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Entourage causes game crash in lobbies.


Bella From The Block
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
Eliza Squigly Cerebella
Didn't see anything about it elsewhere so I thought I'd post here. It seems to only happen in lobbies. Haven't seen it in QM. But when one person selects the saved entourage, the other person's game crashes. I was playing with a friend and I tried using it and his game crashed, so we tested it to make sure. I did it three times and it crashed his game every time. I played in other lobbies and my game crashed multiple times at the character select screen which never happens so I assume that was the reason. @Mike_Z
Can I have some more info?
Does one of you own characters the other one doesn't? How many people in the lobby?

Cuz we tested it pretty thoroughly beforehand, and it was fine, so I need a reproducible setup.
Hmm. We were playing in Beta. My team had Squigly, Cerebella, and Eliza. It was just two of us. But when I had my game crash it was in a retail lobby that had like six people in it. I own all the released characters so I'm not sure why else my game would crash. Before it happened they hadn't selected any characters and it was on the team size selection. Also, I don't know if it will help but when it happened, my comp popped up with a message that said "Skullgirls.exe has stopped running" and had an option that said "Close Program". I've never had that message come up with the game before.
Hmm. We were playing in Beta. My team had Squigly, Cerebella, and Eliza. It was just two of us. But when I had my game crash it was in a retail lobby that had like six people in it. I own all the released characters so I'm not sure why else my game would crash. Before it happened they hadn't selected any characters and it was on the team size selection. Also, I don't know if it will help but when it happened, my comp popped up with a message that said "Skullgirls.exe has stopped running" and had an option that said "Close Program". I've never had that message come up with the game before.
Can you get it to crash in Beta with -log ?
I kinda doubt it but may as well ask. Can you get it to happen reliably with the same person?
Can you get it to crash in Beta with -log ?
I kinda doubt it but may as well ask. Can you get it to happen reliably with the same person?

We only tried it the three times. I can ask him to help me test it again though when I wake up.
Welp, I tried it again with two people. One was the same one from before. And the game would crash for them but not consistently in beta and not at all in retail. I'm not sure what the issue is. The only team that would cause a crash was the Squigly, Bella, Eliza one. I had one with Filia in place of Squigly and that was fine. Tried it with Big Band to see if maybe it was a DLC thing but that did nothing as well. So I'm not sure what the problem is, or why the crash is only random.
Squigly-Bella-Eliza, in that order? What assists? Does it just crash as soon as you pick 'em?
Squigly-Bella-Eliza, in that order? What assists? Does it just crash as soon as you pick 'em?

Yeah that order. Cremation, LNL, Carpenter's Axe. And yeah when it does crash, it seems to be an immediate thing.
Also maybe this helps, the lobby had two slots with one private.

Edit: Just had one in retail. Fought two matches with this random dude in a lobby. I used Entourage both times and it was fine. On the third, I assume his game crashed cuz he stopped selecting his team and it sent me back to the lobby, and he wasn't there. Squigly, Filia, Cerebella with Cremation, Updo, and LNL.
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OK, tried it a bunch with that setup at high and low ping, never crashed.
Can you give me more info like your ping, and how you actually pick the whole thing?
OK, tried it a bunch with that setup at high and low ping, never crashed.
Can you give me more info like your ping, and how you actually pick the whole thing?

Hopefully this will help, we played again and I recorded just in case it happened again and it did.

This was the second match. For the first one, it was fine. I picked the Squigly leading team and had no problem. Then I changed to the Filia lead team and this happened. Though this is the first time it actually went to the game instead of going back to the lobby. The ping was 113. Both times I used the entourage macro to select my team. Also despite what it said at the end he wasn't in the lobby, his status said he was online instead of playing the game. The pinging in the background is him telling me it crashed.
Does it ever happen in the first game or in a multi-person lobby, or only after the end-of-fight menu with Change Characters?
Does it ever happen in the first game or in a multi-person lobby, or only after the end-of-fight menu with Change Characters?

Yeah. When I played with my other friend earlier it happened the first two times I chose the entourage team. And yeah earlier in retail the lobby had three people including me in it.
Now that I see this thread, this happened to both me and my brother yesterday.
It was only after the initial character selection in a 2 person private lobby when we went back to the character select screen later.
I picked the second pre-select and my game crashed instantly. After I recreated the lobby my brother tried to pick his team and his game crashed, though I suppose since we restarted the lobby it crashed for him on the initial character select screen. Retail version, about 116 ping.
happened to me a couple times as well, but only with the second pre-set
I still can't get it to crash, but is it crashing YOU or crashing THEM?

From what I've seen it crashes for the opponent of whoever picks the entourage.
I cannot play my brother when he hosts a lobby If he picks his pre-selected team. It crashes my game every time. Tried picking my team first or not at all and he tried both pre-selected teams 1 and 2. (sub edit: we did not restart the lobby after I crashed each time, he just sat in the same one.) Will try me hosting right now.
Edit: LMAO I just tried hosting thinking I would crash his game but I still crashed when he picked his team.
Double Edit: So my brother can pick his team one by one and we can play fine. After one match we both selected change characters and he was able to pick his whole team at once without me crashing, BUT once I picked my pre-selected team HE crashed, finally.
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I cannot play my brother when he hosts a lobby If he picks his pre-selected team. It crashes my game every time.
Awesome, give me more info.
Does it happen as soon as you hit the macro, or when you say Yes?
Does one of you own the color DLC or character DLC and the other one not?
Does it happen from the get-go (join lobby, say go, press button boom dead)?
It's the second he presses his macro button. I don't even see his characters pop up before I crash.
We both have all the DLC and are not both selecting teams of the same preset color. (ie both having presets with red venom Fukua or something)
It happens instantly. We get to the character select screen and once he presses the macro button I die. We tried waiting a few seconds before too, didn't seem to matter.

