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Fire Emblem

Nono, I sort've agree that they're taking advantage of Awakening's success by pulling a Pokemon and releasing two versions. But if the game's great, then I won't mind at all.
Definitely, if the game is worth it, I'll be throwing my wallet at the game either way. It's just kind of dampened my feelings on the game, considering one of the first few details about the game is basically telling me how I'm going to have to pay to buy DLC if I want a physical copy.
Not a very good way to make people excited.

No I agree, I think most people do honestly,
if the stuff saying that the digital download gives you choice in-game I'm totally getting that, I'd like to try both sides honestly and maybe even change my MU for the different paths. That kind of thing can add some real interest to the series and they're detracting a bit from that aspect by splitting it into two versions.

Couldn't have said it better myself; it isn't like we're forced to buy the DLC for the alternate path in the physical copies. We can just get the digital download. It's such a weird choice for them to make, when they have such an opportunity to make the game unique and then shoot it down in such an exclusive way.
Also, can we talk about how good the character designs are? I just spent my time after my post looking at more info on the game and I stumbled upon the full art for all the confirmed characters so far. Much better then the disappointing designs from Awakening.
It's lame but whatcha gonna do. The game looks excellent, like every FE (and practically every Nintendo release honestly), so I don't mind buying two games for a great experience.

Even if it cost more, it would be nice if there was a "collectors edition" or something with both campaigns on the same cartridge though, just for convenience.

Also, I'm pretty sure the series always has been "mainstream" since Marth and Roy showed up in Melee lol. It's really sad to think that Nintendo isn't the definition of mainstream video games anymore...
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hold on, the game is gonna be split into two versions for physical release? When was this announced? Gah...well, more excuse to get a bigger micro SD.
hold on, the game is gonna be split into two versions for physical release? When was this announced? Gah...well, more excuse to get a bigger micro SD.
Technically hasn't been announced in America yet, but it's apparently what Nintendo is saying on the Japanese website and all. It seems pretty much confirmed at the moment iirc.

Some people have noted they might do otherwise for a physical release in America, and there are other options for downloadable version.
hold on, the game is gonna be split into two versions for physical release? When was this announced? Gah...well, more excuse to get a bigger micro SD.

We Pokemon now


do you wanna grimdark edgy europe feat. Dante from the Devil May Cry series or boring pure japan folded one thousand times

either way, your taste is shit
do you wanna grimdark edgy europe feat. Dante from the Devil May Cry series or boring pure japan folded one thousand times

either way, your taste is shit

inb4 Hoshido turns out to be the darker and more dramatic alignment. What a twist.

Like I said before though, I really hope the new manga author they hired stays true to the themes and tone of the series and just focuses on refining the story telling/characterization, as opposed to being a tryhard and making it "dark and edgy!!!".

Seriously doubt that will happen (I mean this is still a mainline Nintendo series after all), but the last thing I want is Fire Emblem: Lords of Shadow.
I don't see why everyone is clamoring over the Hishido character designs, they are all so... Fire Emblem protagonist.
Like, I look at the box art and all I see are Awakening characters.
Not to say Nohr designs are all top-notch, but 'old dude with a spear' is something that FE has far too little of.
Could do without the heart gauntlets but hey, what're ya gonna do?
i would be given life if the twist is that Hoshido is a bunch of dogmatic xenophobic imperialists
but you know that won't be the case
Hoshido will be pure and lovely moe moe kyu~n and Nohr will be "EAT THE BABIES, PROTAGONIST"
Character design wise, one thing I like about Awakening and this is the generally smaller eyes. Feels a little more down to earth then the past games bubbly anime art (not that that was a bad thing, but nice for a change of pace).

The costumes seem more colorful this time around though, like the older games. Not sure if I like this better or not yet, will need some time with the game to appreciate it.

Hoshido will be pure and lovely moe moe kyu~n and Nohr will be "EAT THE BABIES, PROTAGONIST"

Eh, kinda doubt this.

Having The Avatar on their side will probably end up with everyone on the Nohr side becoming super sympathetic except the evil king or whatever you have to overthrow.

