- Joined
- Sep 2, 2013
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- Weatherbee
- RustyShacklefurd

Registrations are now open - $35 Registration + $10 per game. Shooooooow up ya bums.
Update: Tournies at SCR are capped, with SG being 64 players. FILL DAT BRACKET UP YE SCALAWAGS! Seriously though, prove that SG is worthy of the tournament scene and let's get those numbers up.
Friday - SkullGirls:
10AM – 12PM Pool 1
12PM – 2PM Pool 2
2PM – 4PM Pool 3
4PM – 6PM Pool 4
8PM – 10PM Top 8
Badge pick-up is mandatory on Thursday for SG. They'll be there from 3pm - 10pm.
Alternative Options for Badge Pick Up: (In case you cannot make it on Thurs or Fri)
Someone can pick up your badge but must have the proof of purchase from PayPal.
PayPal notification of payment example – http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c48/CaliPower/paypal_sent_notice_zps370e9e8e.png
You can access your Proof of purchase from PayPal’s search engine:
Step 1. Login your PayPal account
Step 2. Click Payments sent
Step 3. Click Find a transaction
Step 4. Search under email: paypal@levelup-series.com
Step 5. Click details next to Level Up
Step 6. Print out details or show the registration desk by any smart phone.
I work close to UCI, so I plan on swinging by afterwards. If anyone is unable to pick up their badge, contact me and have some printable format of your receipt ready. I'll print 'em out before I leave work and collect your badges. Contact me at: cyrusweatherbee@gmail.com
SoCal Regionals 2014 Standard Registration ends Feb 16. Late Registration ends Feb 23 11:59pm PST
-We're on our own in regards to running the tourney.
-We will be running on the latest build with Big Band! STEEL YOURSELVES! (Mike Z Approved)
-The area for pools become BYOC when their respective events are finished. Saturday and Sunday we will have to shift over to the BYOC room across the hall
University of California, Irvine
Student Center
Ballroom C&D
Irvine, CA 92687
Web Site: www.studentcenter.uci.edu
Policies: http://www.policies.uci.edu/adm/tableofcontents.html
Recommended Hotel
Atrium Hotel
18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 833-2770, Fax: (949) 757-0330
Don Tran, Sales Manager, (949) 428-3797
E-mail: dtran@atriumhotel.com
UCI Rate: $95
Atrium Complimentary:
Shuttle to and from UCI and John Wayne Airport
Full breakfast buffet
In-room Internet access
Pad Players: "They are not illegal at SCR but if your controller is caught disrupting a match, you will be DQ'd from the event."
-Skull Girls will take place on the PlayStation 3(PS3) console.
-Double elimination
-Matches will be best 2 out of 3 games
-Each game will be best 2 out of 3 rounds
-2 out of 3 games for preliminaries, losers, and winners finals.
-3 out of 5 games for grand finals.
-Round timer: 99 sec
-Winner cannot change character
-Loser can change character
-No game breaking exploits, bugs, or anything that causes the system to crash
Right Across The Street
Taco Bell
In n Out*
Berkeley Dog** (Mall Area) http://www.berkeleydogs.com/
Blaze Pizza (No Input)
Ray's Pizza (Mall Area, No Input)
Across and Down Campus a little more
Jack In The Box
On Campus
Panda Express (Google says it's near the student center anyways)
Round Table Pizza (949) 261-2222 within delivering distance of UCI/Atrium Hotel
* = A must for any out of... staters?
** = A must for everyone
Update: Tournies at SCR are capped, with SG being 64 players. FILL DAT BRACKET UP YE SCALAWAGS! Seriously though, prove that SG is worthy of the tournament scene and let's get those numbers up.
Friday - SkullGirls:
10AM – 12PM Pool 1
12PM – 2PM Pool 2
2PM – 4PM Pool 3
4PM – 6PM Pool 4
8PM – 10PM Top 8
Badge pick-up is mandatory on Thursday for SG. They'll be there from 3pm - 10pm.
Alternative Options for Badge Pick Up: (In case you cannot make it on Thurs or Fri)
Someone can pick up your badge but must have the proof of purchase from PayPal.
PayPal notification of payment example – http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c48/CaliPower/paypal_sent_notice_zps370e9e8e.png
You can access your Proof of purchase from PayPal’s search engine:
Step 1. Login your PayPal account
Step 2. Click Payments sent
Step 3. Click Find a transaction
Step 4. Search under email: paypal@levelup-series.com
Step 5. Click details next to Level Up
Step 6. Print out details or show the registration desk by any smart phone.
I work close to UCI, so I plan on swinging by afterwards. If anyone is unable to pick up their badge, contact me and have some printable format of your receipt ready. I'll print 'em out before I leave work and collect your badges. Contact me at: cyrusweatherbee@gmail.com
SoCal Regionals 2014 Standard Registration ends Feb 16. Late Registration ends Feb 23 11:59pm PST
-We're on our own in regards to running the tourney.
-We will be running on the latest build with Big Band! STEEL YOURSELVES! (Mike Z Approved)
-The area for pools become BYOC when their respective events are finished. Saturday and Sunday we will have to shift over to the BYOC room across the hall
Bring your own console (BYOC) will be available at the Woods Cove Rooms located left of the SCR ballroom. We will provide tables, chairs, and power however you guys are responsible for your own full set ups. First come first serve! Check out the map here to find the Woods Cove section http://www.confserv.uci.edu/files/Directory-letter.pdf
University of California, Irvine
Student Center
Ballroom C&D
Irvine, CA 92687
Web Site: www.studentcenter.uci.edu
Policies: http://www.policies.uci.edu/adm/tableofcontents.html
Recommended Hotel
Atrium Hotel
18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, CA 92612
(949) 833-2770, Fax: (949) 757-0330
Don Tran, Sales Manager, (949) 428-3797
E-mail: dtran@atriumhotel.com
UCI Rate: $95
Atrium Complimentary:
Shuttle to and from UCI and John Wayne Airport
Full breakfast buffet
In-room Internet access
Pad Players: "They are not illegal at SCR but if your controller is caught disrupting a match, you will be DQ'd from the event."
-Skull Girls will take place on the PlayStation 3(PS3) console.
-Double elimination
-Matches will be best 2 out of 3 games
-Each game will be best 2 out of 3 rounds
-2 out of 3 games for preliminaries, losers, and winners finals.
-3 out of 5 games for grand finals.
-Round timer: 99 sec
-Winner cannot change character
-Loser can change character
-No game breaking exploits, bugs, or anything that causes the system to crash
Right Across The Street
Taco Bell
In n Out*
Berkeley Dog** (Mall Area) http://www.berkeleydogs.com/
Blaze Pizza (No Input)
Ray's Pizza (Mall Area, No Input)
Across and Down Campus a little more
Jack In The Box
On Campus
Panda Express (Google says it's near the student center anyways)
Round Table Pizza (949) 261-2222 within delivering distance of UCI/Atrium Hotel
* = A must for any out of... staters?
** = A must for everyone
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