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Eliza Combo Thread: Our Fair Lady of Slaughter

Mr. X

Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
Eliza has made it to the retail build!

Your combos go in this thread!

mod note: doesn't work on crouching opponent. Use cr.HP(2) instead in first chain to hit crouching and standing opponents.

c.lk>c.mp(1)>s.hpx2>qcf mk>
c.hk>dp m~h>j.mp>adc>j.lk>
s.hpx2>qcb lk>c.lp>c.mk>s.hpx2>
qcb hk>super

7.4k with Lady of Slaughter and 10k with Khepri Sun. Works everywhere and on everyone. I like this combo since it allows for a bunch of reset opportunities.

Hey, guys. At the risk of regurgitating prior knowledge, here are the combos I'm using at the end of Day 2 for us on PSN. They're all edits of the same basic combo posted by @CaioLugon, applied to different starters, so you won't see much optimization here. But they're pretty easy and consistent combos, and don't require learning the relatively difficult j.MP Air Dash j.LK j.MP sequence or Nuuance's c.HP(2) M Bodyguard, j.M Sekmeht, s.HP Return sequence. Just some intermediate-mode combos for guys who want to get started. Here we go:

c.LK c.MK(2) c.HP(2) M Bodyguard (otg)
Dash c.HK (M~)H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP L Oasis Spiral
s.LK c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.Nehkbet Breaker

Ground Throw
H Upper Khat
j.MK j.H Sehkmet (otg)
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
s.LK c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.Nehkbet Breaker

Air Throw (otg) (or corner Ground Throw)
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP L Oasis Spiral
s.LK L Oasis Spiral
s.LP c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.Nehkbet Breaker

I'll post the proper damage values tomorrow, but off-hand, I'd say 7.5k for the BnB and 5.5k for the throws... less 1.0k if you don't end with a Blockbuster.
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c.lk, c.mk, c.hp xx Dive of Horace,
dash, c.hk xx H Upper Khat,
j.mp, j.hp, adc, j.lk, j.mp, j.hp,
c.mk, s.hpx2 xx L Osiris Spiral,
s.lk, c.mk, s.hpx2 xx H Osiris Spiral xx The Lady of Slaughter.

7488 dmg
What's a good grab combo and corner combo ? Even tho she's out its like nobody is posting anything about her really or maybe it's just me....
There's already a lot in the beta threads

from the beta combo thread:

CaioLugon said:
one last combo before she hits retail

do j.lk, j.mp for the last restand on heavies.


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What's a good grab combo and corner combo ? Even tho she's out its like nobody is posting anything about her really or maybe it's just me....
Check out the Beta combo thread and read it and test in reverse.
Can we at least get a couple basic BNBs here? What's the point in making "The Eliza Combo Thread" if you just tell people to go to another thread for Eliza combos? Just like a grab combos, a corner combo, basic bnb, skeleton combos, maybe some combos differing in difficulty. If you got em all in the Beta thread, just cut n past em here.
Sekmet Simple Combo ( Seeing as she only has 3 attacks :P)

Deals 7.1K damage raw.
Depletes 2 tension gauges. (Might be worth doing in a real match).

2nd video shows that super is possible but with very tight timing.

Input: 214LP near ground (to maintain hitstun), J.MP, 5HP, J.MP, 5HP, J.LP, J.HP, 2LP, 5MP, 5HP
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Sekmet Simple Combo ( Seeing as she only has 3 attacks :P)
Deals 7.1K damage raw.
Depletes 3 tension gauges. (Might not be even worth doing in a real match)...

Input: 214LP near ground (to maintain hitstun), J.MP, HP, J.MP, HP, J.LP, J.HP, 2LP, 5MP, 5HP
That only depletes 2 bars.
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That only depletes 2 bars.
Haven't really noticed since I was sleepy when posting, thanks for pointing it out, fixed the post.
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Grab combo that is mostly basic BnB
grab, H khat, j.mk, j.hp sekhmet, j.mp, s.hp, return, c.hk, M to H khat, j.mp, airdash, j.lk, j.mp, j.hp, s.lpx3, c.mk, s.hpx2, H spiral, Lady of slaughter Damage:6.4k

Midscreen dependent
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Haven't really noticed since I was sleepy when posting, thanks for pointing it out, fixed the post.
You can also probably just slap the super on the end and get 8.3k. May not be meter efficient, but still.
You can also probably just slap the super on the end and get 8.3k. May not be meter efficient, but still.
I just actually did, and got around 8K, editing the video and uploading it now, gonna add it to my previous post.

