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Dragon Ball FighterZ

I think in regards to non canon original characters, I would actually like to see Towa and Mira (Mira being the playable and Towa being the assists).

I think they are the best thing to come out of DBOnline (or for me, Xenoverse). It would be nice for them to join the roster.
You say "spoils" I say "allows informed purchase".
also true.

How nice of Namco thinking of us Xb1 players.

Can we get a port of Tales of Berseria next?
I see potential in transformed Zarbon to be a brutal grappler.

I love the type of characters who can just go all Hulk-vs-Loki.
Enough about vore. I'm pretty annoyed with it and any post talking exclusively about it is getting deleted it, if it isnt progressing conversation then don't post. Go to PMs or some lewd site if yall want to talk about vore.
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This guy is uploading character themes. Grab them before Namco takes them down!

oh man, I love Purple Cell with Time Powers' theme!
Anyone know if the beta is up on Xbone? If it is, lemme know ASAP.
I checked the Xbox Store and it's available to download now. I'm jumping in ASAP, boi! :D
I checked the Xbox Store and it's available to download now. I'm jumping in ASAP, boi! :D
All I'm seeing is "preorder".

edit: gamestop called me and seems I'll be getting my copy at 9pm tomorrow, which I find interesting.
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I ain't gonna spoil anything, but I think y'all are gonna like the story mode.

(No I don't have the game just trust me on this.)
I mean, full playthroughs have been on YT for like 2 days now.
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All I'm seeing is "preorder".

edit: gamestop called me and seems I'll be getting my copy at 9pm tomorrow, which I find interesting.
Forgot to mention that I was checking out the beta last night, and I played a good amount of matches. Only have a few lobby disconnects and one server disconnect.
trying to get a Party match going but no one seems interested T~T Really curious how they handled it..

Heads up to anybody else who fell for it, it's not an announcement of new characters from the current "Tournament of Power" arc.

That reminds me:
I saw this in a lobby last night
So the PC port has less QoL features than... if you count those flashing keyboard bindings as a "QoL feature", less than Calamity Trigger. Had to figure out the Steam Controller Support to get my hitbox working with the game, no native dinput support.
DLC's been datamined already
you've been warned

Kid Goku, Bardock, Broly, Janemba, Kefla, Jiren, Toppo and Fuu from Xenoverse 2
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DLC's been datamined already
you've been warned
Having seen this exact picture posted on multiple sites, I'd just like a little extra confirmation beyond a single image.

Mainly because I'm a little disappointed in a few of the choices as well
Who the fuck is Fuu?
Wasn't he an OC made just for Xenoverse 2?

She. You know, it could be the one from Samurai Champloo or the one from Magic Knight Rayearth.
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Had to figure out the Steam Controller Support to get my hitbox working with the game, no native dinput support.
Wow, they're really pulling a capcom, here. I'm going to have to buy a PS4 stick just so I can play this game at tournaments.
Had to figure out the Steam Controller Support
I did a little tinkering with Steam's controller config recently, and it's freakishly powerful. Got a button? Have an action? Chances are, you can map it. Button strings are a simple matter of getting one key to press multiple inputs with an arbitrary delay between them. Shoryuken button? Full-circle grab button? You can do that. With any controller type.
DLC's been datamined already
you've been warned

Kid Goku, Bardock, Broly, Janemba, Kefla, Jiren, Toppo and Fuu from Xenoverse 2

These choices are super interesting to say the least. I think their choices were probably influenced by the thought of "Who would be the most different from the existing cast in terms of game design?" We have a very small character with very unique abilities (similar to Kid Buu) who also has nostalgia on their side, a movie character with strange abilities and a weapon, and not one, but four more burly, top heavy types that could all serve as more pure grappler-style characters, since afaik 16 and Nappa are "not-quite-grapplers".

However keep in mind that we are inferring all this from three measly letters and that the final decisions may not be set in stone internally. Anyways thank you dataminers for doing the good work and, as Kawalorn said, allowing informed purchase, sadly will have to put this game on the back burner until Hercule is announced in a later edition several months from now. Hopefully......


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I don't think "kid" is for Kid Goku, but I don't know DB so... what evz

The only characters commonly refered as "kid" in Dragon Ball univeres are Kid Buu, Kid Goku and Kid Gohan.

And Kid Goku has biggest traction of all of those things, considering Kid Buu is already in the game.
She. You know, it could be the one from Samurai Champloo or the one from Magic Knight Rayearth.
What? pretty sure they're talking about -him-
Wait why would Broly be included if that lady from Dragon Ball’s sole existence is to introduce a canon Broly-esque character in the universe? Plus a big part of this game’s roster is to make them look different from one another and the lady is significantly more identifiable (mostly for the higher emphasis on the green hair) in that regard? It would be a really easy way to deal with the sausage fest complaints aimed at the game too.
If you think they won't get their asses wacked by a HUGE army of fanboys for introducing Kale instead of Broly, I've got news for you.
Some people are thinking this is fake, 'cuz apparently it can't be verified quite yet. (Though, this might've changed by now)
Don't forget, this could be fake or Red Herrings, it's just that the inclusion of Fu counts as both a credible thing (Representative of Xenoverse AND Dragon Ball Online) and as an uncredible thing at all (Such a leak thing to throw in an out of nowhere choice)
But if this turns out to NOT be fake, I wouldn't be sad, I mean, it's not terrible.
There's no knee jerk reactions like "Oh come on, really?" like with Smash's leak of Bowser Jr.
Plus, if anyone complains, Bandai Namco can say "because f uu, that's why."

Though, if he's weak, I guess we'll pity the Fuu.
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