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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017 Thread

friggin audio...
Oh yeah, audio's totally fucked up. Probably on Twitch's recording.

And the first thing they announce is a new Uncharted. "It's not Nathan Drake!"

And then Horizon DLC, which was obviously coming. The Banuk had been so underexplored. Cool to see that they went with the high-tech shield technology for Aloy to wear in the trailer, though.
Does anyone care about gritty open world zombie apocalypse game?

They're really going in on the performance art thing this year.
There is a serious party going on in the zombie forest.
Those zombies actually look pretty fast

Well, Monster Hunter people should be happy.
Monster Hunter World: The Jump Cut Edition
Hey guys who's ready for BLAND MONSTER HUNTER!?

And was that an actual Shadow of the Colossus sequel!? I missed the title. But was it just my end, or was that trailer laggy?

Edit: I think it's just my end. I'll refresh it during this CoD trailer.
Shadow of the Colussus remake already won me.
Okay, even after a computer restart the video and audio are jumpy. Really irritating.
Well that was alright, the new Monster Hunter looked cool, look forward to playing it on PC. Shadow of the Colossus is a big win for me, but it is a remake.
Wait, new MH is on PC?

I mean, I was planning to get it anyway... unless it's a MMO.

I was surprised by how little there was. It's not like Microsoft had anything really of note besides Sea of Thieves and "hey, ArcSys is putting their next game on our console, and first!" (which is really only noteworthy to these forums :P), but they showed some indies, at least.

Otherwise, new Uncharted ("it's not Nathan Drake!") aaand Horizon DLC. Oh, and a HD remake of SotC. Monster Hunter is kinda cool except it looks way less colorful than all the Nintendo ones.

Maybe they secured the first (well, second) spot to ensure they got all those cross-platform games in their conference, even the non-launch exclusive ones.
Wait, new MH is on PC?
PS4 and Xbox One get an early 2018 release, PC comes later.
Ubi was surprisingly competent, sans Rabbids and Dance (which was short enough thankfully), though the conference ran bit long though.

Sony was ok, it was just a string of super serious trailers that all had groups of people exposition dumping a bunch info on our laps. Like if they broke up the monotony of it with like a BOOM Crash or even BOOM BUBSY to break up the seriousness of everything else. All and all Spiderman was mostly the only thing to interest me, though Moss does have my attention, thought that's about it from the conference.
I set my expectations for Marvel vs Capcom Infinite at rock bottom and was somehow still disappointed.
Metroid fucking Prime.
The lack of even a dev name is not inspiring hope, but hey, I'll wait until we have literally anything to judge it by.
fuckin' kirby though oh my god
it's everything i want and moooooore
awwwww fuck odyssey looks even better than i thought
taking control of enemies looks amazing for movement
time to buy a switch
>No Smash Switch
>No Mother 3

that's all I wanted mang
Alright I guess Smash 4 Switch is just a fever dream.
Just give it a bit longer.

Unless the whole Vs. thing is evidence of things to come, it'd be funny if they just killed Smash out of spite for people enjoying their games.
I thought Odyssey looked neat but this Treehouse presentation is just draining any expectation I had.
So now that conferences are over, when do all the cool announcements that publishers are too dumb to think are worth mentioning on stage happen?
If we're down to "we'll show you a title card with no info" level, why the fuck would they fail to mention this during the conference? This is literally the point I just made except far dumber.