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CPS2 styled themes for Skullgirls characters by Wizzywhipitwonderful


Many eyes
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Nanako Dojima
Squigly Fukua
Boy thats a long title...
Some of you may know him, some of you may not, but this guy makes some really damn good character themes (as well as remixes) with CPS2 instruments, which were used in various Capcom arcade games. Im not sure if this is true or not, but he's stated before that early into development he was recruited to remix all of the themes. Lets get Mike in here

Which ones are your favorite? Which ones are your least favorite?
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I'd like to shamelessly take the credit for making this happen.

Yep. I just idly commented on one of his videos one day, "You know, I'd really like to see you try the Skullgirls cast sometime." Not a day later, he was cranking these out. Dude's really dedicated to his fans.

He's done a pretty good job so far, though I would like it if Cerebella was a bit more over-the-top. Kind of surprised he took the techno-like approach for Peacock instead of playing off of her mad cartoonishness, but it works—I could see it being an alternate theme for Lab 8.
maybe this is too much to ask but it would be awesome if someone didthe SG cast in a cps-2 or 3 style looking way
This guy does a pretty good job emulating that Darkstalkers vibe. When it comes to CPS2, I'll admit I prefer the SFA/MSH style, but this is still some neat stuff. The Valentine theme is pretty cool, and I actually wouldn't mind hearing that one in the game.

On that note, I still think a "fan-arranged soundtrack" option would be a neat feature for Skullgirls at some point. Retro-styled character themes like this could be a cool addition too. Heck, if a retro soundtrack option inspired Yamane to throw in some bonus songs with her old FM Synth skills, that'd be even better!
Outstanding job on the themes! The ones that I love the most are Filia, Peacock, Painwheel, and Marie.
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Really digging the one for Squigly. I like the beat, the piano, and the bits of opera singing. Also she's got the eye of the tiger.
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Beowulf and Valentine are the only ones I think are good. Squigly is 2nd. The rest I don't like much.

EDIT: Upon a second listen I like Cerebella's too.
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val, peacock, beowulf, and squigs are my faves.
Pretty good but don't really fit the characeters
maybe this is too much to ask but it would be awesome if someone didthe SG cast in a cps-2 or 3 style looking way

This was actually gonna be a little project of mine but I only did a few characters

Pretty good but don't really fit the characeters

I agree with this, but I think Beowulf comes the closest to being true to the character.
Oh look, he just uploaded Painy's theme <3
The tunes themselves are pretty good at getting that Capcom-esque vibe, which is no surprise given the composer already has a lot done, but I have to agree that most don't seem to fit the characters...which is probably why my favorite is Squigly's, not only because I personally think it's the best at being associable with the character but also the tune itself certainly stands out (looping it for the 4th time as I type this post while most of the others got shut over halfway through).
Least favorites? Well, I was disappointed with Parasoul's but I dunno, maybe I'm the only one expecting her theme to sound a bit more "militaristic".

Personally, given who authored SG's OST, I think a retro fan OST would do better to emulate the GBA Castlevania OSTs (I think it's a "ideal middle point").
The songs could definitely benefit from some more drafts and polish, but with the style he's going for, I think they "fit" the characters well enough so far. If we'd been hearing these in the game since its release, most of us would probably be fine with them by now.

I mean, a lot of Capcom's themes for the Marvel cast weren't great fits either (like Omega Red's theme, which is actually one of my favorites), but they were still cool to hear when the characters showed up. Once I realized those songs were primarily just meant to be catchy and keep the momentum going, their relevance to the characters' personalities didn't matter to me quite as much.

Anyway, not saying this guy couldn't try harder, but I think he's done fine as far as his inspirations go.
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What games, specifically, have used CPS2? What does it stand for?

I'd REALLY like to see SG character themes using Marvel vs Capcom 1's music engine.
I love marvel 1 music.
What games, specifically, have used CPS2? What does it stand for?

I'd REALLY like to see SG character themes using Marvel vs Capcom 1's music engine.
I love marvel 1 music.

Capcom Play System 2.

Some examples include Vampire Savior, Street Fighter Alpha Series, Marvel Super Heroes, Marvel vs Capcom 1, etc to name a few.
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Hello everyone! Glad to see that this has reached you all, and it's an honor you take time out to give my compositions a listen and share your feedback. I know I'm not as good as Michiru Yamane, seeing as how I'm an ear composer and such, it's just something I enjoy.