Edit: Added 2nd video showing super.
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any easy midscreen throw combos? specifically, how to start converting off them?

i've been doing throw into h khat into j.mp adc j.mp h sekhmet but its kinda wonky if i'm too close to the corner (they fly over my head) and the spacing is a little tricky.

i've searched the beta thread but haven't found anything recent
any easy midscreen throw combos? specifically, how to start converting off them?

i've been doing throw into h khat into j.mp adc j.mp h sekhmet but its kinda wonky if i'm too close to the corner (they fly over my head) and the spacing is a little tricky.

i've searched the beta thread but haven't found anything recent
I think you can do (j.mk, adc, j.mk, l sekhmet summon, j.mp) but I haven't tested
Can we at least get a couple basic BNBs here? What's the point in making "The Eliza Combo Thread" if you just tell people to go to another thread for Eliza combos? Just like a grab combos, a corner combo, basic bnb, skeleton combos, maybe some combos differing in difficulty. If you got em all in the Beta thread, just cut n past em here.
I cant test anything to verify it still works. I can't make other people test the combos still work and post.

This thread was made for retail Eliza so people dont hit the 8 pages of non working combos.

You are also not posting combos.
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I've always used grab, h khat, j.hk xx hp sekhmet, recall, do combo stuff.
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I've always used grab, h khat, j.hk xx hp sekhmet, recall, do combo stuff.

could you clarify a little? i do j.hk but sekhmet is way, way short of where that little gremlin needs to be. do you adc and delay it or...? tried it on soul btw

also i don't think j.mk adc j.mk works (although i'm no execution wizard so maybe i'm at fault)
Meant j.mk xx sekhmet. i r tarded
Hey, guys. At the risk of regurgitating prior knowledge, here are the combos I'm using at the end of Day 2 for us on PSN. They're all edits of the same basic combo posted by @CaioLugon, applied to different starters, so you won't see much optimization here. But they're pretty easy and consistent combos, and don't require learning the relatively difficult j.MP Air Dash j.LK j.MP sequence or Nuuance's c.HP(2) M Bodyguard, j.M Sekmeht, s.HP Return sequence. Just some intermediate-mode combos for guys who want to get started. Here we go:

c.LK c.MP c.HP(2) M Bodyguard (otg)
Dash c.HK (M~)H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
s.MK~MK s.HP~HP L Oasis Spiral
s.LK s.MK~MK s.HP~HP H Oasis Spiral (xx Lady of Slaughter)

6424 Damage, 7624 (w/ Slaughter)

Ground Throw
H Upper Khat
j.MK j.H Sehkmet (otg)
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
s.LK s.MK~MK s.HP~HP H Oasis Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter

4549 Damage, 5759 (w/ Slaughter)

Air Throw (or corner Ground Throw) (otg)
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
s.MK~MK s.HP~HP L Oasis Spiral
s.LK L Oasis Spiral
s.LP s.MK~MK s.HP~HP H Oasis Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter

4413 Damage, 5613 (w/ Slaughter)

Execution tips:
  • Delay the first j.MP a little to allow Eliza to get closer, and also so she can get above light characters.
  • Wait a little after the Air Dash, so that Eliza can get in close for the j.LK. You want the second j.HP to connect against a grounded opponent.
  • Delay the s.HP~HP sequences. They move Eliza forward a little, and allow the opponent to fall to the ground if they're airborne.
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My combos are a little different to what other people do, is there a reason for the bodyguard starter?


2LK 2MP 5HP HP xx 623MP HP
j.HP xx j.214HP
5HP xx 214X
dash, 2HK xx 623MP HP
j.MP xx adf
j.LK delay j.MP
2MK xx 214LK
2LP LP 2MK 5HP HP xx 215HK xx 236PP

8066 damage

obviously doesn't work with corner proximity, I tend to do a lot of other small combos to into resets, mostly mixing up launch series to set up cross unders/ cross ups/ high low on landing

2LK 2MP 5HP HP HP xx 623HP
j.HK xx 213MP > 5HP xx 214X
5HP HP HP xx 623LP MP HP xx 2369MK
5LK 5MK MK 5HP HP HP xx 214LK
5LP LP LP 5MK MK 5HP HP HP xx 214HK xx 236PP

8841 damage

Slightly stricter timing on the pickup after sekhmet on Double/BB, I delay the j.HK til the highest point always, seems to give the right timing to get the maximum bounce on Sekhmet 5HP to make the link easier.
I have a quick question, should this trigger the ips with eliza? It does and it's weird(sometimes it does)

jp. mp
s.lp x3, cr. mp. x2, c.hp
j. lp, j.mp, j.hp airdash j.mp, j.hp(right around here it triggers)
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Why end a combo with nekhbet breaker? It gets scaled to hell. Do you just want the oki setup afterwards?
I have a quick question, should this trigger the ips with eliza? It does and it's weird(sometimes it does)

jp. mp
s.lp x3, cr. mp. x2, c.hp
j. lp, j.mp, j.hp airdash j.mp, j.hp(right around here it triggers)
If you used an air normal > airdash > second air normal for your jump-in chain (like j.mk airdash j.mp) then IPS would trigger at the second j.mp after you launch. Based on what you wrote, it should never trigger from that combo unless what I described occurred.
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s.LK c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.Nehkbet Breaker
That was your ender for your combos, but s.lk, s.mk (2), s.hp (2), hk osiris spiral, super gets a little more damage than that, about 500 more.
Why end a combo with nekhbet breaker? It gets scaled to hell. Do you just want the oki setup afterwards?
That was your ender for your combos, but s.lk, s.mk (2), s.hp (2), hk osiris spiral, super gets a little more damage than that, about 500 more.
This is totally true! I use her air Blockbuster for the Oki shenanigans. I enjoy @Tomo009's safe jump setup--it's weird forcing Skullgirls players to respect the wakeup game, but for "general use combos," I should stick with the Lady of Slaughter ender. I'll append that later, when I can test the damage values and add details.
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I'm still using the same combo I've used since Beta.

