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Project [Fan Made] Custom Palettes : (Requests Open)

It's bad, but I did it. Supposed to be Chucky from Child's Play.
I made it to go with Jason Painwheel


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i don't know if anyone posted this yet, but I think this might be a perfect palette for Big Band
Who's that?
I'm currently using Filia's Fionna the Human and Double's Ditto (Princess Bubblegum) colors, so to keep my Adventure Time theme I'm really hoping for some sort of matching palette for Eliza. So I made this Flame Princess one.

I have a request for a Double palette but it's a MAJOR SPOILER of Bravely Default.

Airy's true form in the normal ending route
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I'm currently using Filia's Fionna the Human and Double's Ditto (Princess Bubblegum) colors, so to keep my Adventure Time theme I'm really hoping for some sort of matching palette for Eliza. So I made this Flame Princess one.
No Marceline for Eliza?
No Marceline for Eliza?
Yeah, I think Marceline would be a better fit because blood and stuff.
So I made this Flame Princess one.
Now I wish there were a Double based on Pyron from Vampire.

Also there needs to be a monochrome Big Band to represent classic noir films (and can match with cartoon peacock).
Someone should make a Lisa Hamilton palette for Valentine. Lisa in her lab suit would be awesome, I think it would fit Val pretty well.
Okay, I did it myself, I guess.

And also this one.
See if you can guess that reference before I post it in the spoiler below.
Anyway, just found these on KYM's gallery - Ryuuko Filia and Fight Club Mako 'Bella
Really like the Ryuuko Filia. I noticed earlier in the thread someone suggested a Satsuki Kiryuin palette for Parasoul. Did anyone ever follow up on that one?
I noticed earlier in the thread someone suggested a Satsuki Kiryuin palette for Parasoul. Did anyone ever follow up on that one?
That woulda been lil' ol' me. Said suggestion is still up in the air along with Ragyo Eliza. Alas, we live on the kindness of strangers...

I don't know why but this "Street Fighter" (hint, hint) reminds me of Parasoul. Must be the hair. =/
Parasoul Remyoir

When's Paravaria Blenoir?
May someone get me templates for all the characters please? I really want to make my own. I need someone to teach me the magic known as overlay as well. Although, I would prefer simply lineart because i like coloring it myself but If anyone can get me all the playable characters of either lineart or overlay templates, it would be appreciated.
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Really like the Ryuuko Filia. I noticed earlier in the thread someone suggested a Satsuki Kiryuin palette for Parasoul. Did anyone ever follow up on that one?

How's this (fun fact I still haven't actually started watching this show)

Why isn't yukiko parasoul a thing here yet?
And Parasoul can have Flame Princess
Nyet, we it give to Umbrella, since I would assume she's more susceptible to tantrums.
Nyet, we it give to Umbrella, since I would assume she's more susceptible to tantrums.
But... Umbrella has water stuff...
How's this (fun fact I still haven't actually started watching this show)
Looks nice. Just missing some gold on her top to complete the look.
Can someone make me/find me either a Ileum palette for Parasoul or an Ileum palette for Double? please... I'm desperate...
Not enough Oujo-sama in this page. I must see to it so here's a suggestion for a Eliza palette - Tsuzurao/Kyuubi from Okami.


That's brilliant. m(_ _)m
But pardon my cheekiness, if I may make a suggestion just to see if it works - the face mimicking the Kyuubi mask. White face, red eyes, black sclera and maybe the hair colored like the hood. (It probably looks heinous. >_> )
That's brilliant. m(_ _)m
But pardon my cheekiness, if I may make a suggestion just to see if it works - the face mimicking the Kyuubi mask. White face, red eyes, black sclera and maybe the hair colored like the hood. (It probably looks heinous. >_> )
maybe have Sekhmet look like the mask?
Yeah, that would make more sense. Guess I got a bit fixed on the idea of making the "Evil Rao" reference as clear as possible.


(I should play Okami again. 2lazy2hookupPS2 2poor2getHDEdition)
This idea came up over in the Big Band thread, but I'd like to see a Black and/or Blacker Baron (MadWorld/Anarchy Reigns) palette for the big guy.
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does anyone have a picture of big band's color map? i've got a color idea and was wondering if it would work.
i spent a good deal of time making this pixel style big band for the purpose of making alt.colors easier

and the first thing i do is make big band into the best skullgirl

seriously though, why isn't this in the game?
and the first thing i do is make big band into the best skullgirl
That's not Eliza's palette. :|
But it's cool. I sympathize with the struggles of the color blind. :3

Great work. All it needs for true perfection is having eyes drawn in the pad cups (I think that's what those things are called).
The palette DOES look really good on him. I second your bewilderment over this palette not being in the game.

I don't really have any suggestions for Mr Birdland, besides reiterating Nap1400's suggestion for a Black Baron (MadWorld) palette that can double as a noir comic book reference and, again reiterate, my suggestion of Chen (Touhou) because honkers gotta honk.

When's Ragyo-yo-yo Eliza?