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Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017 Thread

i sure am ready for the sportsball, fellow youth
I hope they save Battlefront II for the end and get the shitty sports out of the way first
I probably don't remember that because I deleted it from my memory
Like I said, I am actually very glad EA is the first conference now, becaues EA has the track record of being the weakest conference out of all them, usually due in part to fucking sports or technical difficulties.
Now they're at least getting the worst out of the way so it won't sour the future good conferences.
another year where we don't know if Death Stranding is actually a game or not
Mads Mikkelsen's Macho Makeout Simulator
Oh sweet jesus christ

why would they attack Woolie like that
Ace Combat 7 E3 trailer went up and it's still CG so I don't care enough to go back and link it.
*crawls out from under a log* Yo the woods has no wifi, E3 is this weekend? When does it start, what streams should I be watching?
maybe it's not even a game

maybe it's a movie

or just an e x p e r i e n c e
I don't know why I actually have my hopes up at this point, I just really want a new Ace Combat that's not whatever the hell that last one was or free to play garbage or a handheld game...
Also do we really need to span 7 streams over 5 days? Especially when 3 will matter at best?

And EA kicking off the conference while also being the only event today seems like a bad joke. (Like the one embedded in that sentence.)
it's time for splorts

who's ready for
"Star Wars Battlefront 2 will have more than 3x the content of the first game"
[Obligatory what's 3x0 joke]
gosh i sure love tubeyouers in my video games yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
I missed everything before Battlefront, was it that bad?

Like remember Microsoft wheeling out Usher? Or Ubisoft dance shit? I'm sure I'm forgetting other moments.
it took at least 5 years off my life

edit: it's over
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Apparently, Nintendo's thing is only going to 25 minutes long with nothing but Treehouse after. So I'm guessing there going to do a shorted thing they did last year but with Mario Odyssey. So like 2mins of quark, 3mins showcase, 20mins Mario . . .

Sooo Sony wins E3, I guess.
I literally fell asleep instead of watching the EA Conference
and then a 5-minute Nindie sizzle reel nobody asked for
i can't wait for a slew of sony games that they assure us will be the hottest titles of 2021
plus a couple unkeepable promises will be fun too
Oh yeah, Sony will be great, remember when they announced generic zombie game? That was hype, I can't wait to see more of it.
I'm just curious what Microsoft will have, after cancelling Scalebound, what do they have exclusive wise?
Like... legit, all they have is Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3.
And what, the Scorpio? The PS4 Pro equivalent?

I'm not fucking joking, I half-expect them to announce a Microsoft Smash Bros clone with a ton of third party characters
All they have is... Crackdown 3.
Do they though?
My only problem with Battlefront is how they showed it off. I don't mean the youtubers or the commentators. I mean the constant jumpcuts making the game feel more chaotic than what it probably is. I just couldn't get a real beat for any flow or from action from a single standpoint. I get they wanted to show as much as possible while keeping the hype, but I just wish they'd keep the camera on one person more than 5 seconds or incorporated more of a cinematic spectator cam from time to time. Also kinda iffy about the hero selection, namely era condradictions but I'll save judgement for the game's release.
The scorpio is a live scorpion. Take care of the scorpion, love the scorpion.

They announce it by dropping live scorpions on the crowd.
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