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Fox of the Stars
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Unknown Robo Fortune Filia

Ooooh snap the thing is happening.
Now that I actually have a PC I always wanted to help with @dekillsage to better the community, and now that I do, I can make this thing true!
So things to note:
1.Both of us WILL be in the lobby either playing/spectating. If you wish to join in on this, understand that we will be pointing out a lot of things about your gameplay! They aren't jabs at you I promise <3
2. Streams will vary between me and sage so you can find them both here:


We are typically available 6:30 EST and this stream will be usually twice a week (although subject to change if we randomly feel like doing it mid week. We will let ya know!)
Monday and Thursday

3. Our main goal is to level up the community! We want to upgrade peoples neutral game, teach them things about their character they may not have known, learn matchups etc. So if you wish to join, feel free to post if youd like to join! Even if you don't know and if I may quote "know your ABC's" feel come and learn them from us!

4. WE both Skype so if you have one PLEASE tell us! Its fine if you don't but we prefer that we can contact you and talk about gameplay and stuff

P.S: we are both east coast
Lets get the posts rolling up


1) If you are a beginner, then this is not for you. Sorry guys, but if you have absolutely no idea what you're doing because of how new you are, then there isn't much we can do to help you.
Examples include:
.Not being able to do any BNB consistently
.Not being able to pushblock
.Not being comfortable moving with your character
.Not knowing the defensive options(not knowing how to use them well is different)

If you think this is you, play the game more before asking to play here!

Here are some links for you. Take a look!

2) If your internet is bad, you can only play on wireless, or our connections together are terrible, I'm not going to play with you. I can't help you figure out what you need to work on when the matches are constantly rolling back, I am very sorry.

3) PLEASE stop and think about the things you want to work on. If you show up and say "I don't know" or "Everything" or "I want to work on my neutral"(this one is okay, but try and be more specific), then its very hard to help you. Part of this is to not only have us tell you what to do, but to have you stop and think about the things that are actually giving you trouble. That way we can work together. But if you're going to be vague, and you don't really know what your problem is, then you're not actively thinking about the things that are giving you issues and you wont make any improvements.

4) If you join this, then ask to be it on it again and it hasn't been at LEAST a month, I am saying no.
I know you haven't taken our advice, thought about it, applied it, practiced your combos/resets/blockstrings, and tried to work on future problems that came up on your own in less than one week. Don't waste my time, don't waste your time.

If you fit into one of these categories, but still want help then please DM me and ask me questions. It might even be better than playing us, you never know.

Anyways, thanks for reading. See you at the next one which is TBA
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dibs on first signup
dibs on the spot socks SHOULD have got smh
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i really need this to get good ;_;
Updated OP being the official days as Tuesday and Thursday
WE still may stream whenever the hell we feel like it though so try to keep a sharp eye out!
I originally enrolled in the dekillschool, but I skipped every single day of attendance. I'll be signing up again and I promise I won't skip this time. Maybe. Skool is for fuckin' nerds #toocoolforschool

But no, really. I need to stop sucking so hard at this game. I'm east coast as well, and always up for a good Skype session.
I'm interested in this, but as a warning, my internet may not cooperate.
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Cool! I don't know if I'm ready to level up out of Casual territory, but I'll definitely check out the streams.
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Heads up! We will be doing a stream tonight at like 10-11 PM EST to start off so If anybody is still alive at that time come checkout the stream!
oh shit, dekillschool is back with another teacher?!

I want in.

EDIT: skype is fine. name is alex pimentel
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My one recommendation is to have the times & channels this happens on be consistent. It really helps to be able to have people know when they can see something, and not just hope/guess :P

I won't waste anybody's time by pretending that I can learn anything, but I do really appreciate you volunteering your time for this. Thank you.

1: I assume its a 4-8 person lobby?
2: How many people will be in the session for each day?
3: Will there be an hour of playing either sage or you fox then an hour against someone of your choosing?
4: The information will be relayed in VODS,Skype and such right?(of course).
5: If there is specific questions later on and someone brings the link of the video with a timestamp you can be reached whenever you guys are on Skullgirls? or can we tweet you or DM or w.e?

I'll sit and watch how this session goes before i choose to partake in the future ones. Best of luck!
Why was this originally called dekillschool and now deschoolsage?
This sounds fun. I would like a chance to better myself with new knowledge. My skype is D-Money107.
Hi. I would like to learn how to play Solo Bella.
My one recommendation is to have the times & channels this happens on be consistent. It really helps to be able to have people know when they can see something, and not just hope/guess :P

I won't waste anybody's time by pretending that I can learn anything, but I do really appreciate you volunteering your time for this. Thank you.
stillll getting that one worked out xD
I too would like to get in on this sometime.
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Really interested, but I know my availability may cause problems.
That bein said, I'll say when I can be there on a Tuesday or Thursday.
Also, as for Skype, yeah I have it but I don't feel like posting it.
Put me in coach. Also, I think this thread should be under the Videos/Streams sub-forum.
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I'd like to enter. I was gonna play Solobella, but since Sharpie's got that covered I guess I'll be Sololiza. Blood palette, naturally.

Skype is "John Silvia" I think?
I'll participate
help me be a better fox then u Sonic

Skype: luxy.cakes
Other than watching us play do you guys also offer team building advice?
I want to participate! =D
I would love to sign up for this. I have lots of time, and I have lots of things I need to improve both of my main team and my secondary team. My Skype name is DawnHibiki, and hopefully, I can add you guys on Steam as well. I need to improve my skill to be at the top level, so I'll be on in every Tuesday and Thursday.

EDIT: I also need to improve my Beowulf and my Robo-Fortune. I've been practicing with them as well.
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I really like how you're a fox and Sage is just...himself...

It's just like real life!