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Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

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Hey doctor is in

*ahem* Hey guys. Kama here, first-time poster, long-time fan. A friend alerted me to this contest, so here I am in the nick of time. My entry is an Anubis-themed outfit, with scalpel ears! (actually based on an old charades of mine, shhhh)
The little cameo to the left is just something silly I threw in at the last minute, pay it no mind ^^;

(If you're curious, the writing on the flap is the god's name in hieroglyphics.)


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Geez really, not even a quote?
If her chest was less naked this would be my favorite entry so far just for that reference!
Thanks! Being replied by the creator of my favourite fighting game made my day.
Here goes the quote: "Ancient Spirits of Evil, transform these decayed bandages to an ever-living convenient bra!"

Previous version
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Oh really? I thought that was just a suggestion, as you didn't put it in the summary of the rules at the end of the OP (whereas you DID put the default color palette rule). Seemed extra optional with staff-less versions of the templates.
I just forgot to put it in there :P
The reason there's Staffless templates is to allow people to reposition it in their entries.
Hey doctor is in

All entries must be in Eliza's deault color palette. You can only use colors that are shown in these images:

so i hurt my shoulder and wont be able to draw for a time so i wont be painting or work more on it, i will post it anyways. I really wanted to make a glaive made of blood.
I hope your shoulder gets better :c *hug*
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9th, this is my final entry for the contest. This costume is based on what I always think about the characters when there not fighting and that's being in their casual clothes,sitting around, polishing or in Eliza's case make other people polish her weapon


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Two more entries from me! I'm working on one more that's a little more original than these so hopefully I can get it done before the deadline is gone!


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OOOHHH NOOOO!!! Just saw the contest right now...Too tired for a shot...im totally fine if put the "double-eliza" entry in the H.P. slot(pssshh,i guess this is the whole plan.)(sorry dude who made that H.P.). I will wait for beowulf contest... *sob*.
ps: dude that made double-eliza/eliza double, try a shot with a less gruesome version, more easy for they accept. Live the dream!
1 of 3

I have to say, that's an amazingly clever design. I'll be sad if you aren't at least a runner-up.

(Also, urp, didn't realize there was still a full day left. I guess I'll just touch up my entry a little, later.)
With this, I'm officially done.
FUUU...I don't speak latin...

Vous savez quoi? Le français fera l'affaire, c'est une langue latine :
Je suis ébahi par l'étalage des talents auquel nous faisons face.

Mon top 3 est tout trouvé.
Ce concours est la meilleure idée de l'année.
Merci Cellsai!
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I Just hope I'm not to late, colored version to follow if the thread doesn't get locked.


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i think im done with this since i havent been feeling well X_X
There, since I ended up with extra time I took the chance to fix it up/improve it a little bit.

May the best Eliza win!


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So when we'll they post who won
So when we'll they post who won
No idea. Whenever Lab Zero have time to judge them after I send all the entries off to them.

Four entries here!
It took me a while but I finally finished these costumes.
This contest is really cool! :D
Glad you liked it! However, all entries must be in Eliza's deault color palette. You can only use colors that are shown in these images:

Final entry.
@Cellsai Since the staff has been parodied (It's a broom instead), is a staff actually needed? Also, I added the staff to my other two entries.
At this point I don't care :P It'll be in the judges' hands now if they approve or not!

EDIT: The reason I put the Staff requirement in is to have the final winposes be as accurate as possible to those in game. Every pose in game has the Staff in it, and from what I gather Alex is a big stickler for details when it comes to designs like this. There's probably a particular reason why the Staff remains almost entirely unchanged in all of Eliza's animations regardless of how she transforms. With Alex likely being one of the judges here, it's your call to modify the Staff :P

Y'all have 9 hours to get your entries in!
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Heh wow looking at a lot of the recent entries I feel like I'm a bit out of my depth but here's that updated version of my Goth Eliza entry I said I would make.
Eliza merged.png
Just colored the staff and fixed her boot. Nothing major but it was irking me that I left this incomplete.
No idea. Whenever Lab Zero have time to judge them after I send all the entries off to them.

Glad you liked it! However, all entries must be in Eliza's deault color palette. You can only use colors that are shown in these images:


Well I used the color palette in all the costumes, the skin, eyes, hair and staff have those colors. it had to be in all the costume as well?
Well, My first and probably only entry for the contest.
I was planning on doing more entries, but I totally forgot about the contest! I was only be able to do this one because my friend warned me about the deadline...
Entry 1.png


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10th entry, final entry before deadline. Got the idea from watching my favorite Horror movie crossover, Freddy v.s Jason. Sorry if the claws look messed up a bit.
"Welcome to my nightmare" - Freddy Krueger


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Hoo boy, @ZaneX really scraped his way in over the finish line, because this contest is now closed!
Thanks for the entries, everyone! I'll compile them all into a single document and then send it off to LZ for judging.
Just in case it becomes an issue - ZaneX's post was held up in the moderation queue so it was definitely in on time (I was the one that approved it). Also just going to put this in big bold letters so people see it if they're just skimming through:

This contest is now closed. Entries in posts below this will not be submitted to Lab Zero for judging.
(Still feel free to show us what you've got if you haven't already posted it, though.)​
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Yup. This thread will not be locked, so keep discussing, theorizing on winners and submitting art for funsies!

As an added bonus, Eliza's fur coat had its palette changed the other day:




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I always imagined her coat to be white
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