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Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

How did you do that palette and somehow avoid doing the diamonds on his chest?
I am creation and destruction. I am the power to transform and to destroy. I am every drop of Energized Protodermis that exists, and every drop is me. I am as far beyond you, creature of armor and tissue, as you are beyond an insect.

Double - Energized Protodermis Palette.png


I have a deep love for Cynthia.
You can probably guess what Sekhmet is.
I'll bite, Garchomp? Too bad Cynthia doesn't have any Pokemon with Skeleton-motifs.
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Yup! And are there even any skeleton Pokemon? None to to mind...
Cubone, Duskull, Vullaby, and Mandibuzz come to mind.
I know someone already made a palette based on this character but I wanted to do something to add onto my Team Monochrome.


Based on Jack Cayman from MadWorld

I know someone already made a palette based on this character but I wanted to do something to add onto my Team Monochrome.


Based on Jack Cayman from MadWorld

Now I think Panzerfaust should have a Jack palette.
Hmm. I apologize, I've done my own palettes, but, I'm a little lazy.
I have a few requests for my lame faggot weeaboo self!

Left: Parasoul
Middle: Squigly
Right: Ms. Fortune (idk there's no chicks with swords yet)
This one should be a fairly obvious choice for Eliza.

And the obligatory follow up


And if the blood is the same color as the skin, I think it'd look really cool.
That reminds me, someone should make a Eliza color palette of this guy.
I tried to make a base for Ottomo. Critique and such would be appreciated. I can provide the lineart and shading if anyone wants to edit it.
Updated some of my Beowulfs

Alex Beowulf final.png
always a good one
Hugowulf final.png
I'm Number One!
Hercules Beowulf final.png
Well bless my soul.....
King Beowulf final.png
it took forever but it was worth it
Armored King Beowulf final.png
Just wish I could do the green eye too...............and the newest one
Ultimate Beowulf.png

I did what I could with what I had (he has his dad's cape on)
Can someone make a base for Mech Molly? And Regina?
"I am not seeking revenge. All I want is to be like everyone else."

Filia as Agent Orbital. Both his grey suit and his white suit.

"I have a little surprise for Sweet Tooth that I'd like to deliver to him... personally~"

Cerebella as Meter Maid.

"My wish is to trap the bugs so I can KILL THEM ALL!!!"

Ms. Fortune as Goggle Eyes.


Squigly as Rob Zombie.
May as well post it here too.


Originated from this exchange in the Scythana thread:
Mc.Rad said:

Anyone willing to write for Scynthia in Skulldate?
Trinitronity said:
Who the fuck is Scynthia?
Is she some kind of bootleg clone of Scythana?
TheMightyBox said:
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Oh, Brain Drain color map?

"If only I had programmed you differently back then...it would have been genius. It's the only mistake I've ever made in my life."

...as Dr. Wily.

Because heaven knows I can't make all these Mega Man palettes without making the bad doctor himself, and Brain Drain was the perfect fit. I based it off of his MM8 outfit, since that outfit most closely resembles Brain Drain's attire. Interesting how even with fleshy colors, Brain Drain still looks eerie and robotic (If anything, the flesh-color emphasizes how mechanical he is). The headcase had me stuck for a while, but then I thought back to the last time Dr. Wily did anything even vaguely robotic regarding himself—and that gave me my jumpstart. Palettes taken from MM8 concept art, MM9 concept art (For the eyes), and sprite from Mega Man's Soccer.

"Who am I? What is my true reason for being? I will find my own purpose...and purge this planet of all who oppose me."

...as Mewtwo.
"CHAOS, that doesn't look anything like Mewtwo! What are you talking about?"
That is not just any Mewtwo...

...but Armored Mewtwo, from the Pokemon movie. I thought it would make for an interesting twist, and it did, especially with all the dark colors. Palettes taken from Mewtwo concept art, depicted Armored Mewtwo screenshot, and close-up of Armored Mewtwo's face, for the eyes.

Missed spots on the transparency...ah, whatever, it gets the idea across.