, not because he didnt play well, but bc i fucked up near the end. I still don't remember how I got bomber and scalpels (probably overlap from a button dash input), but it was what ended the set in a bad way.

The loss against sonic was kinda expected, he has clearly learned how to beat both me and sage from the sets I had against him the months before Combo Breaker. I let him in my head, and I don't know how to get in my opponent's head yet.

Other than that I'm really glad I started experimenting with Orange vial the weekend of CB. The setups you get off of it are insane, and it can allow you to literally watch what your opponent does and hit them.

I probably should learn from this and actually practice my team before a major, but I had too much fun learning peacock.

My goal from here is to grow as a player, and not let execution problems stop me from becoming the player I know I can be. Also don't want there to be a pattern of always getting 5th lol

GGs to everyone I played, I had fun even if I lost!
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FWIW I think you were fucking up in the set against Liam more than just the ending, just everything throughout you clearly dropped so much stuff. Still good stuff though!
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FWIW I think you were fucking up in the set against Liam more than just the ending, just everything throughout you clearly dropped so much stuff. Still good stuff though!
I meant that this cost me the set, but you are right, I drop alot