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Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

i made a pack of pallets of metroid

ms. fortune samus bikini palette
Ms fortune Samus Bikini palette.jpg

Ms.Fortune Zero Suit palette
Ms fortune Samus zero suit palette.jpg

Robo Fortune Power Suit palette
Robo Fortune Power suit Palettes.jpg

Robo Fortune Fusion Suit palette
Robo Fortune Fusion suit Palettes.jpg
Mate, ya forgot Ridley and Meta Ridley R. Fortune, Kraid BB, Phantoon Fukua, maybe a Nightmare R. Fortune as well. Get wit dah program mate!
Mate, ya forgot Ridley and Meta Ridley R. Fortune, Kraid BB, Phantoon Fukua, maybe a Nightmare R. Fortune as well. Get wit dah program mate!
On it.
These are great! :D

This is Painwheel, The Tormented, The Experiment.
Forged in the depths of Lab Zero, the lovable girl that was previously Carol was subject to cruel and inhumane experiments, leaving her scarred, angry, and frighteningly adept at killing. Driven by feral rage, her attacks rend her prey with fury and ferociousness, while her tortured cries break the imposing silence of her presence.
Inspired by Valkyr from Warframe, since both of them got the same fate.
Valkyr was experimented by a guy with the first name of Alad.
By adding in additional letters, we will get ALex AhAD.
Coincidence? I think not.

Also, how do you remove the white background exactly? Please do tell me.
Also, how do you remove the white background exactly? Please do tell me.
What program do you use?
MS Paint.
You should really use paint.net instead. That allows you to among other things select and delete everything in a color. You can also use multiple layers for auto-shading palettes.
Noted. Going to make another palette A.S.A.P.
I could send you the auto-shaded paint.net files I have, if you'd like.
I could send you the auto-shaded paint.net files I have, if you'd like.
Use a file hosting website and send the link to me. I need them in bulk so I can work on each and every single character when I need to.
EDIT: Send them through PM too.
Here goes nothing. (Mom finally let me use the backup computer yay.)And oops more fan character palettes.

Both of them are palettes of Sable.And I forgot the Sekhmet palette that goes with this crap. But uh anyways one's normal Sable with a nanite construct/weapon thing.The ribbon is one of the many fake Warp Ring that inside Sable's body.And the other palette uh...me thinks her computer part got out of control. (And holy cow these were done on Sumo Paint.I'm impressed with this art program.)
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Wow. That's a lot of Five Nights At Freddy's.
Normally I would do it myself, but since I'm at school right now and can't, can I request a Beowulf palette based off Finn the Human and Jake from Adventure Time? There's already a Fionna and Cake palette for Filia in the game already, so basically it's Beowulf but with that palette's colours. Make sure to make the wolf hide and Beowulf's hair colour yellow too.
Normally I would do it myself, but since I'm at school right now and can't, can I request a Beowulf palette based off Finn the Human and Jake from Adventure Time? There's already a Fionna and Cake palette for Filia in the game already, so basically it's Beowulf but with that palette's colours. Make sure to make the wolf hide and Beowulf's hair colour yellow too.
Since the Filia didnt have shading, I didnt use it here. I made 2, one with the hat, and one with the backpack
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Tomoko, "Watamote (No Matter How I Look At It, It’s You Guys' Fault I’m Not Popular!)"

Jolyne Kujo, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean"

also i made tweaks to the venus palette because the eyes????
I really, really, really like this palette.


Based off the Naked Banana meme from 4chan. Eliza's clothes and staff use purple and green, the universal color code for 4chan.

Also, if someone has an idea for what colors Albus and Horace should use for this palette, I'm open to suggestions.
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brb making meme palettes
Why did Ms Fortune get a Morrigan palette and not a Felicia one? Seems extremely obvious, maybe too obvious?
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I just redid some of Ms. Fortune's palettes with Robo-Fortune.
OOOH, you even did the Reiko one, thats my favorite!