I mean we're still missing Gabranth, Tifa, Yuna, Prishe, Laguna, and Gilgamesh
So we might be waiting a little longer, unless they decide to mix and match the character seasons
apperently there's gonna be a season pass when the game comes out so they're probably still gonna be out monthly for regular people and then earlier for people who got the season pass
Oh ya I noticed a little rhythm to the characters types + there's also a mobile dissidia title which a bunch of other playable characters in it (
here's most of all the character's in the mobile version ) it's not a guarentee spot on the main game roster but at least it shows that someone at least has an idea of how that character could play
so using the little rhythm
that I'm pretty sure everyone already figured out or noticed already here's my roster guess
Warrior of Light (Heavy) Garland (Heavy) Next character (Heavy?) N/A
Firion(Heavy) Emperor (Shoot) Maria? (Speed?) she's an archer(archers are pretty quick and she's already in the mobile title)
Onion Knight (Unique that plays like a Shoot and Speed hybrid) Cloud of Darkness (Heavy with projectiles like a Shoot) Next Character? (Something Shoot?) N/A
Cecil(Heavy) Kain(Speed) Golbez(Shoot)
Bartz(Unique) Exdeath(Unique) Gilgamesh(Unique?)
Terra(Shoot) Kefka(Shoot) Shadow(Shoot?)
Setzer is also in the game but there's already a card fighter so a strong second
Cloud(Heavy) Sephiroth(Heavy) Tifa(Heavy?)
Squall(Speed) Ultimecia(Shoot) Laguna(Heavy?) cause guns are heavy?
Zidiane(Speed) Kuja(Speed) New Character(Speed?) All the available FF9 characters in the mobile so far
really don't fit the trend I'm going with but if I had to guess it'd be either
Vivi Garnet or Eiko
Tidus(Speed) Jecht(Speed) Yuna(Speed?)
Shantotto(Shoot) Prishe(Heavy?) Lion?(Speed?) Prishe is just a type guess but Lion's the only other FF11 in the game so far so process of elimination
Van(Unique) Gabranth(Unique?) Balthier?(Unique?) Gabranth is a type guess and with FF12 any of them could take the 3rd spot (Balthier just seems like the most popular pick)
Lighting(Speed) Snow?(Heavy?) Hope?(Shoot?) Most of the 13 cast is in the mobile game so it's really just a random pick of what I precieve as the popular picks
Y'Shtola(Shoot) Y'da?(Heavy?) Thancred?(Speed?) Makes the most sense by the trend I see. FYI the director of 14 said his wishlist is Zenos Yae Galvus, Nael Van Darnus and Alphinaud Leveilleur sooooo...I dunno?
Notics and two more
Type 0
Ace(Shoot) Rem?(Speed?) King?(Heavy?) they're in the game so I'm making a guess with what I got
Ramza(Unique) New Character?(Unique?)x2 Aw he's all by himself :(
Crystal Chronicles
Layle?(Shoot?) New Character?(???)x2 ???
anyways that's just my guess