I only hope to create more enjoyable music in future--thanks for being supporters!

May God bless you all!


EDIT: Didn't see this at the top of the page, but I got this from my Inbox At Capcom-Unity for you all...

Are you interested in doing something for Skullgirls?

From: Mike
Received: Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 05:00pm
(I'd have sent this on Youtube but adding friends there is a pain)


I'm one of the people working on Skullgirls, which (if you haven't heard of it before) is a new HD 2D fighting game.

Myself and the director heard your stuff, and we decided to poke you to find out if you'd be interested in doing CPS2-style remixes of the SG music that we'd possibly include as unlockable tracks.

I don't know if this is okay with the higher-ups yet, and I don't even know if it's legal to sell what you make since you use actual CPS2 samples (right?), but asking is better than not asking. (^.^)


Mike Z
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Filia's theme gets the blood pumping and I also enjoy Bella's theme. Valentine's theme is also great.

Damn, that is an old message.
Edited first post to be hyperlinks instead of embeds.

It was lagging like crazy.
Just noticed Double and Marie's themes got added. Very good. Very good indeed.
OK, maybe I'm just biased towards these types of tunes but definitely my favorites alongside Squig's.

EDIT: that's it! Marie's theme was reminding me of something but couldn't quite figure it.
Tis Trash Head from KoF '96. (Now there's a classic!)
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Would literally beat Marie 300% ten times in a row if it meant I could unlock CPS2 remixes of Skullgirls' music
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Holy Mother of Trinity! Parasoul's new theme. It just has that gravitas that really fits the character's ordeals. And I feel like it could be on the OST of a Dark Souls side-scrolling Arcade. Sooooooo good! OTL

There's others too. Here's the links:
Parasoul (New Arrangement)
Big Band

I don't know if I was the only one who made the observation but can't, modesty aside, help thinking my observation played a part. And now I'm feeling like a total asshole. (.__.)
Hell yeah, I love this guy's work. I've actually been swapping out the original music for his stuff recently.

I really like this theme on the Rooftops (day) stage.
@Error Macro - Thanks! Your support is appreciated, and it is an honor!

@Balder - Please don't feel that way, constructive criticism is what helps me to become better. It's all about how you a statement is present when you're talking to someone. If I can't take cc, how will my music evolve? I can't please everyone I come across, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try harder when the result isn't satisfactory to others.

I focused TOO MUCH on the "class" that Parasoul has as a Princess, and left out that key point of her being head of the Black Egrets; they play a valuable role in her character.

Thank you....THANK YOU for being honest, as I hope the rest of you will do the same.

@worldjem - Great job on the video!
it was awesome seeing the music put to use here!
Thank you....THANK YOU for being honest, as I hope the rest of you will do the same.
Well, if you want some opinions, I think I got some. Cerebella's theme is really nice, but it doesn't feel like the core aspects of Cerebella get through in the song. It doesn't sound fun enough, basically. Cerebella has the most fun when she fights people, she's enjoying herself, and in a lot of her animations she looks at the audience/player. No other character does this, I'm pretty sure (except Filia's winpose). So, the way I see her and the way I feel when she's playing, her personal theme should be one that always has a smile while it soaks up all the attention it's getting for being awesome. Don't know how you'd get that through in a song, but those are both of my cents.
Big Band's song on the other hand is perfect

It's the song that runs through his head when I wavedash with him



  • bandwave.webm
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Oh wow, I didn't really think you'd be up to making an updated version! I just felt like saying stuff. I really am looking forward to what you come up with!
Well to each his/her own, but I actually love these themes and would love them in the skullgirls game as unlockables or for some conditions need to be met fight BG music...or both.

My favs have to be filia's, squigly's, Double's, and Marie's themes. I looooove them X3

*edit* Add in Fukua and BB's themes to that fav list now ^^;
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tell you what... i'm okay if mike accepts these mixes as unlockables... could be a fan contribuition like the fukua's extra sprites
I'm IN THIS?!?! XDDD dang you dolphin!
Hey, at least I didn't use the second game. That was much sloppier from both parties. =P
Hmm I actually really liked Cerebella's, it felt like one of the most fitting ones. Shame it got taken down.