It'll probably be like that classic FE archetype, the "good guy on the wrong side who obeys duty/loyalty/whatever" who you have to kill. On Hoshido, that'll probably be what your entire family will be, and on Nohr you'll probably end up saving them by reforming the nation.

Nohr could very much end up being the more idealistic "I want to save everyone and stop the war!" path, whereas Hoshido could be the angsty "oh shit I have to kill my family" path.
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From what the translated snippets of dialogue seem to imply, the emperor is the evil dude, which, you know, obviously.
Dude looks like if every FE villain ever were rolled into a big ball of puppy-killing and village flooding.
  • Each version of the game will change the format of overall gameplay outside of the storyline
    • The Hoshido version of the game will have a traversable map similar to Awakening, Sacred Stones, and Gaiden, allowing the player to level up characters outside of the storyline chapters.
    • The Nohr version will be more structured, having no external battles outside of the storyline chapters much like most previous Fire Emblem titles

Oh man, they really want me to play Nohr eh?

A third storyline option will be released as DLC sometime after release which revolves around the player choosing neither side. Later a version of the game containing all three paths will be available, but not upon launch.

We SMT now.

Also I think Dancina The Dancer flashing between a black and white dress means she's also the SMT Heroine equivalent in that she stays on your alignment regardless.
Weak weaboo babies like me will play the Hoshido side.

Tough Fire Emblem vets will stick with Nohr.
To be fair, I still haven't made up my mind. And even though Nohr does have the linear progression (my favorite), Hoshido is being billed as the more "classic FE" path, which appeals to me too. Like I said, I'll have to play the first 6 missions and see how they spin the choice.

Also that Hoshido Pegasus Knight is appealing to my tomboy fetish pretty hard.
Also that Hoshido Pegasus Knight is appealing to my tomboy fetish pretty hard.

You mean Sully?
Because that character is seriously just Sully, except this time the horse has wings! OOOhhhhoOoohOHooIdon'tgetHishido'scharacterdesign.
Also that Hoshido Pegasus Knight is appealing to my tomboy fetish pretty hard.

When I said that the character designs of Hoshido persuaded my choice, I really meant HER character design persuaded my choice.
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You mean Sully?
Because that character is seriously just Sully, except this time the horse has wings! OOOhhhhoOoohOHooIdon'tgetHishido'scharacterdesign.

She's not wearing a toilet seat on her head this time, though.

Nicer hair too.
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you fools
it's the same character
you're falling for it

listen here u little shit
Stepping aside from character design, I'm curious how the early game progression will work. If Nohr is classic linear and Hishido is world map, how will pre-chapter 6 play out? Will that also change with the version? If so, then how will the digital version handle this?
Stepping aside from character design, I'm curious how the early game progression will work. If Nohr is classic linear and Hishido is world map, how will pre-chapter 6 play out? Will that also change with the version? If so, then how will the digital version handle this?

It's been confirmed that the digital version, at least one version in Japan, lets you play the first 6 missions (till the split) and then digitally locks the other side from you when you choose lol.

I imagine it'll probably be linear. Might be similar to Lyn's Prologue in Blazing Sword.
I never encountered waifu wars before awakening in FE
everything changed when the weeaboos attacked
life was never the same
I think waifu wars have probably been present in some form since supports were first introduced. The internet has gotten a little bit more...open these days though.

Lucina is best daughter

Fixed. IMO Robin as Lucina's mother should be canon.

Besides the story is better when all 3 lords are a big family imo.
everyone knows Libra is the best waifu.
my favorite thing with lucina is how romancing her has basically no effect on the whole "tries to kill you" thing that happens late in the story
as far as I remember it's little more than just :( and that's it
Fixed. IMO Robin as Lucina's mother should be canon.

Besides the story is better when all 3 lords are a big family imo.

Agreed on both points.
As long as we all agree that Sully/Donnel is cannon.
Yeah but here's the thing
Libra doesn't look 12.
You raise a good point,
but Libra's got that mature look about him that I like.
This character and I now have a spiritual bond because I get mistaken for the wrong gender as well
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This conversation is beginning to make me both confused and uncomfortable, can we just go back to arguing about Awakening?