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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2016 Thread

I care about having a stable framerate, something the Xbox One doesn't have going for it, and the fact you know down the road there will be games that run like trash on anything but the Scorpio. I don't care about VR or 4K.

Then again, everything is on Windows 10 anyway, so everything becomes redundant.
Ubisoft stream was a pretty pretty good, South Park the Fractured But Whole looks good (AND if you preorder you get motherhumping Stick of Truth for free!)
Steep looks like a lot of fun, and I can actaully consider getting Watch_Doges 2
Star Trek was neat as well, but the conference as a whole was pretty on par with what people expected. South Park was the Highlight, For Honor was the interesting 'surprise' and and Steep looks fun, but I don't see the longevity.
Phantom Dust remaster confirmed for Xbox and PC, no word on the new one.
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Sony blew their budget on an orchestra, they won E3.
Begrudgingly, so far I can say two games actually do appeal to me this year: Wilson's heart and Here they lie
So Kojima's trailer was, uh, interesting.
It ended fairly weak, I mean Kojima, Kojima, Kojima and that's good and all. But that new zombie game kinda looks eh. But overall it was great, just games, games and games with little to no fluff and very little "only on"s and "our console's processing ect." which was every other thing with Microsoft's. New Dad of War was interesting, CoD: Infinite Battlefront looks actually decent-ish. And Crash Remasters are hype though wish we could of get a glance at them. And RE7 is hype as all hell, just because it looks like a big old middle finger to Konami and making it into what PT should of became. But no indie show case was kinda saddening. Sony won E3 gg.
Unless if Nintendo has something up their sleeve, but they pretty much said that they didn't soooo yeah.
I think Days Gone at least has a biker aesthetic to carry it, yeah zambamboes but at least it has an aesthetic to go with it so it isn't bland bland bland.

The only downside was seeing Crash in Skylanders, good lord what an insult.
I think Days Gone at least has a biker aesthetic to carry it, yeah zambamboes but at least it has an aesthetic to go with it so it isn't bland bland bland.

The only downside was seeing Crash in Skylanders, good lord what an insult.
At least we have confirmation that he will be moving on from Skylanders, unlike Spyro who is lost in Skylanders limbo.
Resident Evil 7: Bio Hazard in the states

Biohazard 7: Resident Evil in Japan

I'm kinda worried, thoguh.
All first person, VR support?
I ain't seeing much combat or or monsters...
This feels a tad more Silent Hill than Resident Evil...
VR is terrible and Pacific Northwest Mad Max got ruined by zombies
Dadtos, Spiderman, and Norman Reedus Naked Adventure all look interesting but the best game is Bound which wasn't even on stream
6/10 Crash Was Never That Good
Bound is pretentious indie garbage that you experience.
i'd rather a cheap experience than a 400 dollar headset that makes me look like a complete tool
So far just one game that has VR seems to appeal to me is Wilson's heart, and that's admittedly because its based off of Golden age Hollywood horror movies and gangster movies from what I've heard
"hey guys LoZ"


"a little sun and moon"


"but no look LoZ for the entirety of the first day of E3 (Other than a small Sun and Moon bit where we show an already shown trailer again)"

They're saving everything for Tokyo Game Show as everything will be more prepared for that. And I, for one, am fine with that especially sense they said they wouldn't be focusing much other than new Zelda. As for the new Zelda, looks like a fantastic time sink of what they are showing and is like the only open world game I can honestly say I'm exited for.

Mother 3
Calling it now on June 14 2016 at 1:21 p.m. Central time: The Mysterious old Man is King Hyrule.
Nier trailer.

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This was definitely the most important and conference-shattering announcement they made during their stream. One of the few megaton announcements that are only made every decade.

There he is
Nioh trailer
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Looking good, hope they made the game less ungodly difficult.
I can only wonder if the Demo will have another shot at the "Mark of the Conquerer" DLC
Or if it'll be another incentive to play
Releasing it during the same week as Last Guardian is a very boneheaded movie, I get trying to release it in time for Halloween but holy fucking shit that's as bad as releasing Alvin the Chipmunks as the same day as Star Wars (IT HAPPENED LAST YEAR)
So has anyone else tried the Resident Evil demo? I've found two endings so far but I imagine there is something I'm missing since I haven't found a use for the finger or the axe.
For those who were excited about Black Manta in Injustice 2 .
He's a Stage Transition

Careful though, Ed might pull a fast one on us, remember how Doomsday was in the background of Fortress of Solitude?
But then again, this is an entire Stage Transition, no idea how they could swap that out easily
That hud is ugly. Especially the meters. The curved ones in the first game that had the character's emblem and trait all in one nice little thingamajig was... nice. This is just boring.

MKX-style intros are back though so 10/10 game it looks great
That hud is ugly. Especially the meters. The curved ones in the first game that had the character's emblem and trait all in one nice little thingamajig was... nice. This is just boring.

MKX-style intros are back though so 10/10 game it looks great
I also prefer how the clash is an actual clash, they're struggling against each other, talk, then do their thing instead of awkwardly charging at one another
I also prefer how the clash is an actual clash, they're struggling against each other, talk, then do their thing instead of awkwardly charging at one another

Really? I'm the opposite, I think this new animation is pretty boring. The clash and explosion in the first game was mad hype. I can see how this one has appeal though, trash talk while struggling is pretty cool.
Okay so you know how in MKX when you pick ya characters they walk up and, like, snarl at each other or give the opponent a mean ol' look like 'hey fuck you man.' Well in Injustice 2 they straight up trade blows. Like Batman will actually punch the opponent in the goddamn jaw on the CSS. It's absolutely ridiculous.

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