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Eliza Compendium: Combos, Notable Stuff, Etc.

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Mr. X

Aug 30, 2013
Reaction score
This thread is for reference, use Eliza Combo Thread: Our Fair Lady of Slaughter to discuss and share

Caio's BnB Compendium Universal Starter Combos

Recommended starter/poke: c.lk, c.mk

c.lk, c.mk, c.hp xx Dive of Horace,
dash, otg c.hk xx H Upper Khat,
j.mp, j.hp, adc, j.lk, j.mp, j.hp,
c.mk, s.hpx2 xx L Osiris Spiral,
s.lk, c.mk, s.hpx2 xx H Osiris Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter.

c.lk, c.mk, c.hp xx Dive of Horace,
otg c.hk xx M~H Upper Khat,
j.mk, j.hk, adc, j.lk, j.mp, j.hp,
s.mkx2, s.hpx3 xx L Osiris Spiral,
s.lpx3, s.mk, s.hpx3 xx H Osiris Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter.

c.lk, c.mk, c.hp xx Dive of Horace,
H Sekhmet's Turn,
j.mp, s.hp xx Hathor's Return,
s.hpx3 xx otg Throne of Isis,
c.mk, s.hpx3 xx L~M~H Upper Khat,
air dash, j.lk, j.mp,
s.lpx3, s.mk, s.hpx3 xx H Osiris Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter.



cLK, cMPx1, sHPx3, M Upper Khatx2
j.HK, ADC, (timing varies heavily based on character weight but it's easy to eyeball it after practice) j.HP, j.HK
OTG cHK, L Upper Khatx3, Dive of Horace (TK'd to cancel jump frames after last upperkhat)
walk forward a bit as they fall, catch with sMKx1, sHPx3, L Spiral
sLK, sMKx2, sHPx3, *H Spiral, Lady of Slaughter
*L UpperKhat x3 > jump cancel > Nekbet Breaker
[8105 damage with Lady of Slaughter ender, or 7805 with Nekbet Breaker ender]


Ground Throw
H Upper Khat
j.MK j.H Sehkmet (otg)
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
s.LK s.MK~MK s.HP~HP H Oasis Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter

4549 Damage, 5759 (w/ Slaughter)
Air Throw (or corner Ground Throw) (otg)
c.MK(2) s.HP~HP M~H Upper Khat
j.MP j.HP
Air Dash j.LK j.MP j.HP
s.MK~MK s.HP~HP L Oasis Spiral
s.LK L Oasis Spiral
s.LP s.MK~MK s.HP~HP H Oasis Spiral xx Lady of Slaughter

4413 Damage, 5613 (w/ Slaughter)
Air Throw – jHP – ADC jLK – jMK –
cMK – cHP xx 236 MK – dash –
cLK (otg) – cMP (1) – sHP (2) xx 214 LK –
sLP (1) – cMK – sHP (2) xx 623 MP – P – jump – 236 KK

Big Band/jHP OTG variant
Air Throw –
jHP (otg) – ADC jLK – jMK –
cMK – cHP xx 236 MK – dash –
sLP (2) – cMK – sHP (2) xx 214 LK –
sLK (1) – c/sMK – sHP (2) xx 623 MP – P – jump – 236 KK

Of course, you can shove M/H Osiris xx Lady of Slaughter at the end instead for more damage

Double Snaps
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Notable Moves
sLP LP LP - Useful for countering low airdashes
sMP - Launches and jump cancelable on hit. Useful for resets and anti air.
crMK - Travels, won't hit twice until first hit connects. 2nd hit knocksdown.
sHP HP HP - 3rd hit overhead. Can only combo after the 3rd hit once per combo.
sHK HK - 2nd hit causes sliding knowndown

jLK - won't hit overhead on way up, must instant air dash for a fast, low overhead jLK

LK Osiris Spiral - can only be linked after with light attacks once per combo
HK Osiris Spiral - deals a lot of chip damage

Upper Khat - Can block projectiles

LK Servant (Throne of Isis) - Unique projectile in that it won't clash with other projectiles but you can be stopped by a physical attack. Appears once she completes her finger snap.
MK Servant (Dive of Horus) - Overhead projectile and puts opponent airborne. Can hit Horus out of dive, hitting Eliza does nothing. Appears once she completes finger snap. Popular assist choice.

Sekhmet - Hyper armor (only throws and snaps can stop her), drains meter while out, drains chunk of meter when attacking. Taunting let's Sekh steal life on hit and perform Lady of Slaughter outside of Eliza. Snapping Sekhmet causes a wall bounce instead of a character swap.
HP and jMP Sekhmet's Turn - Overhead
MP Sekhmet's Turn - Popular assist choice
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