DmC Devil May Cry... Everybody hates it and I understand that, but the fact that I never played any DMC games before made me appreciate it as its own and not judge the game for the reboot thing. Still I agree that having a reboot for Devil May Cry is a stupid idea. But Ninja Theory rocks so it's a great game.
Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts. HATE ME IF YOU WANT BUT I LOVED THIS GAME. And again I never played any previous Banjo games so yes I guess it's just like DmC, I was immune to dislike such a game. The concept is great, great gaming memories and fantastic soundtrack.
Gatling Gears, because everybody was like "oh not another twin stick shooter for Xbox" and reviews were quite harsh for what I consider one of the best, if not the best, twin stick shooter I played.
Virtual On Oratorio Tangram, because almost nobody plays this (nobody in Europe for sure) and that's a shame.
Square Off. Because it seems like nobody played it on XBLIG (not enough boobs or pixeled blocks I guess) and i don't know if it has great sales on smartphones.
Dysnomia is a really interesting game on XBLIG. I loved the concept but only a few people played it, had harsh reviews and it's on XBLIG, so as long as it's not a dating sim or a minecraft clone, you're dead. Have it fixed of bugs and released on Steam and I'm in.
The Twisted Metal series. One of the best gaming series ever made and nobody in France heard about it. Twisted Metal Black is a masterpiece and "no I don't know, i only play FIFA and Metal Gear Solid"
And, I have to admit... Skullgirls. Seriously, I can't manage to bring more people on it, they're not interested in fighting games or want to stay with Street Fighter.
They are certainly more but I have to recall them.