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Dragon Ball FighterZ

Huh, it says Kamehameha can deflect Ki Blasts, and I know I saw regular ki blasts being used by at least the Saiyans in videos, but I can't find it on the universal input list.
This game has X-factor. Goku activates it at 1:25, Buu does at 2:45
Looks like it can be activated at any time, it's Sparking Blast, the icon that looks like the Metroid logo near their lifebars.
It's a burst, and games with ridiculously long combos and no smart combo ending mechanics NEED them
This game looks amazing and is on a system I own. I'm hyped.

So, how about Rev 2 on Xbox now, Arc? Please?

Playable 18 plz.
That video was really helpful! So heavy is just the Dust-like launcher, but Dragon Rush is also like a combination of Dust and Grab. Special is the ki blasts.

The homing combos though... I have to assume it either becomes techable early or wallbounce acts like OTG in other games.

Assist cooldowns, safer tag-ins on death, there's lots of stuff to distinguish it from MvC and Skullgirls.
Max's opinion on it.

Max got Yamcha'd.


i'm mixed on max, but then again he's pretty much right on this stuff. DBFZ looks good, the controls are good. [sure it's simple, but the use of multiple commands requiring button combos makes things much more interesting]
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I expect demand for compatibility with 6-button sticks will convince them to support the option to use button combinations for assists. If it requires eight buttons though, I'll be really mad.
The control manual showed at E3 already showed macros for them, though with how the picture of them was taken on someone's phone I couldn't see any macros for assists (but I saw a slash so I know there's more than one way of calling assists in the default setup).
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I personally hope that Krillin and 18 make it in. They are so going into my roster with..... er... with... Videl maybe? I dono...
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May be wishful thinking but i hope Broly doesn't make it
I know he's popular as fuck but I just hate him.

Wouldn't be against if that DBS girl (Kale i think?) took his role instead
Maybe a tag team character with Caulifla ?
Be a mistake to miss the Caulifla hype train if they didn't add her. As much attention as she's been getting lately, I'm sure she's going to make it.
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I knooooow they're very popular too, both of them.
May be wishful thinking but i hope Broly doesn't make it
I know he's popular as fuck but I just hate him.

Wouldn't be against if that DBS girl (Kale i think?) took his role instead
Maybe a tag team character with Caulifla ?
my guess is Broly and other movie characters are going to be DLC.

as for Caulifa, i too want her in. it would a great addition. Oh and 18 and Krillin they are totally getting. i can safely bet 100 bucks on it. and Satan as well. Can't have a DB game and NOT have Mr. Satan!
are you kitten me? nah nah nah, Hercule Satan will be strong, he might be a little slow due to his use of a jet pack, but he'll be good. He might come with some gimmick as well. Like he needs to pump himself up before he can do any real damage.

Wouldn't be against if that DBS girl (Kale i think?) took his role instead
Maybe a tag team character with Caulifla ?
Wait, did DBS add TWO female saiyans?

I do not watch or read Dragonball at all. >.>

Totally want both Videl and Caulifla to happen for my team. Not sure about the third, I guess 18 would be the default pick.
Yeah. The second one was watching Caulifla train and now she can go SS too (if I was reading right... I actually don't know DB very much)
There he is!

Damn Arcs' getting flashy as hell XD I'm still awaiting those sweet sweet Destructo Disks to show up.

edit: Distructo Disk as a friggin super attack, not some half baked special attack like some of the old fighters liked to make em as
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he could seriously hurt someone with that sword

he should put it away
he could seriously hurt someone with that sword

he should put it away
He should replace it with a stick.

Like in Fusions.
Love how it's the finishing strike pose from Super Android 13

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yeah the guys in the discord were talking about that. they are really excited for possible movie characters to get into the game
most of the movie original villains are kinda shit or just rip offs of existing characters but goddamn
I would be okay with Trucker Hat or Bojack

I want Super 13 to have the dick exploding punch as a super
beerus doesn't count because he's canon
he'll be in anyways because he's super popular
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beerus doesn't count because he's canon
he'll be in anyways because he's super popular
Pun intended?

The only movie character that I'd be okay with is (Not including Beerus and Whis, for obvious reasons.) is Janemba.
"This looks a LOT like Street Fighter (many of the animations are carbon copies). If had to describe the gameplay in one word, I'd say *yawn*."

hoooooooooo that's a comment on that video Shan posted. hoooo baby...

whew... tsk i am just. That was a zinger right there.