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Dragon Ball FighterZ

Bulma has a strong enough personality to reel in The Prince of All Saiyans like it's no big deal
So uh
Anyone know if you were able to map controls to work with six buttons in the beta?

Nothing new except 21's appearance.
man Yamcha wasn't in his most famous pose.

come on game you're disapointing me now. lol
he wasn't blown up this time
this time
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basically long story short: they're making the best looking fighter this year. and added details like scuffed up clothes and bruised cheeks is the kind of stuff that makes people love this fighter so dang much. It's that extra 10% that's poured in that shows they really care, just like with SG, you know?
basically long story short: they're making the best looking fighter this year. and added details like scuffed up clothes and bruised cheeks is the kind of stuff that makes people love this fighter so dang much. It's that extra 10% that's poured in that shows they really care, just like with SG, you know?

And the basic 25% REMOVED from recent capcom fighting games...
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Dragon Ball FighterZ - Yamcha and Tien Trailers

Dragon Ball FighterZ - Android 21 Reveal Trailer

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This Android 21 reveal trailer isn't much of a reveal.

Also, damn Yamcha has this ridiculously fast style a lot of people are gonna like, I think.
Trailer 1: I'm surprised they didn't wait til they had the voices in.
Trailer 2: Totally didn't have 21's voice be that way in my head cannon.
Yamcha looks super fun. Gives me some classic Arc speedster vibes
Well, he IS a rushdown character.

Yamcha looks super cool and it makes me mad cuz now I wanna play him. His theme sounds great too.
Also, the game will use delay based netcode, same as ggxrd rev.
I highly doubt 21 will be playable at this point, why wait so long for a gameplay trailer otherwise
I highly doubt 21 will be playable at this point, why wait so long for a gameplay trailer otherwise
I was pretty doubtful when they revealed her with flat art instead of a render like Tien and Yamcha, weird translations didn't help but I think her trailer being a story cutscene is the nail in the coffin
reception's been very positive to her though, so they might BS a moveset for her and make her DLC down the line
Well, ARC is known for always having one new oc fighter added to their titles.
Well, ARC is known for always having one new oc fighter added to their titles.
I think only think of P4 Arena for their licensed stuff
and that game was written by the Atlus guys, so I don't think it counts

Fist of the North Star and Sengoku Basara X only used source characters in theirs
I (and probably Ruin) wanted to play yamcha first

I (and probably Ruin) wanted to play yamcha first

Probably? boi, I been here

My true team is Piccolo/Yamcha/Mr. Satan (Krillin or 18 if he's not playable)
Mine was Piccolo, Yamcha, Krillin. Piccolo was always 1 and Krillin WAS 2, but Yamcha takes precedent.
They look cool but I already knew I wasn't gonna play them. I'm gonna play 18 and Krillin. And there are like, at least three Saiyans and a Namekian already competing for third (SSB Goku has the Kaio-Ken ffffff I wanna see a real breakdown of what he can do).
New mechanic with the dragon balls themselves


this is going to be like the stars in Fist of the North Star, isn't it?

The IK music better be CHALAHEADCHALA
the discord will be lapping up all of the info coming from GameInformer.

if you feel like it, you can join in on some theory combo crafting and team matchups. I just hope that Yamcha and Tien are good.

although alot of people are feeling that Tien with lvl 3 Sparking will be a monster due to his Tribeam draining life and Sparking's fast recovery, that he would become the lvl4 Xfactor Wesker that haunted Marvel 3.
Some Goku and Vegeta SSB gameplay from GameInformer.
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