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Console Lobby Patch Bugs + Issues Megathread

Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
Robo Fortune Double
Post any bugs and issues you find on the newest patch for Skullgirls on console here.

Issues with lobbies especially.

There is still one more patch coming later once the JP VO contract agreement is finalized, so hopefully any glaring issues can be addressed.
-The whole like previous menu being on top of the lobby menu thing happens which i'm sure everyone is aware of.

-Character select just randomly stutters/freezes for a couple seconds.

-My 5th game I got a PSN "error occurred" message and had to restart the game for no real reason that I noticed?

-In actual gameplay regardless of ping it will randomly just completely stop for 3-4 seconds and continue to where the gameplay currently is. Happened multiple times in my couple of games.

Just the few things I found and i'm sure it could be because of sudden traffic and etc, but its totally awesome that we have it and i'm sure it'll improve with the final bugfix patch :)


-In quick match I picked Beowulf, and chose the wrong color so I pressed select and it auto gave me a "error has occurred" message. I tested it and tried it again and it happened twice without fail. Only happened on P2 side, tested on P1 and didn't happened.
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Picture of the thing Ken reported that happens on PC a lot, and now console.
Thanks for setting up this thread! Just wanted to remind everyone that without a repro case for bugs, it's incredibly difficult to discern what's causing the problem. We've never had a reliable way to reproduce the UI overlap bug, for instance.

Any specific info you can provide about a bug - what you were doing at the time, what game mode you were in, etc - would go a long way in helping us identify what's wrong.
Sometimes takes the entire 50 seconds at "waiting for opponent" screen to start the match.

will sometimes crash the game when trying to accept an inv to a lobby

Sometimes spectating doesn't work.

Private slots don't seem like they work
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If I blue screen one more time.... I'll lose it. Or if someone else joins/leaves the lobby and my game stutters... I'll pull my hair out.
Any specific info you can provide about a bug - what you were doing at the time, what game mode you were in, etc - would go a long way in helping us identify what's wrong.
To get the lobby UI bug:

> Quick Match
> Find Game
> Play Game
> Go To Char Select Every Round
> Finish QM Game
> Lobby Play

The UI slides in, goes blank, then slides in again and the UI bugs and won't leave.
I've seen it happen from tons of other scenarios though..
lobbies seem to work better with less people. seem to only be an issue with 6 or more
Isn't there a launch option to log possible errors on pc? This could help
On QM your opponents name doesn't show up at any point during the match(es) so you have no idea who you're playing.
While I was playing SG on my PSVita while listening to BBCF music, The lobbies caused a Demon Lobby, slang term for lobby crashes, like on the PC version and today, I found another bug, which occurs when a big character portrait stays on until I or the opponent chooses a stage.
I know that they issued the problem with the trophy not unlocking when meeting al conditions, I was waiting for this update to be able to unlock Threads of fate, but how do I get it to work? Like, even though it appears that every character's story has been completed, it won´t unlock or do I have to play them all over again? Please help
I know that they issued the problem with the trophy not unlocking when meeting al conditions, I was waiting for this update to be able to unlock Threads of fate, but how do I get it to work? Like, even though it appears that every character's story has been completed, it won´t unlock or do I have to play them all over again? Please help

Are you playing on PS4 or Vita?
Private slots don't seem like they work
I had the this problem as well.

Multiple uninvited players joined my Lobby after I set all the available slots to private.

- PS4
- 4 Player Lobby
- 3 Private Slots
Are you playing on PS4 or Vita?
I'm playing on Vita, but I also have the PS4 Version, but I completed the story mode on Vita, so I want the trophy from there.
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Playing in lobbies after your next match gets chosen it goes to the loading screen if you and your opponent don't connect sometimes it will send you back to a lobby, with no one's names showing and you can't back out or anything. The only way out is to quit game. PS4
So far problems I've had:
-Stutters terribly for 3-4 seconds in lobby matches, then does countdown timer. Has happened on occasion even with good connections.
-Doing a training lobby just does a regular match. I don't see any indicator for going to training mode either like with previous patch.
-Players getting into private lobbies
-My icon that displays in lobbies is greatly fuzzed out to where you can only see the top of it (Don't know if players can see this or not) (Picture below for reference)
-Lobby settings when creating a match don't save when you completely exit the game and re-enter.

So far that's what I've experienced on my end. If i come across anything else I'll be sure to post it up!


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Please, at least assure me that if I play all the characters' stories again, I'm gonna get the "Threads of Fate" trophy
Please, at least assure me that if I play all the characters' stories again, I'm gonna get the "Threads of Fate" trophy

We had one report from a user saying it didn't unlock, so until we verify on our end, hold your horses. :(
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