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Gaming General Discusison

Like, if you love yourself go and buy Momodora Reverie Under the Moonlight.
It's a 2d Metroidvania with good art, atmosphere, and god damn it it's hard to explain just play it.
2016 was a great year for video games for me. I played a lot of bucket list stuff that I really enjoyed like Psychonauts, the original Ace Attorney trilogy, some SMT games, ect. I didn't play a lot of NEW stuff, but out of everything, these three stood out to me the most:

Pokemon Sun/Moon, a total breath of fresh air for the franchise. It needed something like this desperately and I'm so glad Game Freak shook up the formula and actually stuck the landing. Great region, great new monsters, great gen.

The King of Fighters XIV, which I guess was the antithesis of Street Fighter V. And I actually really like SFV too. But KOFXIV is oozing with content. 50 characters, amazing netcode, great music. The 3v3 party mode is hands down the most fun I've had online in a fighting game ever. It's just a fun time altogether.

Inside, which I was hyped for ever since it was announced. Maybe even since I first played Limbo when that first came out, I eagerly awaited Playdead's next title. I hate horror games, but I actually love being creeped out, and both Limbo and Inside nail that sort of unsettling atmosphere I dig. Also kudos to its last half-hour or so, which is absolutely disgusting, fascinating, and completely interactable.
Playing some other games to test my new Bluetooth gamepad...
  • Really wish Street Fighter 4 had a "magic series" a la Skullgirls/MvC. Not being able to L-M-H-Special seems really weird, especially with Sakura.
  • Also, just learned Injustice added Zatanna. Big missed opportunity for a "magic series," too, would've been appropriate.
  • Having an "other series style representative" would be a great way to get other fans into your game, like how Robo-Fortune is "basically" a Guilty Gear character. Just sayin'.
  • The convenience of Xbox 360 controller drivers makes using a third-party device a pain in the rear. Still, this frees up a USB slot and doesn't use AA batteries, so that's nice. After finally figuring out JoyToKey, it's pretty good, especially for emulators.
Other games:
  • Working on Christmas-present backlog- having trouble getting Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver to work. Funnily enough, might have to play on emulator despite having a fancy Steam version.
  • Tomb Raider: Underworld has promise, but for some reason I can't get the timing right for jumping off horizontal poles. Also a funny nostalgia callback to when Laura Croft was Angelina Jolie instead of "Cries McPoutyFace."
  • Brothers: Tale of Two Sons doesn't like my controller for some reason. Got stuck on the first river puzzle, need to try again.
Also on the list: Beyond Good and Evil, Drop Alive, Enter the Gungeon, Flywrench, Soul Reaver 2, Mark of the Ninja, The Wolf Among Us.
Really wish Street Fighter 4 had a "magic series" a la Skullgirls/MvC. Not being able to L-M-H-Special seems really weird, especially with Sakura.

You can get by with some pretty simple combos for her. e.g. cr.lk, st.lp, cr.mk xx special or the general loop st.hp xx LK tatsu, cr.HP xx LK tatsu, st.lk xx EX tatsu, U2, Otoshi (setups) or HP DP. Unfortunately the loops can be character specific, but the one above does decent damage and works on most.
SF x Tekken had a magic series... It haven't saved the game.
Street Fighter with chains just wouldn't be Street Fighter.

RIP in peace, Scalebound, you were too good for your owners
Posted in Platinum thread, but as relevant here.

Hope Kamiya is alright, he's looked miserable since day one of this, you could tell they were shoving him out during events and he felt like a dancing monkey. I lost faith in this game a long time ago though, even if my Windows 10 PC could run it, they've been super sketchy about showing anything and what they have shown are blatantly mock ups, now we know why.

That said, it's funny, when Xbox One was starting up they announced Phantom Dust, Scalebound and D4 and I knew it was a trap to trick me and people with similar taste into thinking Xbox One would cater to us. All of those games are now dead and what we did get of D4 got released on Windows 7 even. What a joke.
Microsoft a shit.

SF x Tekken had a magic series... It haven't saved the game.
How was that game anyway? I've heard the shit about the DLC which was deplorable to no end.
It was a modern Capcom game. Trash.
boy if you like standing light punches it's the game for you
The launch was a disaster. The latest patches made it playable, but the damage was already done. Also gfwl on pc and on disc dlc and paid gems that gave an unfair advantage over "vanilla" players and a ton of paid costumes and colors and the rounds went for too long and etc.
In a way, if you think they're caving to some sort of pressure to change the product against their wishes. But the text of the tweet (I want to ask foreign people. Is not the design of "kira" or "konoha" an obstacle to sales in the US or Europe?) is a legitimate question for a dev to ask, and shows that they want to expand their audience rather than just iterating on their previous works without thought. I'd say that's a good thing.