c.lk>c.mp(1)>s.hpx2>qcf mk>
c.hk>dp m~h>j.mp>adc>j.lk>
s.hpx2>qcb lk>c.lp>c.mk>s.hpx2>
qcb hk>super

7.4k with Lady of Slaughter and 10k with Khepri Sun. Works everywhere and on everyone. I like this combo since it allows for a bunch of reset opportunities.
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Basic Corner Combo
Cr.Lk, mk, s.hp(2), 236 mk, j.mp, j.hp, ADC, j.hp, 214 j.lp, j.mp, s.hp(2), return form, c.lk, s.mk, s.hp, 214 lk, s.lp, s.lp, s.mk, s.hp(2), 214 hk, super. I'd say there were reset opportunities, but seeing as I just picked Eliza up I'm not entirely sure If they're worth mentioning.
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I'm still using the same combo I've used since Beta.

c.lk>c.mp(1)>s.hpx2>qcf mk>
c.hk>dp m~h>j.mp>adc>j.lk>
s.hpx2>qcb lk>c.lp>c.mk>s.hpx2>
qcb hk>super

7.4k with Lady of Slaughter and 10k with Khepri Sun. Works everywhere and on everyone. I like this combo since it allows for a bunch of reset opportunities.

does that work on crouchers though? i havent messed around much with eliza but im sure that the divekick attack wasnt connecting unless the opp was standing up.
just swap the s.hpx2 for c.hpx2 at the start and it works on everyone
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I don't think anyone's mentioned Double-Take combos in this thread, yet:

Double Take
(M~H Upper Khat j.HP Air Dash j.HK) xn

You can delay the j.HP for the uncombo, or you can just do the Air Dash j.HK a little slow. Or both!
Technically, you get slightly better damage off of (M~H Upper Khat j.HK Air Dash j.HK) xn, but j.HP is a bit more consistent for me when that Double Snap theme song starts playing and my adrenaline's going.
The easiest double snap i've found is c.mk, c.hp ad infinitum
Eliza section in the General BnB Compendium:

Midscreen - 7488 dmg
c.lk, c.mk, c.hp xx Dive of Horace,
dash, c.hk xx H Upper Khat,
j.mp, j.hp, adc, j.lk, j.mp, j.hp,
c.mk, s.hpx2 xx L Osiris Spiral,
s.lk, c.mk, s.hpx2 xx H Osiris Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter.

Corner - 8153 dmg
c.lk, c.mk, c.hp xx Dive of Horace,
c.hk xx M~H Upper Khat,
j.mk, j.hk, adc, j.lk, j.mp, j.hp,
s.mkx2, s.hpx3 xx L Osiris Spiral,
s.lpx3, s.mkx2, s.hpx3 xx H Osiris Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter.

Corner(with Sekhmet) - 8813 dmg
c.lk, c.mk, c.hp xx Dive of Horace,
H Sekhmet's Turn,
j.mp, s.hp xx Hathor's Return,
s.hpx3 xx OTG Throne of Isis,
c.mk, s.hpx3 xx L~M~H Upper Khat,
air dash, j.lk, j.mp,
s.lpx3, s.mkx2, s.hpx3 xx H Osiris Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter.

Hmm I'll need to mess with that using my starter, I'm not sure what the point of the dive of horus starter is? Could someone tell me?
Hmm I'll need to mess with that using my starter, I'm not sure what the point of the dive of horus starter is? Could someone tell me?

It's an extremely good anti-air and can throw an opponent off when they have to bring out another character
Hmm I'll need to mess with that using my starter, I'm not sure what the point of the dive of horus starter is? Could someone tell me?
I don't think it's that relevant really...

How much do you get with the dp starter without using sekhmet?
Hey guys big fan of the show. Long time listener, first time caller. Here's an Eliza happy birthday combo and double snap since I couldn't find one on the forums. Inputs are in the description. Make sure to like, comment, subscribe, ayy, lmao, blazeit, haha, press some, buttons, if, you, can hear me.

Edit: Yeah I guess you could do the upper khat variation instead of dash up crLK..... if you're a yella belly
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^ That first song is jammin. Is that from a game or a chip producer?
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I have no idea how Ninja knew that but yes he's correct. Also, if you haven't used skullmod you should get it. It's alot of fun
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