It has to go with her original color palette
I just forgot to put it in there :P
All entries must be in Eliza's deault color palette. You can only use colors that are shown in these images:
I hope your shoulder gets better :c *hug*
FUUU...I don't speak latin...
Jesus Christ! This... this must be CANON! omg this is so beautiful, i think im going to cry
daaaaaaaamn, all your entries are awesome! but eliza_double one is just amazing
No idea. Whenever Lab Zero have time to judge them after I send all the entries off to them.
Glad you liked it! However, all entries must be in Eliza's deault color palette. You can only use colors that are shown in these images:
At this point I don't care :P It'll be in the judges' hands now if they approve or not!Final entry.
@Cellsai Since the staff has been parodied (It's a broom instead), is a staff actually needed? Also, I added the staff to my other two entries.
No idea. Whenever Lab Zero have time to judge them after I send all the entries off to them.
Glad you liked it! However, all entries must be in Eliza's deault color palette. You can only use colors that are shown in these images:
Well I used the color palette in all the costumes, the skin, eyes, hair and staff have those colors. it had to be in all the costume as well?