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Contest Eliza Winpose Design Contest

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Well here's mine... Good luck all!


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Question, if we use the correct color but the opacity is, like, 50 percent rather than the full 100 does it count as still being in her palette range?
I now want all the costumes to be added in the game. And they should create an achievement for seeing every one of them.

yes Mike, even the first one
This contest has been doing well for exposure of the game. I see it's been catching the attention of artists on Tumblr. I've also noticed a few people joining the forums just to participate. @Cellsai you're really stacking the respect points, especially since the prize is coming straight from your collection.
Question, if we use the correct color but the opacity is, like, 50 percent rather than the full 100 does it count as still being in her palette range?
I'm not the law, but I'd say yes to this? Since 50% opacity on white background just = lighter color.
WOW after looking at all these different pics....it makes the ones made by lab zero look really pathetic by comparison no offense lab zero guys you make a great game but these are all really really good(you know minus the ones that are literaly her naked) just to be clear im talking about the 6 shown in the op that are from in game
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Anybody hear that sound?

....I think shots were just fiiiiiiired.
Great picture though! Really unique take on the costume! ...but uh, yeah, unless you rejig the colors totally disqualified :P
hey do you think somebody should give SRK a heads up on this? It might bring more people into the community!
Feel free! Every time someone says, "someone should do..." they should probably do that thing and not wait for someone else.

Question, if we use the correct color but the opacity is, like, 50 percent rather than the full 100 does it count as still being in her palette range?
Just a small warning when you use the smuge/blend/transparent brush tools to shade that takes eliza outside of the color pallete range we are suposed to use.
Shadows count too, Cell?
Don't get too hung up on the palettes. Your final colors don't have to be absolutely on model, just try and keep close to the palettes shown. I'm not going to be going through them checking for shades of brown that go slightly off mode.

Bonus: here's her actual palette.

WOW after looking at all these different pics....it makes the ones made by lab zero look really pathetic by comparison no offense lab zero guys you make a great game but these are all really really good(you know minus the ones that are literaly her naked) just to be clear im talking about the 6 shown in the op that are from in game
So mean ;n;
Cellsai I would contact them myself but I have no damn idea how to go about doing that. I figured one of the mods or news writers here would know.
Cellsai I would contact them myself but I have no damn idea how to go about doing that. I figured one of the mods or news writers here would know.
Go to SRK, click submit a tip :P
Bonus: here's her actual palette.
FWIW that's not an entirely correct palette, it's the one for character select which is...not fantastic. It's probably good enough, but I felt I should mention it.

WOW after looking at all these different pics....it makes the ones made by lab zero look really pathetic by comparison no offense lab zero guys you make a great game but these are all really really good(you know minus the ones that are literaly her naked) just to be clear im talking about the 6 shown in the op that are from in game
WOW after reading that post....you certainly went out of your way to be a jerk no offense to you i mean your onion is totally right most of the pics in this thread are really good but does that also mean being insulting is okay(you know minus me insulting you in response)...just to be clear im talking about the post i quoted here
Well you know what they say about onions
No one wants near them because their bad stench makes everyone cry

Anyway, I super love all of these, but my favorites so far are Grimmess' Yugi Eliza, Melonlord's Goth Eliza and Chicken's Beoliza.
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I can't speak for anyone else but I'm personally entering this contest solely to show my support for Lab0. I am late as far as fandom goes as I only got on this bandwagon after it being released for free on PSN, but since then I've bought all of the DLC, and gifted the game on Steam just to support. I love the game, but am infatuated with this indie team that cares so much about the quality of their craft. I'm not even just talking about the animated cels, or the music, or the dubbing; it's everything. These people work their asses off because as far as fighters go in this industry nobody in America holds a candle to them. I'm not here to gloat, I'm not even here to win; I'm here to support the team and am thankful they'll even glance at my submissions. /rant
3rd entry: I made this minish cap link costume because of me starting to play ocarina of time for n64 and the reason ms.fortune is there is because I thought who can persuade Eliza to put on all that get up and I thought Ms.Fortune was the gal to do that because of her cat appendages.


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somebody please do maya from phoenix wright plz plz plz plz plz :)
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Reactions: Fat-Ass ♪
Okay... I made some... they are horrible... don't laugh...


Welcome to Malt Bisney Land! Their mascot is the cuddly Wickey Wombat. He's a Wombat. Most certainly not any other small mammal.
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We are seven pages in, about a week into the contest, and I do not see a Faye Valentine design. I am disappointed that there is no Faye Valentine design. I demand a Faye Valentine design.
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