Super Edit:
So after getting it to crash like 5 times in a row it has somehow worked the last 3 times with no difference in how we selected things.

Hyper edit: I was able to recreate the crash with another person, again, once they pushed the macro button and before they hit yes, my game crashed.
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it seems after we each crash at least once, or restart the game, it works fine for both people for a while?
This crash happened to me last night, I've been using Entourage without issues since it came out, I'll play with the "-log" parameter tonight and see if it repeats

What happens when 2 players use the same character with the same color palette in their entourage? I'm guessing whoever chose second gets the default palette?
What happens when 2 players use the same character with the same color palette in their entourage? I'm guessing whoever chose second gets the default palette?
Whoever chose second gets color number+1, same code as what happens if you choose the same color normally.
So mostly I get it when I change teams after a match. So like in the vid if I change teams with an entourage team it will cause game crash. That's where it seems to be mostly occurring.
okay game just crashed on me, I think this is the same failure. Events leading up to the failure:

1. Join 4 player lobby, I was player #3, the other two were finishing their match
2. Player 4 joins, the other two finish their match and all 4 of us Ready Up, I get paired up and we go to Char Select screen
3. I select my Entourage 1, the other player just sits at the Team Size selection, so they may have crashed or something here
4. My match closes and I'm back in the lobby, player 4 is missing, and the other two are once again finishing their match
5. Now there's only 3 of us, the other two finish their match and we all Ready Up, since there are 3 of us now, I became the Spectator
6. About 5-10 seconds after seeing the 'Spectator' notice, Skullgirls.exe crashes and I get sent back to my desktop with the Windows error saying Skullgirls has stopped working

So when that happened, I had to imagine it's because one of those guys ( or both ) were selecting an Entourage, since i was waiting for them to choose teams when my game crashed. I was running Skullgirls Retail with the '-log' start parameter, but I honestly can't find where the logs get dumped. I do see what look like crash dump logs ( *.mdmp ) files inside "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skullgirls" , but the latest is dated a few days ago.

Let me know where I can find the debug log and I'll post it here, as well as any other details if you'd like.
My friend and I crash in beta with ensembles constantly. If he pushes the button first, I crash and he gets booted from CSS into lobby, and vice-versa. This has happened with Filia/Parasoul and Peacock/Big Band against his Eliza/Cerebella.
The game cuts to black and hangs for a minute then closes as soon as the button is pushed.
I am adding a TON of debug prints for character select in the 8/3 build. Also a possible long-shot fix for the crash without knowing what it might be. :^)
When it is up, please run the beta with
then crash it and put the log on pastebin!
[double post]

Ey, people who crashed, tell me some more info!
Was the team you were picking with Entourage that crashes it a team that has any character which is the same color as that character on your opponent's already-chosen team?
going ask a silly question what is Entourage?
nice i never pay heed to updates. i think i should from now on....
I am adding a TON of debug prints for character select in the 8/3 build. Also a possible long-shot fix for the crash without knowing what it might be. :^)
When it is up, please run the beta with
then crash it and put the log on pastebin!
I can't put the log on pastebin because it has a 500kb limit, so I've attached it to the post instead. I joined Vulpes' beta lobby, he pressed entourage macro 1 and it didn't crash, but my character select screen started running at around 5fps. I closed and restarted the game and we tried it again and this time my game crashed. I hadn't selected any characters yet either time, but I have an entourage saved on macro 1 too.

I didn't realise that logs were all cumulatively stored in one file so both of those sessions are in the same log. Sorry about that!


  • entourage beta crash.txt
    1.1 MB · Views: 609
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Here's a little log
https://www.dropbox.com/s/6d9m29kmc0dlkel/skullgirls beta.log

Session 1 did not crash, session 2 did crash, session 3 did not crash

Upon enabling logs, I got the same 5 fps problem as Mr Peck, with the game slowing to a crawl on the character select screen, regardless of what either player is doing
This coincided with maxed out cpu activity in MsMpEng.exe in the task manager, which is part of microsoft security essentials or windows firewall or something
This seems to happen every time the character select screen is loaded when logging is enabled. (I didn't try it offline though)
[double post]

Ey, people who crashed, tell me some more info!
Was the team you were picking with Entourage that crashes it a team that has any character which is the same color as that character on your opponent's already-chosen team?
Nope, it was all different.
We both have all the DLC and are not both selecting teams of the same preset color. (ie both having presets with red venom Fukua or something)
Plus, sometimes I didn't even get to choose my team before I crashed.
my character select screen started running at around 5fps.
Upon enabling logs, I got the same 5 fps problem as Mr Peck
Yes, that's because it is printing HELLA STUFF every frame to the log. That's why I don't just leave this stuff in, or leave it in retail. :^)
Let's looka these logs.
Okay, the GOOD NEWS is that you both crashed in the same way. That means it's one specific problem.

The BAD NEWS is, that problem wasn't in code I added debugging info for. So I get to remove most of the info I added and try adding it in new areas. It probably won't lag your character select screen as badly, but maybe it will!

More logs next build please.