To continue that thought - people could use this external focus to try to push for some things that actually matter to non-JP players (decent netcode, for example).
The bullshit is a scandalous media forcing the idea the west is so prudish or retrograde this kind of question is necessary
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They refer to it as "western sensibilities". WESTERN SENSIBILITIES, not crappy designs. They think we'd get triggered.
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How dare a dev just ask western games what they want. The nerve of him!
How dare a dev just ask western games what they want. The nerve of him!
The problem is not asking in general. What they did ask might imply that they're afraid to cause some """outrage""" that will get people (who don't play their games) to spam angry letters because one character had a centimeter too much of skin showing.
DoAX3 was not released in the US for pretty much the same reason.

Yeah but apparently you can't read them.
They think we'd get triggered.
The thing is, people do. Or at least they are turned off by what they see. Again, I think it's a perfectly reasonable thing for a dev who wants to increase sales/playerbase to ask. I'd be 100% with you if it was a bunch of people creating noise and demanding that the dev bow to their wishes, but that's not what is going on.

What they did ask might imply that they're afraid to cause some """outrage"""
I disagree here - I think that's only the case if you want it to look that way. I think it's simply a case of the dev asking 'does the character design of X make people not want to buy my game?' and meaning exactly that. Sure, all of the SJW drama from the last few years is probably what made them want to ask that but it's not like they're saying they'll bow to any demand some keyboard warrior makes of them - they're still in control over their product.
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The thing is, people do. Or at least they are turned off by what they see. Again, I think it's a perfectly reasonable thing for a dev who wants to increase sales/playerbase to ask. I'd be 100% with you if it was a bunch of people creating noise and demanding that the dev bow to their wishes, but that's not what is going on.

I disagree here - I think that's only the case if you want it to look that way. I think it's simply a case of the dev asking 'does the character design of X make people not want to buy my game?' and meaning exactly that. Sure, all of the SJW drama from the last few years is probably what made them want to ask that but it's not like they're saying they'll bow to any demand some keyboard warrior makes of them - they're still in control over their product.
That makes more sense.
aaahhh AH4. Imho they really should just redesign but keep it within the Arcana Heart style. Whatever they wish to gain by appealing to "western sensibilities" will only alienate the ones that love the look and feel of the game. Plus anything they do wont matter all that much cause unless they change up the whole anime look altogether, western sales aren't gonna be all that much better. so best case scenario i can see: Change designs up but dont make it too different and hope you get more than AH3.
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If we're talking about a redesign, The main thing I'd like to see changed in the characters' is their fundamental (visual) concepts. I can't quite place my finger on it, but there seems to be some sort of pattern when:

Heart is a schoolgirl.
Saki is a schoolgirl.
Kamui is a schoolgirl.
Akane is a schoolgirl.
Konoha is a schoolgirl.
Weiss is a schoolgirl.
Kira has a Ph.D. ...but is dressed like a schoolgirl.
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Been playing Shantae and the Pirates' Curse, courtesy of Humble Bundle. Really charming fun. Like Kirby, with fanservice!

Blue haired metal fist girl is best. I wanna cuddle her.
Uh... did you mean that for the Indivisible thread, or is there another blue haired metal fist girl?
did you mean that for the Indivisible thread
I thought of Kampan when I read that too.
Just beat Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. Fun! Short and sweet. Last dungeon was a lot harder than the rest of the game. Damn good way to spend a dollar.
Eh. Even if they do redesign a couple characters for AH4, the people they're worried about will find or make reasons to get triggered, like the anime art style in general. They likely wouldn't buy the game even if it was completely altered to remove all the weeb elements. Also, changing the designs purely to fit what they think are Western tastes may result in lost sales from people who actually like the current Arcana Heart aesthetic, which is probably not something Examu wants to have happen.
Who actually likes the current aesthetic though? It's not bad, but it's always just been kind of "ok".

Like, I don't mind fanservice (not that there's even that much in Arcana compared to other games tbh), but most of the designs are pretty cookie cutter and forgettable, if functional. It's one of those games I don't think many people are fans of for the character designs.