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[Feb 4, 2017] Yuzutaku 2017 (Paris)


Aug 20, 2014
Reaction score
Filia Cerebella
Yuzutaku is an anime fighting game tournament taking place in Paris.
The games played in this first edition are Skullgirls and KOF XIV.


Entry fee: 10€ /tournament
Cash prize: 50% of the entry fees
Trophies: first place
Other prizes: goodies for top 3
Support : PS4

Format :
  • Skullgirls : everything BO5
  • KOF XIV : everything BO5

sign-ups start in december
gonna edit this post with more info (regarding accomodation as well) soon

See you there!

You can now register for the tournament here:
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Good that we're getting this news this early, thank u.
Gonna discuss it with my dad. \o/

Also, who is going by car?
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I had a dream about this tournament last night. In my dream the hotel was very nice but also very expensive. That's all I remember.
Might have a hard time making it out to this, I've already pushed my annual leave time pretty slim and this is like a week or two after DFight. I'll make a trial plan in the coming days and see if it's feasible, if not I'm gonna have to duck.
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I had a dream about this tournament last night. In my dream the hotel was very nice but also very expensive. That's all I remember.

please come to the tournament
please come to the tournament
I'd like to but it's not really practical for me in 2017. I'll try to signal boost it though.
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if you want to signal boost something please signal boost DF3
both events are very close and the european sgc chose to prioritize DF3 over Yuzutaku
if you want to signal boost both please do!
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just added a link to the registration page in the op
I'd love to join this! i'm also talking with Serenade if he can travel with me and this time i'll ask someone to share the room with us !
It was awesome. Thx and GGs to everyone
Below, results, VODs and the word from the TO:

It's time for us to sum up the challenging and hyped YUZUTAKU event ! We're glad that we could gather so much players coming from the European VS Fighting Community (French, Belgian, British and German players).

Such event can only help reinforcing the links among the community. We'd like to thank all the players who came and gave us such a great show on the ring of Skullgirls and King of Fighters XIV !

Skullgirls tournament

Congratulation to Lab Zero | Mr.Peck, a great British player and winner of Skullgirls tournament who set on fire on the stage every time he had to fight against his opponents w/ a great style of its own ! Ggs to Bingbandprod69 and Sanji who outdid themselves and gave the audience a great show, reaching respectively the second and third place on the podium !

Congratulation to the other challengers who gave the best of themselves and thank you to Neffros, JD but also ATH and Dragonos who commented the matches on the stream. They managed to arouse interest around Skullgirls in the chat on our Twitch channel. We can predict that Skullgirls has a beautiful and bright future ahead !


1- Lab Zero | Mr. Peck (R. Fortune, Peacock )
2- Bigbandprod69 ( Beowulf, Bigband )
3- Sanji ( Beowulf, Peacock, Bigband )
4- ATH ( Filia, Cerebella )
5- Arktall1 ( Squigly, Eliza)
Bombad ( Painwheel, Cerebella, Parasoul )
7- Jd ( Crebella, Valentine )
Au Pif | Lordrak ( Parasoul )

VOD pool part.1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRwiQkoQhBQ&t=27s

VOD pool part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkNvi_GpKP8&t=1361s

VOD top 8:

King of Fighters tournament

Congratulations to Aka | Farid, winner of King of Fighters XIV tourney who provoked a reset during the grand final stage and achived his victory against MTK | Shinkawa, a great challenger who reached the second place of the podium ahead of his brother in arms MTK | Samba !

Ggs to the MTK team nearly took control of this Top 8 and showed the strenght and potential of King of Fighters XIV by giving us a real show! Thank you to Mr Quaraté who brought the hype to a high level on the mic on the stage but also on the chat w/ our viewers on Twitch !


1- Aka | Farid (K'/Yuri/Robert, Robert.Chin/Athena, Robert/K'/Athena)
2- MTK | Shinkawa (Yuri/Ramon/Benimaru, Benimaru/Muimui/Kensou, Shun'ei/Yuri/Benimaru, Ramon/Benimaru/K')
3- MTK | Samba (King/Kim/Ryo, King/Andy/Ryo)
4- MTK | Hokuto (Benimaru/Kim/Leona)
5- MTK | Jerome (Robert/Luong/Leona)
MTK | Tahar (Robert/Mai/Iori)
7- The General (Leona/Benimaru/Iori)
Vics (Leona/Bandeiras/Vice)

VOD pool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGNELHPSFuo&t=4s

VOD top 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOVj9_ObcNE

Basically, the first edition of the YUZUTAKU was a great success and we'd like to thank everyone for coming, for taking part to Skullgirls and KOF XIV tournaments ! Thank you to our viewers who watched this event all day and night long !

We also need to thanks our official partners for this event : SNK Official, Gwak.fr, Team Au Pif, Ecole IRIS but also Backdash.fr !
We're glad but also proud for organizing this event that allowed us consolidating the links among the European VS Fighting community!

Thank you everyone for your support and of course we'll let you know for the second edition of the YUZUTAKU !

Drop a like and stay tuned on : http://facebook.com/YuzuGaming

Follow us on: http://twitter.com/Yuzu_Gaming

Watch our events on: http://twitch.tv/yuzuclangaming
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